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please expalin to me what it is ? how it's done ? and WHY it's done ? is it legal or illegal ? Plese forgive my ignorance but i was half asleep on the couch and got bit's and pieces of the converstaion on t.v. and woke up thinking what the heck ???

2007-05-04 21:55:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

omg , i have read and i'm about to cry ..I hope this form of murder is now ilegal..How could a lady and a doctor live with themselves after being a part of this..

2007-05-04 22:11:57 · update #1

omg , i have read and i'm about to cry ..I hope this form of murder is now ilegal..How could a lady and a doctor live with themselves after being a part of this..

2007-05-04 22:12:04 · update #2

7 answers

Partial birth abortions, also known as D & X , are used for advanced pregnancies after the 4th or 5th month.

The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix. The baby's legs hang outside the woman's body. With the baby face-down, scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered. Sharp and suction curettage is continued until the walls of the womb are clean.

Right now it is illegal.

2007-05-04 22:04:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its an abortion procedure usually done after 24 weeks when the baby is too big for other types of abortion.
The mothers labour is unduced and then the baby is born feet first alive but with the head still inside the mother. Then the doctor rams a pair of scissors inside the babys head and then sucks out its brains.
Not very nice but thatw what happens.
Personally I believe this is totally wrong because at the point this procedure is done if the babys head was just allowed to come out then it would be counted as a person and could be adopted by someone that desperately wants a child.
But because of a small technicality of the babys head being stuck up a vagina the baby doesnt count as a person and is allowed to be murdered.

2007-05-04 22:03:12 · answer #2 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 0 0

partial birth abortion is when the baby is to big, to far along to have a regular abortion. They use forceps to break the mothers water, they turn the baby to where it will be feet down, give medication to induce labor. After the baby moves down to where the feet are out(partial birth) they slip and instrument up thru the mothers cervix and puncture a hole in the soft spot at the base of the baby's skull then the use a suction to suck out the brain contents, after this they deliver the dead baby the rest of the way. That way they can say it wasn't born alive. MURDER

2007-05-04 22:05:18 · answer #3 · answered by Lela34 2 · 0 0

It is the worst possible thing anybody can do to a human being no matter how small "THE MINUTE OF CONCEPTION
LIFE BEGINS" I wish it could all be illegal thats why men & women there is birth control,condoms!!! partial birth abortion is when the doctor partially delivers the fetus and crushes the skull with scissors and dismembers the tiny little body,can you imagine the pain and suffring the baby must go through?abortions happen almost to the 8th month its all MURDER!

2007-05-04 22:47:59 · answer #4 · answered by sungoddess7300@yahoo.com 2 · 0 0

Partial Birth Abortion, a late-term and highly controversial abortion procedure, is currently legal in almost the entire United States. The baby is killed when it is only a few inches from being given full U.S. citizenship and the legal right to life. The baby is alive when the Partial Birth Abortion procedure is performed.

A few states have outlawed some or all forms of Partial Birth Abortion. The national Congress has passed a Partial Birth Abortion ban, however President Clinton has vetoed this bill. The American Medical Association Legislative Council voted unanimously to recommend endorsement of the bill, however the Senate has still been unable to override Clinton's veto.

Partial Birth Abortion remains legal primarily because of common misconceptions about the topic. Many people believe that partial birth abortions are rare, and are only performed to save the mother. However, in the United States alone, thousands of partial birth abortions are performed every year, almost exclusively for elective and not health-based reasons1. These babies are killed: were they to be fully and not partially delivered their lives could be saved. Many people argue that the anesthetics used in the process kill the baby, so death to the child painless. However the American Society of Anesthesiologists testified to Congress that this is simply not true2.

The main issue protecting partial birth abortions is fear that women may need this procedure to preserve their health. However America's leading authority on late-term abortion stated that partial birth abortion is "never necessary to preserve a woman's health."3 Partial birth abortion is an unneccessary procedure that sacrifices thousands of children.

2007-05-04 22:10:26 · answer #5 · answered by mykill 2 · 0 2

OMG. partial birth abortion uh i don't even want to go there. but for the sake of letting you know i will tell ya.

Well i woman carries a baby for nine months and when she gos to deliver a doctor comes in with a large vaccum hose neddle and just when the baby is in the birthing cannal he sticks the neddle in the infants head and sucks the brain out and then delivers the dead infant.

According to this kind of abortion the baby is not consided a person with rights untill its head has left the mothers body. therefore a lot of times the doctor will hold the babies head in the birthing canal to insure that the head does not come out untill the brain has been sucked out.
I don't know the legality of it but it most definatly should not be legal. these infants are consided abortions dispite that they are full term babies therefore they will have no name and will not be buried insted will be put in a blast furnest with the rest of the garbage.

I personally find it sick and desterbing.

2007-05-04 22:12:50 · answer #6 · answered by goddessjessie2007 2 · 0 2

Partail birth is when the baby is partially born and then they suck it's brains out.
Sounds extreemely brutal and it is!!!!!
The Supreeme court just called it inantacide and it is now currently illegal. The democrats are trying to push a bill that would garentee mothers right to kill the fetus at any stage of pregnancy.

2007-05-04 22:05:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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