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2007-05-04 17:07:53 · 16 answers · asked by Arrman 2 in News & Events Current Events

16 answers

1) He doesn't want to be seen as a 'failed' President.

2) He doesn't want to admit to defeat.

3) He doesn't want this stain of blood to be on his hands while he's still CIC.

4) The man is obviously stubborn and doesn't want to play 'nice' with others. It's all about him and his legacy.

2007-05-04 22:23:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That certainly is a loaded question. Where do I start ? Perhaps with the lies and misdirection he used to get us into the war to start with. Perhaps with the continuation of a reason to stay there after we found no weapons or facilities or material for mass casualty weapons. Perhaps with this cowboy mentality that with a new sheriff in town the citizens of Iraq would just be pleased to be led by the Bush administration. Perhaps is the continuation of what is now being called "Bush's dreamworld". For now after 4 years of getting nowhere and offering only pie in the sky hopes. Bush has fallen into a mentality that he must suceed at all cost. Failing to establish a strong democratic government in Irtaq able to govern and adminster the daily affairs of Iraq without the presence of US troops and money, will only have historians labeling Bush as the president who thru a war and no one came.

The attitude of the current congress and their attempts to tie futher funding for the war to timed withdrawals will certainly result in a veto. Which of course it has already. However even Bush knows that his own party is about to jump ship and leave him holding the albatross that the war in Iraq has become. No one is going to want to be tainted with a label that said they supported a losing proposition. This next funding bill will test that.

Bush isn't holding out though. He's trying to hold on to a hope. Of course it's not a valid one and there is no hope for Iraq until the people of Iraq pull themselves together.

2007-05-12 00:29:07 · answer #2 · answered by wship58 1 · 0 0

Every president in his last term in office is concerned to manipulate the way history will remember his administration. George Bush is determined to avoid at all costs admitting that he made a mistake. He is trying to keep a lost war going with the pretense that there is something to be gained, and wants to hang on in Iraq until he can dump on his successor the dirty job of ending it.

There are people who go to Las Vegas and start betting and won't stop when they lose. They continue to bet more and more until the rent money is gone. They really, really believe in the "surge" strategy. Finally they sell the car. They end up hitchhiking home destitute.

There are mentally ill people in hospitals who beat their heads against the wall. It hurts, so they beat it even harder to try to cover up the pain. If a nurse intervenes the first thing the nurse will do is to get the patient to stop beating his head against the wall.

Smart and successful business investors know that there are times when you must cut your losses. Remember the new Coca Cola? There was also the Edsel automobile. If the Coca Cola company was being run by Bush they would be going broke by now trying to convince Coke drinkers to go along with the "surge" plan - when New Coca Cola doesn't sell well and people don't buy it, just "stay the course" and spend more and more trying to sell it.

2007-05-10 13:19:11 · answer #3 · answered by fra59e 4 · 0 0

Oil, oil and more oil. The Bush family fortune comes from oil wells in Texas. Chaney's fortune came from the Oil Services industry (Haliburton). Rice was a former executive of Exxon and has an oil tanker named after her. Bush and Chaney held secret meetings on energy policy (which should have been public), before trumping up BS to invade Iraq.

There are trillions and trillions of dollars worth of Oil in Iraq. Do the math. The oil companies are a huge, huge lobby in the US, and there is just so much money at stake, that Bushco will do anything, kill any number of people, bankrupt that nation to get it.

all their actions fall into place once you realize this basic truth.

2007-05-12 14:59:24 · answer #4 · answered by Fancy That 6 · 0 0

Why does Bush still want our troops in Iraq?
1) Bush didn't find WMD's, but stayed.
2) Bush caught Saddam, but still stayed.
3) Bush didn't catch bin Laden, but Bush now says it isn't important to find the leader of al Queda. Huh? What about the war on terror??
4) Bush has a civil war on his hands, but is calling it "democracy-building". I thought Repubs hated nation-building? Isn't that why they want us out of the UN?
5) Most of NATO was against this war, and now the majority of the US is against it, but Bush is "staying the wacky course"

I believe Bush has a very sophisticated idealogy, the Blues Brothers philosophy: "we're on a mission from god". And we're the devils paying for this war.

2007-05-05 15:50:22 · answer #5 · answered by edith clarke 7 · 1 0

He will get "Kennedy'd" by the military-petro-industrial complex if he tries to stop the war. If he holds out to the end, he gets a mega payday.

That's why Kennedy got it--the CIA and the Pentagon wanted a war for their business buddies and Kennedy wasn't buying it. Johnson said he'd do whatever they said. The business boys used the CIA to knock off JFK and put their boy Lyndon in.

Bushie knows this because his Dad and his grandfather were all wrapped up in that day in Dallas. There's even pictures of Daddy in Dallas that day.

Bush knows he gets gold or he gets lead. It's nothing personal against all those dead kids.

2007-05-12 14:52:02 · answer #6 · answered by Nick V 4 · 0 0

Although, Iran doesnt have nuclear capabilities yet, it does have the missiles to deliver war heads whether biological or chemical or ussr bought warheads

In any case, unlike all the other poor countries bush has attacked so far, this is probably the only country that could effectivly defend themselves and attack back

hes just scared to start a real fight

2007-05-05 03:08:52 · answer #7 · answered by dragongml 3 · 3 0

"Holding out"? Did you even just ask this question? The question of Iraq is much bigger than Iraq. Is there one of you that can, in your wealth of freedom that SOMEONE else DIED to give you, justify not trying to do something about the festering pool of insanity in that region of the world? Israel is in real trouble. Lebanon used to be a largely Christian nation with a lot of freedom. Islami-facists took care of that. Grow up...wake up... before they are looking YOUR way w/ an IED w/ your name on it.

2007-05-12 14:29:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If he can keep troops in Iraq until he leaves the office in 2008 he can say "I did everything I could," and pass it off to next president.

If Iraq gets worse he can blame the next president.

Bush realizes things are really bad now. He doesn't use the term 'victory' anymore. Instead he uses 'success.' He acknowledges violences won't go away after we leave.

2007-05-05 01:44:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

President Bush is a wise builder. He knows all too well that is you start building a house, it must be finished. This is a war for the Iraqi people, the U.S.A. and every other country terrorized by al-Qaida.

2007-05-12 03:08:48 · answer #10 · answered by lindakflowers 6 · 0 1

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