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Uranium, what is the motive. I dont want the same lib-con debate, and please nothing about George Bush, this is a question about Iran and their goal, is it peaceful as they claim or is it to build a bomb to start the next great war. Will they attack Israel, and what can be done about it?
Straight answers please...

2007-05-04 19:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by Jack L. W. 3 in News & Events Current Events

13 answers

I am Iranian ,I live here in Tehran .But I really don't know.
consider these facts:
1- Iranian government repeatedly and clearly have declared that they don't want nuclear weapon .and they are seeking peaceful usages.
2- western countries ,Isreal ,Pakistan,India have nuclear weapons and they havenot criticzied seriously for it, so it is everyday question here why while they have nuclear WEOPONS ,we should be deprived of PEACFUL usage of nuclear ENERGY,fair question! ,I'm not trying to proof something I want to describe atmosphere here .
3- let accept they are trying to make weapons (honestly I guess so), is it as dangerous as US government try to show .while military industry are so developed in west ,there is no defensive power against such thread? nonsense!
4- why Iran should attack Isreal? tell me one reason? what are benefits? Ideological reasons? come on we are talking about politicians ,governors of a country which is full of natural resources like oil ,if politcs was based on ideology we would live in a better world today!

somebody said Iranian gather one thay a week and want death of Isreal and the USA ,he/she says 1 million , maybe it is the number of total prayer which take part in friday religous ceremony all over the country. ok but one milione is about 1.4% of total population ,let multiply it by 10 ,then it is 14% and it is still a minority.
you are a simple citizen there ,I am too here ,we can't answer your question . unfortunately we are suffering from stupid politicians these days so we can put Bush and Ahmadinejad aside ,Iranian people have their own problems with their lives why some western people think we are planing how to kill them every night?or Iseraelies?
If Iranian government want to build nuclear bombs ,is it right to attack Iran?... I don't know but let me say you something I voted against Ahmadinejad ,I am not even a religous person ,I wish we had a different government ,I like american culture ,I respect their country and admire their developments,but I don't like to see american soldiers around my house( becuase they are not tourists or hollywood actress ,or rock singers) , I'm not inerseted to see hunderds of people die everyday.
If you feel you live in a free country rather than mine ,you are more responsible .

2007-05-05 10:53:05 · answer #1 · answered by Koosha 2 · 2 0

Absolutely they are trying to get a bomb. What, over the past 29+ years, have the ayatollahs done to allow for the world to trust them in anything they say?

They have long desired to be the leading nation in the Middle East and seen as an equal on the world stage. This would instantly provide them with that. The unfortunate thing is that there is no accountability for the crazies who are leading that nation. They are known and admitted supporters of terrorism and a stated goal of theirs is to wipe Israel off the map.

They simply cannot be allowed to become nuclear. We have our military in both Afghanistan and Iraq (as well as the Persian Gulf) and we just need to enact regime change in Iran. Iran used to be a great friend of the US and a very forward-looking nation and people and it can be once more with the elimination of its idealogical theocratic regime.

2007-05-05 03:09:16 · answer #2 · answered by Geoff W 2 · 0 0

I don't think theres any doubt they want nuclear weapon. Russia and others have offered Iran the fuels for their nuclear power plant, therefore not allowing them to have covert enrichment plan. Iran refused. I don't know if they'll actually hit Israel, but just having 1 nuclear weapon is huge leverage in any negotiations with other countries around the world.

2007-05-05 02:55:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1)Nuclear weapon = wants to show the world their power (military wise).
2) Israel = No way. they will not even dare dare doing that. And if there is a plot...Israel will know it before anyone (many Persian Jews immigrated to Israel, so the language is not a problem, are maybe spies)
3) Israel had the bomb loooong time ago.
4) Iran hates Arabs too, ask them. ONLY religion is the same, but nothing else.

2007-05-05 03:05:47 · answer #4 · answered by Servette 6 · 0 1

Since there is absolutely nothing to prove the contrary,yes Iran is building power plants for electricity...
Attacking Israel?I really doubt it.They are not that stupid and I think that they are perfectly aware what might happen in case of such an attack...And as long as Iran doesn't attack anyone and minds its own business they have the full support of Russia and China...

2007-05-05 04:14:54 · answer #5 · answered by Tinkerbell05 6 · 1 1

First off, who really cares?! I'm sure the Tehran brain-trust is savvy enough to realize that the first nuke they launch will be their last, 'cos the entire f--king country would be turned into a glass parking lot about half an hour later, right or wrong. In other words, they're not that stupid...and a hell of a lot smarter than the American administration, that's for sure. If George thinks he can really manipulate the American people into making Adminedjad (sp?) the new Saddam he's even dumber than he looks.

And...though I'll probably catch a lot of hell for saying this (like I really care), but, considering all the atrocities Israel has carried out over the years -with and without American complicity- maybe Israel DESERVES to be attacked. All I can say is that if Iran really is stupid enough to get nukes and use them, they should make the best of it and launch two: one for Washington and one for Tel Aviv and make sure they hit the f--king targets!

2007-05-05 08:26:13 · answer #6 · answered by Jesus Murphy 3 · 2 3

Did you know that one day a week millions of Iranians get together holding flags and banner that read death to Isreal, and death to americans. This might sound radical but it is true... I have a friend that went there in the peace core not only that I've seen it on the news 2 yrs ago. That is why America is tring to put a stop to it. I don't fill that it would be the Iranian gov. but the crazies that live in it. I don't know if they want to make electricity or if its bombs. I do know that until they have a stabble gov. they shouldn't be able to have nuclear plants.

2007-05-05 03:09:22 · answer #7 · answered by bgraphic1 2 · 1 2

oil will eventually run out or the world will change to other energy sources. why should Iran be left behind when the change occurs. why is it any more evil for them to prepare for the future than anyone else. atomic weapons to defend themselves from potentially aggressive nuclear powers that might what their oil makes sense too, doesn't it.

2007-05-05 04:15:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

About forty years ago, I had to learn to duck and cover, because there were thousands of real missles with real nuclear warheads pointed at the USA, with various 'godless dictators' in control of them... and I somehow survived to tell the tale

tell me when they actually make a missle with a nuke warhead, and I will teach you how to duck and cover

2007-05-05 07:36:31 · answer #9 · answered by The Shadow Knows 6 · 0 0

Every country would have nuclear weapons if they could. If you lived on a dangerous block, wouldn't you want a gun? Even if just for protection? So...the answer is probably for both reasons.

2007-05-05 02:59:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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