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ok this is a weird one, I know but i've been seeing some weird signs. The other night, I was laying in my bed tryign to sleep and the room was completely dark. And my light, which is turned on by dimmer instantly came on full blast. I turned it off, and it did it a second time. I'll plug in my straightening iron and set it on my sink and go upstairs while it warms up, and regularly when I come back it is moved to another shelf, and unplugged. Often times things will randomly fall out of cabinets. Once in a while i'll hear moans in certain parts of the house where certainly no one is. The strangest case is a time when my singing fish thing randomly lept 3 feet from where it was into my toilet and started singing "Put me in the water." Now, I know this all sounds really juvinile and farfetched.. and it's a dumb question, but i'm completely serious about everything I've said, and I wondered if anyone else has experienced anythign similar. Is it something to worry about?

2007-05-04 17:51:11 · 23 answers · asked by Caleb P 2 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

23 answers

get a THAI monk to ur house for some spiritual blessings.

I'm serious too.

THAI monks are the most powerful people in the world dealing with supernatural things.

Or else, get a medium as soon as possible.
When the spirits are tired of scaring u, they might hurt u.

2007-05-04 18:00:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

It is possibly a poltergeist or "noisy spirit".
The only way to assure an entity's presence other than what you state is to have audio/video and photographic proof as well as witnesses to attest to your own sanity.
I have investigated many supposed hauntings where they were mere ploys from the mentally ill for attention.
Mostly, that isn't the case and a lot is true unexplained phenomena.
If you smell scents, odors or the temp is dropped in an area that is unusual or you see signs like what you stated, first hand. Also seeing an apparition is enough to scare the hell outta of ya, especially at 3am and you wake up to 5 people standing over your bed starring down at you and you hear them in your mind and somehow it is recording on tape (evp recordings).
There are so many things to tell you.
Take pictures and leave a tape recorder on when you are not home and play back the tape for voices.
From what you tell us, I would consider this a case to personally inspect to sense out entities as well as record some data.

I have had many experiences and at my old home, it was a hotbed of activity and the Sci Fi show "Sighting" visited us for the story. It was also featured on Jeff Benki's front page of the paranormal on about.com.

I suggest you to contact some paranormal investigators in your area. They are free and only are there to help you out and offer some explanations.

Those who state difference and disbelief in paranormal are simply wishing to experience this gift. Sometimes, it can be a curse. When dealing with entities, always center yourself and fill yourself with the light of god and pray for protection.

2007-05-04 18:07:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I had experienced similar stuff, thing's flying through the air by them selves, light's turning off and on......mine was the switch on the wall though, and not a table lamp, I hate to break it to you.....but yes it sounds as though there is a presence in your home, it's simply a ghost that didn't go to the light "also know as the other side"could be just hanging around for different reasons but iám sure it's not there to harm you. what i did before to help a soul that was watching me all the time and turning light's off and on when i was trying to sleep or when i had friends over. (what i did one night was light up my candel obra it holds 10 candels i don't know if it's a special number or not! but i only lite it up cause it was thundering and lightning outside! i had no idea what was about to happen.....i was watching tv for a while when out of nowhere a hissing noice came off the candel's......i looked over and a ball of light about the size of a soft ball rose to the celing and slid until it reached the wall and disapeared.....it was crazy but nothing happened again at that appartment so.....i suggest you spark up 10 candel's and tell the soul/ghost to go to the light......it's worth a try.(there's going to be a lot of people on here that think we are both loco.....but if you have never experenced this kind of thing you wouldn't know. ( i understand your ignorance)

2007-05-04 18:37:48 · answer #3 · answered by gothicblack@rogers.com 2 · 0 1

Have you searched the web and seen how people set up a tape recorder and ask questions- then when they listen back they can hear that the tape picked up strange answers and whispers.... I do think this kind of stuff can happen...
maybe you could try it. But one thing, don't do it alone. and if you do feel scared.... I agree with having your house blessed. If you are uncomfortable with that you can do an energy cleanse by burning sage ..... (like potpourri ) throughout your house. Many people believe this helps.

2007-05-04 18:01:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Wow, it sounds freaky. Honestly, I dont believe in ghosts and I wouldnt know how to react to this but.. is anyone else living with you or do you know anyone that hates you and seeks revenge? Maybe their trying to scare you, especially the young teens have fun with that kind of stuff.
I usually think of stupid stuff like that, and it's only because I think too much about it that it all rambles up in my imagination that I cant even think what is reality.

So maybe you just have to stop thinking about it and turn on something to distract you, like music or something. When i'm scared like that, although I dont believe their ghosts, I think of other random things like a robber, than I turn on the tv and dance around or when I feel scared I call someone as fast as I can to keep myself entertained and while im on the phone I turn up the tv. lol

So anywho, good luck. What really bothers me and I dont know what to say is the duck going in the toilet singing another song. Reminds me of something like right out of the movie that the devil sent. ahaha.

Oh and if you seen the Ghosthunters, it's a show.. then call them up. hehe.

Good luck! =D

2007-05-04 18:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by Cassandra S. 6 · 1 2

Well, try to find some cleansing techniques on the internet, like light visualisation etc or call a priest. It is also possible there is no ghost, just energy of you or someone living with you. Ive heard about people who had similar experience and than they found out they did the telekinesis themselves.
Good luck!
PS: if it is a ghost, please try to avoid negative thinking or emotions because they are attracted to them. If you think positively your thoughts create high vibrations and no negativity can harm you.

2007-05-04 22:17:22 · answer #6 · answered by eldridan 3 · 0 2

There are documented cases of strange things happening in houses of varying ages. Some folks attribute those things to "natural" causes and others to hauntings. It does not sound juvenile in the least to me. We have had a few interesting things happen in our farmhouse which was built in 1900. I attribute them to the lady the house was built for. I have a portrait of her in my dining room. When things happen, I just pause and say, "Hi, Agnes" and go on about my business. It would seem that whatever is causing the incidences in your house, no ill intent is meant. It might be interesting to research the history of your home just to find out who has lived there and under what circumstances.

2007-05-04 17:59:57 · answer #7 · answered by CountryLady 4 · 2 2

I believe you I have had strange things happen to me One night when I was in bed my under slip came out of my closet and danced around my bed the next morning I followed my sister around the house everywhere she went knowing she could protect me I think more than anything I annoyed her I told her and my mom about it I remember them not believing me my mom was pregnant and asked my sister to bring her a glass of milk (she was on bed rest) when we walked in her room to give her milk her bed was lifted 3 feet in the air and dropped when we entered the room Long story short they believed me and we moved later found out a pregnant lady was murdered there.

2007-05-04 18:12:35 · answer #8 · answered by dalejr8 2 · 1 1

No I haven't experienced anything like that before. It would be best to get a medium at your house to see if there is any ghosts there or not. A medium can commicate with ghosts if there is any in your house and they can also get the ghosts to go into the light and not bug anyone in the home any more. It's nothing to worry about just get a medium to come to your house and see if there is ghosts there or not.

2007-05-04 17:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by Josh D 6 · 2 3

I know exactly what you're talking about cuz I used to have the same problem. It turned out to be the cheap Tequila I was drinking at the time. So I switched brands to the more expensive Tequila, and haven't had any more incidents. The only bad part of it was now I get real lonesome without them here.

2007-05-04 17:56:08 · answer #10 · answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7 · 1 4

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