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Are you a feminist? If so, why? If not, why?

2007-05-04 19:07:17 · 18 answers · asked by Jaebaby 1 in Social Science Sociology

18 answers

Am I a feminist?


I would like to add that the of feminism and it says nothing about liberalism, lesbianism, man hating, non-bra wearing, etc. To be a feminist, you have to believe in the equality between men and women and that women and men should be paid the same for the same work.

Now, I think there's a problem with our society that women and men do not want to accept the term "feminist" because of conotations of radical movements. In fact today, there are liberal and conservative types of feminism.

So this is why I'm a feminist:

1. To Redefine the word "Feminist" and work towards education making the word more accepted and used in a positive sense instead of negative.

2. Because there is a wage gap. Despite those that call it a myth, government studies have proved its existence.

3. Because I believe in comprehensive sex education and believe that Abstinence Only Until Marriage is not only uneffective, but teaches girls (and boys) to be ashamed of sexuality and can cause issues or remorse later in life.

4. Because I believe that there are obstacles women need to still overcome in our society, our workplaces, our politics.

5. Because we need to value motherhood and value the job that mothers do and more men need to step up and take part in housework and child rearing.

Those are probably the main reasons. There are more. I didn't want to take up too much room though :D

2007-05-10 08:59:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

A feminist believes in equality for men and women, like equal pay for equal work. So you bet I'm a feminist.

Don't see what equal pay has to do with being masculine or a lesbian or angry. Sounds like a few people believe some very old stereotypes.

In spite of what we all hope for, women in the US still make less than men, even when they do the same job, have the same education, and have the same amount of work experience.

In other parts of the world, women still can't buy property, get a job or get a loan without a husband or father. Therefore, many women and children live in poverty.

Good luck!

2007-05-05 12:23:00 · answer #2 · answered by edith clarke 7 · 2 1

A person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Feminists are the people who got us the right to vote, who banned alcohol during the roaring 20s, and believed that women are born with the same rights as men. I am definitely a feminist. I believe that we are all created equal and have the same rights as men do.

2007-05-05 10:57:54 · answer #3 · answered by dot dot dot 3 · 3 2

-Feminists are supposed to be for equal rights but as most groups there are extremists but they do not dictate our behavior as a whole. Think of it this way: yeah there are extremist christians but does that make all of them bad? The answer is no.

-Men should not be made fun of for showing emotions for fear of being seen as "feminine". We are all humans and as such naturally have emotions so who cares if a man cries, REALLY it's allowed and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I'm certainly not going to laugh at a guy for showing emotions and guys shouldn't do that to each other.

-Saying all feminists are unloved and unwanted is as bad as stereotypes such as "All gamer guys are fat" or "All cheer leaders are whores". All of them are not true, as a group of people there will be a variety of people who are feminists. I am a feminist, a gamer, thin, and also have a boyfriend who loves me more than anything else in the world. Even Hollywood celebs such as Emma Watson are feminist...but there are also plenty of men who are feminist inside and outside of Hollywood.

-Many of us who are feminist are for a variety of reasons such as abuse, being under payed, being sexually harassed, feeling under-represented, and so on. In my case it is because of having been abused by a few of my exes and also having been sexually harassed a lot when I was in high school and even by total strangers while I am simply trying to enjoy my day. I get my butt grabbed a lot and it is not fun at all, and this is always while I am fully clothed in a t-shirt and jeans. I am not a partying type at all nor do I drink because I don't want to be told "you were asking for it" if something happens like I get sexually harassed more or even raped. I want to be seen as human not as a sexual object of interest, can't I take a walk without having to worry about these things? Seriously!

2016-07-28 03:05:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I disagree that regret = rape.

I disagree that you should take or diminish someones success in order to artificially elevate another standing.

I don't believe you can have equality when there is no equality to be had. You can not make a pineapple = to a broccoli.

I believe that every individual should have the right to pursue any goal and height regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual preference.

For example pay equity. If I decide that my services are worth $15/hour that's what I am going to bargain for. I am not going settle for 12/hour and when I find someone who is doing the same job as I is getting 12.50/hour demand that same wage. If I do this next week I will find that same person will be making 13/hour.

I cherish in my individual liberty. I also believe that I shouldn't try to anchor someone else's liberty because "It's not fair for me".

2014-10-28 22:10:28 · answer #5 · answered by some_day_now 5 · 0 2

A feminist is a woman who fights for woman's rights. But in the world today, woman have equality. So this has caused feminist to give off the perception of being angry, militant people who are oftentimes associated with lesbianism. At least that's what I have observed to be true.

2007-05-04 19:11:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

I am a post feminist because i realize that the sexes are equal in importance but not identical in function. Men tend to do men things because of the influence of testosterone and women the same for testosterone.
I came upon this happiness inside me when I realized that men and women are the same animal and essentially have the same sex organs but have developed since conception differently because of hormonal influences.
There is no need to rewrite 10,000 years of cultural evolution and label all sex as rape but rather just to understand that male dominator culture needs to be checked and both sexes need to r-e-s-p-e-c-t each other, not just tolerate.
BTW: are you reading this because it is good stuff!

2007-05-09 17:20:07 · answer #7 · answered by blinky doodles 4 · 1 1

I am a Feminist because I believe I am just as valuable as any man and should be treated as such, I believe I should be able to do whatever I chose without discrimination of fear and so should all men a man should not be discriminated against because he wants to be a hairstylist just like a woman should not be judged for wanting to be a mechanic

2014-12-06 10:17:21 · answer #8 · answered by Allison 1 · 3 0

i have examine articles in papers (both on-line & offline) that are not any more something more desirable than attempting to dictate what makes "a real guy" (of their opinion, purely)... i have examine many feminist authors and many web pages/blogs, i have also interacted in actuality with feminists (of which purely one is what I seen a first rate man or woman, an somewhat stunning woman certainly) and also had some feminists come to my internet website. as an social gathering of website/blog interplay, I had a feminist linking to my website from a feminist thread on a seperate communicate board. She made countless claims and at the same time as requested for evidence of her claims, she pointed human beings to a pair of threads on my website... she would not quote something. She claimed that i develop into expressing *my* opinion, and then persevered to inform the visitors what *my* opinion develop into... She develop into fully incorrect as between the threads I had no longer even printed in and the different I had no longer given any opinion both way (and that i used similar cope with on both web pages, so no risk of unsuitable id). briefly, she lied and develop into hoping that persons will be too lazy to adhere to the links and examine the content textile themselves, as a effect convincing human beings of her dishonest opinion. it really is how i see feminism... lies, incorrect information and a deafening silence at hatred in course of men.

2016-11-25 19:39:36 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Feminism is a broad term and the movement has evolved with the changing times.

In the US Women, by the way, have not achieved equal salaries to men ...

Women are quite vulnerable to domestic violence, are more likely to live in poverty then their male counterparts, etc ...

I am linking to Wikipedia, they do a great job of summarizing the history, and broad scope of this movement.

But in a nutshell, feminism focuses on the equal rights of women. From a practical standpoint, it centers on improving the quality of women's lives worldwide.

2007-05-05 05:35:46 · answer #10 · answered by poweranni 7 · 3 1

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