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I always hear Liberals attacking the idea of liberating the people of Iraq based on the ideas that there were no WMD there, and there was no Al Qaeda connection. Accepting the first premise as being true, something must have changed at approximately the same time the Bush administration took office, because right up until then, there were Democrats speaking out about the need to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Many of these Democrat quotes mentioned WMD, but that was not the only reason given. In actuality, there were more reasons to remove Saddam Hussein than there were to allow him to remain in power. The intelligence came from the CIA, which was lead by Georgie Porgie Pudding Pie through both administrations. Have you ever seen the video of a living person having their hand dissected? If you lived under Hussein's rule, you could have been the lucky guy. At any rate, I must have missed the great event that occurred in Iraq involving the WMD. What happened, and when did it occur?

2007-05-04 19:43:19 · 10 answers · asked by Raalnan5 2 in Politics & Government Politics

For those of you who want to mention the impeachment day bombings of the aspirin factory, let me suggest a movie. It's called “wag the dog”. For the rest of you, I do understand that personal attacks often take the place of useful conversation, so I would appreciate it if you would include your party (Democrat, Republican, or other) and persuasion (Left, Center, or Right) with your response.

2007-05-04 19:45:14 · update #1

As for me, I am a registered Democrat, but I guess the party's current position puts me right of center. I wonder how many of the people in my party could identify with JFK's famous inauguration speech.

2007-05-04 19:53:33 · update #2

ed-mike: Great point. Now how did either Bush orchestrate the 8 attacks on US interests during the Clinton administration?

2007-05-04 19:55:41 · update #3

Sami V: another great point. Are you accepting the premise that the intelligence had to have been bi-partisan, since the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY in place was put there by a Democrat, and only held over as an effort in bi-partisanship by a Republican administration?

2007-05-04 19:58:28 · update #4

BRICK: Come on, don't tell me that GWB, who told Vicente Fox that he would grant amnesty to the nations nearest threat, is a 'great' president. I voted for him twice, and even I am not THAT devoted.

2007-05-04 20:00:58 · update #5

Cecil T: can you get me the names of these fleeing doctors, they are needed in Canada.

2007-05-04 20:02:16 · update #6

Roy: Thanks for enlightening me. While I have heard Clinton's "bombing the stockpiles" put forth as a possibility, it usually comes without the type of thing we in the real world generally refer to as "proof". Where are the post bombing run assessments? Why did he continue to deny weapons inspectors access to sites, even after the aspirin factory had been destroyed.

2007-05-05 02:14:03 · update #7

Question Everything: It sounds as if you are talking about Joe Wilson, when you mention the "CIA" disproving the claim that there was an attempt to purchase Yellow Cake. Can you find me some written proof of this? I don't think so, Wilson's verbal report on the matter suggested the fact that that the British were correct in that finding. Even if Wilson had not confirmed the finding of the British, how would he have proved that Iraq didn't try to buy Uranium? he was not working for the CIA, his wife was, and she was an intelligence analyst, not a covert operative. Can you get me some sources?
Is it safe to assume that Al Qaeda was already a global force, but Iraq was still the new frontier for them?
The question YOU should be asking is why, I have already asked the question I should be asking. Don't worry, this is Answers, there are plenty of questions for everyone. If you repost your questions as questions, and not answers to my questions, I will be happy to try to address them.

2007-05-05 02:52:23 · update #8

10 answers

For the Democrats in power, painting the current administration as "the evil party that wrongfully invaded an innocent country and deposed a rightful leader who'd done nothing wrong", is a great way to earn votes and regain the majority. It's not about Bush lying, or there being no WMDs...those are just talking points.

On some level, the left is still conceding that we need to stay in Iraq, but they want to play this issue for all it's worth, and hopefully use it to regain the White House.

And I'm a Right leaning Libertarian

2007-05-04 19:49:52 · answer #1 · answered by Kenny S 2 · 1 2

The changing event occurred in the USA on 9/11/01. Iraq was not the primary threat at the time this war was started, and it was not the logical front for the war against terrorism, and it was not the source of the 911 attacks. We had much more work to be done in Afghanistan before we started this war. Iraq should have been dealt with differently. This was never about liberation of Iraq, and you know that already.

The Bush administration lied intentionally claiming to know for a fact that Saddam was trying to obtain materials from Africa for nuclear weapons programs. They had already been informed by the CIA that the story was bogus. They claimed to know for a fact that Saddam had active WMD programs. They claimed Iraq was the biggest threat to provide WMD's to terrorists. They claimed Iraq was an imminent threat. They played on the fears of Americans that there could be a mushroom cloud if we did not move quickly into Iraq. There was no reason not to allow more time for gathering intelligence on Iraq. There was no reason not to try to get weapons inspectors back into Iraq to verify the WMD programs were ended.

The Bush administration lied intentionally claiming to know for a fact that Al Qaeda had connections with Saddam. They lied about Saddam and Iraq being involved in the 911 attacks. They asked the CIA repeatedly to find evidence to support this, and the CIA told them there is no evidence and no reason to believe there would be such a connection. They continued to tell the same lie.

They mislead the American people every step of the way. These lies came directly from the mouths of the Bush administration and not from the democrats and not from the CIA. The question you should be asking is: WHY?

Why did they twist and push the intelligence to support their agenda. Why did they ignore the intelligence that did not support their agenda? Why did they completely disregard all warnings of potential problems and advice of experts on that region of the world.

Why did the administration arrogantly ignore the military advice and send only 1/2 to 1/4 as many troops as were needed to secure a country of this size?

Why did they say it would only cost about $50 billion?

Why did they completely disassemble the government and the military leaving the country destabilized?

Why are they not aware that American occupation of this Arabic Islamic country fuels intense hatred against America?

They have too much oil to ignore in that region of the world, and we need to make sure we can keep it flowing because we need it desperately. That is what motivated this administration to begin what was always intended to be a long term occupation, but they don't like to admit it. We should let the Iraqis have their country back as soon as possible. Let them fight their civil wars if necessary.

2007-05-05 04:25:17 · answer #2 · answered by Question Everything 2 · 1 0

If you are talking about Liberals talking about removing Saddam from power or WMDs in Iraq in 1997, well my friend you have either forgotten or conveniently left what happened next. Bill Clinton bombed the hell out of Iraq destroying all their stock piles. PROOF: NO WMDS Found by the Bush Administration.

Now when Bush made the same claim knowing the it was not true, and gave the whole USA faulty intelligence so he can go and fight his war. Most intelligent people would say that it was immoral and wrong.

Advocating Al Qaeda connection with Iraq is like saying the Bush Administration was involved in 9/11 since all the suicide pilots were in America. Now isn't that the argument that Saddam was involved since Al Qaeda was in Iraq. If you are not able to see the logic out of it, then you deserve to be Republican.

About Georgie Porgie Pudding Pie didn't the Worst President Ever bribe him by giving him the medal. I have no sympathy for any of them.

Hopefully this answer would broaden you knowledge on the great event in Iraq, which was the bombing ordered by Bill Clinton. To increase brain capacity step away from the Kool Aid fountain and Fox network.

2007-05-05 03:27:17 · answer #3 · answered by Roy 4 · 1 0

Republicans passed legislation for troop withdrawls from Somalia in 1993 but Clinton got blamed as a coward. This is the same thing happening in Iraq except congress can't seem to make Bush realize. The fact is that this has been going on for some time and no party has the nations best interest at heart.

“If the President of the United States cannot say, ‘Here is what we are fighting for in ________, that more Americans may perish in service to the goals, and here is why it is worth that price,’ then, Mr. President, we have no right – no right – to ask Americans to risk their lives in any further misadventures in ________.”

The blanks said Somalia and this is from John McCain in 1993

2007-05-05 04:06:14 · answer #4 · answered by the 2nd woody 3 · 1 0

I vote libertarian.

I absolutely agree with you. Democrats and Republicans saw Saddam Hussein as a threat. The UN put the burden of proof on Saddam to show that he disarmed. We know he had WMDs because he used them against his own people. I assume the only 'great event' that occurred was George W. Bush calling the shots instead of Clinton.

2007-05-05 03:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by TheOrange Evil 7 · 1 1

We have liberated the Iraqi people all right!

Besides the 2,000 doctors and nurses that have been deliberately murdered in Iraq, we have also liberated Iraq by causing over 18,000 additional doctors and health-care workers to flee Iraq.

We have devastated that country.

We have shattered an entire stained glass window with a shotgun in an attempt to remove just one facet called Saddam.

Here is the title of a new book: LIBERATION FOR DUMMIES
by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the neo cons.

2007-05-05 02:59:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Liberals wanted war with Iraq but since they couldn't control it after Clinton's disgraceful behavior gave the GOP control of Congress, they've undermined President Bush's efforts at every step of the way. Add to that, the media has done all it could to support the Liberals and bring down a great President.

It's absolutely disgraceful that we've got boys in the field being told by their Congress that they've lost the war.

I am a lifelong Republican who believes in small government, that abortion is murder, that I have the right to bear arms and that fiscal responsibility supports family and civic responsibility.

2007-05-05 02:56:24 · answer #7 · answered by BRICK 3 · 1 2

The United States of America fell victim to the greatest orchestrated economic swindle of all time. Perpetrated by George Herbert Walker Bush and the Saudi Royal Family et El to the sum of almost a trillion dollars.
Cha Ching!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-05 02:52:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Invasion of Iraq on false intelligence by American and allied forces!

2007-05-05 02:54:11 · answer #9 · answered by Sami V 7 · 2 2

last month more than a hundred American soldiers died combat ,to me that's a great event, maybe now the American will withdraw their army and go home

2007-05-05 03:05:47 · answer #10 · answered by khalidhamed 2 · 1 3

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