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I really wonder if Liberals really mean that when they speak of it, or if it's just their Hatred of President Bush that clouds their perspective .
Personally, I want my President to LEAD, not follow . If he/she is elected to lead, then I want them to lead . And true leadership has nothing to do with being a poll-watcher .

What's your opinion ?

2007-05-04 19:13:39 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

REnate - That's very interesting but not an answer to the question .

2007-05-04 19:19:28 · update #1

Neo- That's very interesting , but not an answer to the question .

2007-05-04 19:20:38 · update #2

Gotrice - Do you flip pancakes as often as you flip-flop on opinions ?

2007-05-04 19:22:22 · update #3

G - So are you flipping pancakes too ?

2007-05-04 19:23:20 · update #4

Does anyone else notice that the Liberal answers want it both ways ?

2007-05-04 19:25:36 · update #5

G - Again crying ? The question "What's your opinion" was referring to the original question . What's the matter, 2 questions too much for you to handle ? Next time I'll preface my question just for you . I'll warn people . .. 'Warning, this post may require that you read 2 questions ' . Oooooh the humanity !!

2007-05-04 19:28:52 · update #6

34 answers

What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.

There's no doubt he's very unpopular. And he's made mistakes. Bush opponents can wear the poll results as a badge of victory. They will probably win on '08, too, as things now stand.

I disagree with them strongly. They seem to think that all the world's problems (and ours) are because of Bush, and if he is gone everything can go back to the "halcyon days" of Clinton, when we were not aware of the threats against us.

I think that's utterly ridiculous.

I fear that we do not have the will to prevail against an enemy determined to destroy us, somehow, sooner or later. I hope I'm wrong. Certainly the folks who thought Bush never was elected, and/or thought he was behind 9/11, will say I'm nuts. So be it.

Polls? The crowd called for Barabbus to be freed, not Jesus.

2007-05-07 02:44:19 · answer #1 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 2 0

Considering the fact that when polls are conducted, it usually says at the bottom. Number of people contacted, 1000. Accuracy + or - 3%. 1000 people hardly represents the nation.
I've never been polled. I don't know anybody that has ever been polled. I live in a very major metropolitan area. So for the most part I don't trust polls at all. My feeling is that when they are conducted, they're done in mostly urban areas. Urban areas probably being about 80% liberal.
Just think. If they suddenly started doing polls strictly in the midwest, how would they turn out? Bush would have a 90% job approval rating.
In recent decades, the presidents that did not follow polls are the ones that achieved greatness.
Just starting with Carter, nope, no greatness.
Reagan,yes, the collpase of the Soviet empire.
Bush Sr, sorta, mostly due to the Gulf War. It showed the world our military might.
Clinton,uhhhhhh, no.
Bush Jr, Yes. The outcome of what is going on now will affect us for generations. He knows that, most cons know that. If he followed polls, Iraq would be another Somalia right now.

Poll watching is about popularity. Not about being responsible.

2007-05-05 01:05:22 · answer #2 · answered by scottdman2003 5 · 6 0

Presidents should lead by conviction, not by opinion poll. People are fickle and many of us change our minds like the wind blows. We are also not always privy to all the information required to make a decision at the Presidential level. Just because something is repeated enough times by the media to become popular truth does not always make it an actual truth. A leader should always consider the will of the people and weigh it against the good of the nation by taking in all the information available when making a decision.

2007-05-04 23:34:21 · answer #3 · answered by Bryan 7 · 6 0


I want a President that operates on principles not on which way the wind is blowing on a particular day. Think Lincoln. In his time, he was hated but stuck to his principles.

As others here have pointed out, the polls are not accurate. They are engineered to get the answers desired by those that fund them.

I have never been polled - but then I am not generally available at home during the day to answer the phone. They don't seem to call in the evening. Hmmmm.... lets see now ... which demographic might the pollsters be targeting?

2007-05-05 12:48:45 · answer #4 · answered by bossbackocd 3 · 4 0

representative democracy ability the leaders do no longer ought to study with electorate earlier making judgements, yet they're anticipated to act on behalf of those they lead. in the journey that they care about protecting place of work, they should be attentive to what the persons pick at the same time as making an allowance for that the conventional American is amazingly uneducated on modern-day affairs, as maximum purely recognize what the mainstream media comments. the point of an election is to enable the electorate to assert no matter if or not they sense a political candidate is performing on behalf of the citizen, and no matter if or not they pick that baby-kisser's persevered administration or someone new.

2016-11-25 19:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The answer of course is as always pretty simple. In our form of government the elected officials go out and tell us stuff, we go vote for one of them and they get elected..........Now at that point it is their job to do what they think is right, they are not supposed to have a webconference every night to get a feel for what we want to have happen tomorrow. Certainly we can and should let them know how we feel on certain issues, but it is still their job until the next election to do what THEY THINK IS RIGHT. I would have it no other way.

Just because a perceived majority think we should sterilize all women on welfare, does that mean we should, regardless of it being right or wrong? Ehll NO. The majority rules only at the ballot box, after that it is the elected officials decision whether we like it or not.

I believe a politician who waits to see the polls before he makes a decision, or one who changes his position based on polls, is a coward, a person who has no strength of character and should not be in elected office. There are many of these on the Democratic side of the aisle and I work very hard to get them removed because they are dangerous to our republic.

I am not interested in changing our form of government, I am interested in getting rid of career politicians in congress as I believe that is where our greatest danger to our freedom lies today.

2007-05-05 02:16:14 · answer #6 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 7 0

The answer to this question is it really depends on the issue. The general public isn't privy to all the information the president has at his disposal. Also, there is a question of defending individual constitutional rights.
Eisenhower, as an example, went against general public opinion when he force desegregation. LBJ did the same thing with the Civil Rights Act.
War, however, is a different issue. The general public, who is asked to make all the sacrifices for war, must have the major voice in the conflict. When a vast majority of the people are against a war, it creates civil unrest. Vietnam was a good example. It was public opinion that ended that war. If it had been left up to politicians, we'd probably still be fighting in Indochina today.

2007-05-05 03:24:51 · answer #7 · answered by Perplexed Bob 5 · 2 4

No! That is what our previous commander and chief did. It may have made him popular among the people who don't pay close attention, which is why his crimes were 'forgotten'. I prefer a leader with the intestinal fortitude to DO WHAT IS RIGHT - not what is popular. Heck, I hate this freakin war and want our troops home--but I'd have no respect left for him if he caved to popular opinion. So would the rest of the world. He is doing the right thing whether we like it or not.

2007-05-06 14:13:40 · answer #8 · answered by Cherie 6 · 2 0

I agree, but he must lead where the country is already going anyway, going off the course wildly in either direction is going to cause chaos, one needs to nudge the country this way or that way. Polls should be used to determine the pulse of the nation on issues not to decide to do something or not. Many decisions just need to be made no matter what the populace thinks or feels about something.

2007-05-04 19:23:06 · answer #9 · answered by thanatos_azrael 5 · 4 1

The president should do what is right and not make decisions based on popularity. However I am sure that there are times when the right thing may also be the popular thing, even though it maybe rare in occurrence. Following the straight and narrow is never easy but its always right.

2007-05-05 00:29:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

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