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I have been obsessed with Nikola Tesla ever since my dad told me about him when I was about 10 he is undoubtabley the greatest free thinker that ever lived and if you dont know about him check out this link and give me your opinion and if you find him interesting introduce him to your children and friends and we can create a generation of free thinkers and inventors. Would that not be cool?"


2007-05-04 18:43:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

Have you heard of Flight 19 , The Phillidelpia Experiment (time travel), HAARP wheather control), The Monauk Project (mass mind control), Star Wars (not the movie) ,advanced satelight protection grid)? they are also all connected to Nikola Tesla by his patents and or ideas.

2007-05-04 18:44:25 · update #1

I posted this same question in the sub-category engineering in Science & Mathematics and it has been removed because of some kind of violation (someone reported it as abuse) if you do not see any abuse or violation in this question please contact customer service, and ask them to restore the same question in Science & Mathematics / Engineering. It has 17 answers that I would really like to read. Again, only do this if you see no violation. Thank you all for your input on this question.

2007-05-04 18:44:53 · update #2

24 answers

Very familiar.

I'd like to take it a step further if i may. You will especially appreciate this. Tesla, Maxwell, among many have inspired a man of recent by the name of "Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden (retired)." He is leading the way in many aspects to expanding upon Tesla, and reviving the supressed knowledge of Maxwell.

Here is his website. You will be amazed by this man's genius: http://www.cheniere.org

You can also view a few lectures given by him on my website if you're interested at: http://www.dvfugit.com/NeedToKnow.html#videos - in the online video section.

I could go on for a long time about this topic, but i agree that this work needs more public attention. Most of the people who are very familiar with this work are 'in the field' and are educated to believe that many of the theories are impossible because they do not 'fit into the classical EM model' or 'brake certain laws of physics' - but it is clearly obvious to many that if you can experimentally demonstrate phenomenon, and it exceeds the boundaries of existing models, then you need a new model.

Are you familiar with Torsion Fields and the contemporary theories of the Aether? I imagine you are. I'd like to collaborate with you on some sites / works if that is possible.

This world is on the verge of spontaneous, rapid shifting, and i'm very excited about it. Tesla was an incredibly positive man wishing to free mankind from the shackles of the energy giants so they could spend more of their time, energy, and money on improving their lives and advancing down the spiritual path. Obviously, certain forces would not allow that to happen then. But many have picked up where he left off! The future is very bright. Very bright indeed.

Be peaceful on your way,

2007-05-07 04:02:26 · answer #1 · answered by time_spiraling 1 · 4 5

NIKOLA TESLA - is the most talented thinkers of all time.

My opinion is that Nikola Tesla was more intelligent than Einstein(Einstein just found something more important than Tesla and thats why he is more appreciated)

The greatness of Nikola Tesla was that he was able to VISUALIZE the whole project in his mind and then make the device in his project with perfection and without mistake.

Thomas Edison doubted that polyphase power distribution is possible, but Tesla proved that he was wrong.

Some Inventions of Tesla:
The fluorescent bulb, Neon lights, The automobile ignition system, The radar, THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE and many others.

Thomas Edison is nothing compared to Tesla.

Anecdote about Tesla: Its believed that Tesla had a phobia of untidiness.
Another: ``Tesla began when he was a child to make original inventions. When he was five, he built a small waterwheel quite unlike those he had seen in the countryside. It was smooth, without paddles, yet it spun evenly in the current. Years later he was to recall this fact when designing his unique bladeless turbine.

2007-05-08 01:21:41 · answer #2 · answered by InfiniteThought 1 · 6 1

I do. Edison wanted to provide energy to the homes with Direct Current, Meanig there would have to be power stations about evert 1.5-2 miles. Nikola Tesla invented Alternating current we use today. There is a statue to Nikola Tesla in the park at the Niagra Falls.

2007-05-05 01:13:18 · answer #3 · answered by Rev. Two Bears 6 · 6 1

Just a few additions..
Regarding the Edison/Tesla comparison, Edison is a zero compared to tesla.
He was a Yugoslav, because Yugoslavia did exist in his era, he just easn't born while it did. He was also keen on helpin Y. to defend from the Third Reich by his invention of some king of el. cannon (laser?), so yes, he was a Y. by his mind..
And about a girl who thinks she is the smartest one on the planet and is anoyed about people asking "do you know who..is?"-this is a valid question because Tesla didn't get anything for all his life work and the western civilisation is built on the grounds of his inventions, so he deserves some space even on YahooAnswers.

2007-05-09 06:52:22 · answer #4 · answered by gorangrubesic 1 · 4 1

The greatest scientific mind of the 20th century. His top achievement was free energy for all however the 'big heads and deep pockets' could not allow such technology to exist on their expense. Besides the current status must be kept in order for them to maintain the amount of control to stay in power. Thomas Edison was best at serving their interests but he was far from being as genius as Tesla nonetheless he was politically correct and obedient. As for the free thinkers... oh please.... it is not allowed... look what they did to Tesla!!!

2007-05-05 08:27:09 · answer #5 · answered by MARY B 4 · 5 1

Yes and he was the 1st person that I know of to suggest using the rotation of the earth as a power source. Please visit my site at www.geocities.com/scifuntubes/index.html
So who was Elihu Thomas? He was a high school science teacher who noticed static electricity building up around the high school when his students experimented with a large copper disk to throw electrical bolts. And Elihu was astute enough to realize that this was some of the waves of light off the visible spectrum that Maxwell predicted. Tesla heard of Elihu's observance and there is the birth of radio!

2007-05-05 04:21:11 · answer #6 · answered by scifuntubes 3 · 5 1

I built a Tesla transformer when I was in high school as a science project. (The gadget is still in my garage.) But Tesla's contributions to RF were ultimately far less important than his contribution to power system engineering; every major power system in the world uses three-phase power which he invented. Along with Steinmetz's work on AC, Tesla was responsible for the power systems we use today, having upset Edison's advocacy of direct current.

2007-05-04 18:59:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I saw this ? ... Here is my view, from the same ? in Science & Mathematics / Physics. I'm not looking for best answer, just really annoyed by ignorant people thinking you don't know other scientists.

Yes, I've heard of him, and I agree that he was of superior intelligence, one of the greatest free thinkers that ever lived. The problem with a lot of the answers to Tesla ?'s is that a LOT of people have NO idea who he is, and so they start to say that he was Thomas Edison's Protegee, which he was NOT. As I'm sure you know, Thomas Edison cheated Nikola Tesla out of money. Edison had all sorts of problems with his DC system of electricity. He promised Tesla big bucks in bonuses if he could get the bugs out of the system. Tesla ended up saving Edison over $100,000 (millions of $$$ by today's standards), but Edison refused to live up to his end of the bargain, LAUGHED at him and said and I quote "Mr Tesla, you don't understand our American Humour". Edison was in no way associated with A/C Electricity, and he tried to take credit for things that Tesla did, most of the Inventions that Edison is Credited for were invented by his employees and NOT him (Light bulb was his I think) just like Marconi with radio, Tesla invented it, already had 17 patents for it, AND he had already sent a radio signal around the world before Marconi sent one across the Atlantic. He also ACCIDENTALLY discovered X-Ray.

It's also sad to see that people with bright minds, asking intelligent questions are being put down as if they don't know any other Scientists, You're asking people's opinion on one particular Scientist. I Personally think that we should be teaching our children about Tesla, kids have a surprising interest in Science nowadays. I have many faveourite Scientists, Nikola Tesla is my fav, but Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, J.C Maxwell, Michael Faraday, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus (Even though his Theorem was originally realized in Ancient Greece.

Heraclides of Pontus, Greek philosopher of 4th century AD, was the first to explain that the apparent rotation of the heavens is brought about by rotation of the earth on its axis rather than by the passage of stars around the Earth. He proposed that the seeming westward movement of the heavenly bodies is due to the eastward rotation of the Earth on its axis.

Aristarchus of Samos (310-230 B.C.), was a astronomer often referred to as the Copernicus of antiquity, laid the foundation for much scientific examination of the heavens. According to his contemporary, Archimedes, Aristarchus was the first to propose not only a heliocentric universe, but one larger than any of the geocentric universes proposed by his predecessors. Copernicus himself originally gave credit to Aristarchus in his own heliocentric treatise, De revolutionibus caelestibus , and some even say that Aristarchus of Samos was of that opinion. Interestingly, this passage was crossed out shortly before publication, maybe because Copernicus decided his treatise would stand on its own merit. Check the links out, it's REALLY interesting reading about Ancient Greek Science etc.. it's amazing how many incredible discoveries they made, in such an early time.

2007-05-05 18:29:09 · answer #8 · answered by korny_freak_27 2 · 4 1

Oh, absolutely, this guy had the concept of remote-controlled missiles or something like that since way before anybody even thought about missiles. He was... really, really cool. But his coolness is often overlooked.

I don't know about sending the link to all my friends and starting a generation of free thinkers... I mean, that would be nice and everything but I don't think it would be that simple. He is still a good role model though.

And we do need more people like that guy.

2007-05-04 19:32:35 · answer #9 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 5 3

Yes, I know of him. A great mind and a very strange man. But then again, so was Isaac Newton.

I don't agree with you that he was 'undoubtedly the greatest free thinker that ever lived'. That person has not been born yet. But, Tesla had his affects yes.

2007-05-04 18:50:37 · answer #10 · answered by Superdog 7 · 3 4

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