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when u were young
have u ever hurt urself
have u did anything stupid like ever thought of taking ur own life
not to get attention but there is this pain in you that make u do so
what was the reason

me i did it b4 i was very depressed back than

no offense k juz wanna know how many people out there ever did something like this have make it through that period and now living a happier life


2007-05-05 08:06:16 · 18 answers · asked by astrid 5 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

18 answers

i think everyone has thought about doing it before. I thought about it a lot when i was younger, like 14-16. i was so strung out on crystal meth. i was a zombie and i didn't really feel anything. except when i was coming down. now im living a pretty good life. im in college going to school to help drug addicts. even though i made it through my tough time, my brother didn't make it past his. he kept silent about his depression until it was too late for us to help him. he committed suicide in january of 06. it sucks that many people who need the help never speak about it until it's too late. i hope you get help if you need it.

2007-05-05 08:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I was in my teens I was obsessed with hanging myself. I thought I could not live my life another day.
Then I kept thinking of small things I was looking forward to. A TV show episode. A Holiday off from school. A Saturday with my friends. And putting of dying until after that small pleasure.
After a while I realized the things that were bothering me really weren't all that important compared to all the misery other people have to endure. People who don't have the time or luxury of complaining, but have to push forward for one reason or another.
I now have a great family of my own and never feel that way.
If you are feeling this way get some therapy quickly. It works and it isn't as hard as it sounds.

2007-05-05 08:14:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

I understand what you're saying. I was real depressed once about 5 years ago. The thoughts of not wanting to live any longer crossed my mind, but I never seriously considered doing anything bad. Eventually, I realized that if life sucked so bad, then it couldn't get any worse. Then things started to get better and better and I've been really happy for a long time now. I think it's part of growing up. A lot of people go through rough times. Good luck.

2007-05-05 08:14:11 · answer #3 · answered by KC Slim 5 · 0 0

Well, it's not something I normally like to share. But you seem to be searching for answers because you really seem bothered by something. So, here it goes. Yes, when I was about 22, I was in a somewhat abusive relationship. I found myself very dependent on the guy. We were together for 4 yrs and the relationship finally was coming to an end. Even though he had cheated on me, hit me, I still felt like my world was ending. I ended up in the hospital from an overdose. Stupid? You bet it was. I can't believe I thought that I could live without him. It was foolish of me to think that he was the only one that could love me and that no one else ever could. I came out of it stronger. And although it still took me a few years to really get over him, I can't believe I placed the value of my life with him. It's never worth it. Don't ever give someone that much power over you that you feel you can't live on. Today, and many many years later, I am truly happy that I didn't succeed in my attempt. I have been married 11 yrs and we have a very lovely 10 year old daughter. I would have missed out on so much in my life if I had succeeded in that. And my family and friends would have missed out too. Love life, even if it throws you a curve ball.

2007-05-05 08:42:44 · answer #4 · answered by teashy 6 · 1 0

yes when i was in my middle 20s i tried taking a whole bottle of aspirin and according to the hospital i should have died but i didn't, thank God, and yes i am very happy today. The reason was the same reason most women try it because of some dumb man/boy.
Listen to me, ur life is worth more than some dumb jerk who doesn't know a good thing when it drops in his lap. Ur life will get better and if u continue to have thoughts of taking ur life then go to a local hospital and get some help. If u can't afford it, the hospital can tell u how to get inexpensive or free help or should b able to.
Good luck and keep ur chin up and ur head held high because u r worth it.

2007-05-05 08:17:33 · answer #5 · answered by Nora G 7 · 0 0

My doctor alway told me that feeling depressed for a short period of time is norman, especially for females. Because of our hormones. You should start getting concerned when you can't seem to shake that feeling and it lasts longer than just a few days. You should seek immediate attention if your feelings become suicidal.

Everyone goes through "the blues" at least one point in there lives. It's how you handle it that makes all the difference.

2007-05-05 08:13:21 · answer #6 · answered by nicegirl 4 · 0 0

ME, I wanted to end my life so many times when I was younger but could never bring myself to do it. I still think about it but I have three kids now to live for, there isn't anyone else that gives a crap about them so I have to stay sane to be able to care for them.

2007-05-05 08:12:29 · answer #7 · answered by Mama Garrison 3 · 0 0

Yes, and the reason is too personal. Just look forward to the future.

2007-05-05 08:12:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh Astrid, that is so sad. I'm really glad you were able to rise above it.

I never wanted to hurt myself, I did, however, have people I wanted to hurt.

2007-05-05 08:11:11 · answer #9 · answered by ♥Tiilynn♥ 4 · 0 0

That would be me. but you're better now right? actually every person, because everybody experiences bad and good times. you wouldn't appreciate the good times if you didn't have bad times

2007-05-05 08:12:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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