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14 answers

You cannot force a child to eat, and trying to force them will just make them resist you more. Your job as a parent is to offer healthy foods to your daughter. Put a prepared meal in front of her and leave her alone. If she chooses to eat nothing, then just smile and move on. Eventually, she WILL eat something. If say all she will eat is grilled cheese, and you give her grilled cheese only for lunches, she may choose to go hungry the rest of the day and only eat lunch. Fine, let her, it really will not hurt her. Even if all she eats is one grilled cheese each day.

If your problem is that she throws fits if you don't feed her what she wants, then try to remember she will only do what works. If you consistently show her that no matter how much she throws a fit that you will only serve her what you are eating, she will eventually stop trying. If you give in because it is the easy way out, she will remember that next time and will protest again. Who wouldn't demand only their favorites if it always got them what they wanted. You can't blame her for being a smart girl and knowing what she wants.

Be sure that you are leading by example. Let her see you eating a wide variety of foods, including all the ones you are trying to get her to eat. Try making eating more fun. Let her help you cook or prepare a meal... she'll be more likely to try it. Let her sample the food as you are preparing it, and she just may get a full serving in before it is even set on the table. Try arranging her food to make pictures on her plate. Give her her favorite dip and let her dip everything in it no matter how gross it sounds to you. Offer her two choices and let her pick what you prepare. Try mixing jars of baby food fruits and veggies into things. Most veggies will mix well into spaghetti sauce. Make her "special smoothies". Mix frozen yogurt or vanilla yogurt with fruits and juice (get recipe ideas online). If she loves, Blue's Clues, add blue food coloring and call it a special Blue's Clues smoothing, or red for Elmo and Clifford, etc. Frequently sneak in comments like "I bet Clifford got so big because he eats his veggies" or "I bet Dora is so smart because she ate lots of different fruits", etc... Have your daughter help you make a themed meal. For example, everything we eat for dinner tonight has to be yellow (corn, mac & cheese, peaches)... allow her to help you shop or look at pictures to choose the foods that are the right color, and use food coloring if needed.

Anything that makes eating fun and pressure free will work. She is at an age now where she is learning that you cannot force her to do everything. You may be able to force her to sit in the chair, but she chooses whether or not she eats. The same goes for potty training, cleaning up, crying, etc... Try to make her think it is her own choice and just be there with lots of praise and encouragement when she does something you want, and bite your tongue when she doesn't.

Good luck... this too shall pass...

2007-05-04 17:16:16 · answer #1 · answered by Michelle 3 · 0 0

Don't force, or she'll never do it. Having something forced down your throat (almost literally) won't make you like it next time, and new foods are very strange and scary to little kids sometimes. Try putting a little bit of a new food, the same ones each time, on her plate every night, over and over. Even if she refuses to touch it, it will help her get used to the sight and smell of it, and the idea of it. Encourage her to eat it each time but don't push too hard. Ask her to take just one bite and celebrate that accomplishment. Try requiring her to take a bite of the new food before she gets seconds of the food she likes. And keep trying a few different new foods - she might like grapes but hate bananas.

2007-05-04 16:53:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i wonder what three kinds of foods she eats. You really can't force a little kid to eat. They will eat when they are hungry, and you should really not worry too much about it, unless the only thing she eats is candy, cake, and cookies! Yipes! As far as the fruit and veg...try V8 Splash. My son loved that. You can sneak veg and fruit into her sippy cup! You can also try various fruit juices. As she gets older, her tastes for food will change and mature. Hang in there! Best wishes!

2007-05-04 16:53:31 · answer #3 · answered by fair blue 5 · 0 0

Put the fruits and veggies on her plate and if she chooses not to eat them, she chooses not to. She will eventually eat them if they're there--if she's hungry enough. Make sure she has one of her staple foods there (a small amount so you know she's at least eaten something, but not enough to fill her). Try giving her V8 juices so she gets fruits and veggies in her. I'd ask your pediatrician. S/he might have some good remedies and advice for you.

2007-05-04 17:54:43 · answer #4 · answered by Sit'nTeach'nNanny 7 · 0 0

You can't force her, but you can be a little tricky. Pick up morningstar farms vegetarian chicken nuggets and corn dogs. It isn't vegetables, but it's a way of getting some vegetable protein into her. Fix her some green beans with a little pear juice sprinkled over them to sweeten them. Cook carrots and cover them with butter and 1/4 tsp of pumpkin pie spice to sweeten. Also, CHEESE - cover all green vegies with lots of cheese and once she eats them, gradually cut back on the cheese. As for fruit, dole has frozen fruit juice in the popsickle section.

2007-05-04 16:58:25 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs. Goddess 6 · 0 0

If she likes yogurt buy some baby food and mix it in there she'll never know 1st or 2nd stage. Make smoothies you can also freeze the smoothie and serve it like ice cream, pour it in an ice tray and put the cubes in a clear sippy cup with juice or water (clear so she can see them, sippy cup so she doesn't choke) be creative
this may just be a phase
good luck

2007-05-04 19:10:27 · answer #6 · answered by lamd 3 · 0 0

I have a 2 1/2 year old with the same problem. He won't eat anything but french fries. I don't know if this will work with yours but I found that he loves what we call "dip". It can be ketchup, ranch, pretty much anything he can dip his food in and he will eat it. He will now eat literally anything if it's dipped into something.

2007-05-05 07:40:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You definately can't force your child to eat anything. It just doesn't work. A child will eat when they are hungry. The key is to not give in and give them pizza b/c you know they'll eat it and you want them to eat something. Then she knows that she can push you around. Stick it out and eventually she'll eat what you have offered.

This is what I do when my 4 year old won't eat. First of all, children will eat when they are hungry. One night for dinner we had chicken, a side of rice, and a veggie. The only thing he liked was the chicken but since it wasn't a chicken nugget he wouldn't eat it. He wanted me to make him his own meal. He kept suggesting different things that weren't bad for him, I just don't want to get into the habbit of cooking three meals for dinner each night. After telling him over and over that we didn't have any BBQ, we didn't have and mac n' cheese, and so on he finally understood he didn't have a say in what was for dinner. It still didn't get him to eat. He just sat at the table and kept saying I don't like that, that's not good for me. Well, when his younger brother cleared everything off his plate we gave him a bowl of ice cream. Right away that was what the 4 year old wanted. I told him to take one bite of everything on the plate and he could have some. So, of course for ice cream, he took one bite of everything on the plate and then asked for his ice cream. I told him to take one more bite of everything since he was such a big boy and needed to eat in order to get big and strong like Superman. So he took one more bite of everything. And these were real bites, not just nibbles. The first thing out of his mouth after he took a bite of chicken was "Wow mom!! That's really good. I like that." and magically his chicken disappeared. Then it was the rice. He ate probably 2/3 of it. As for the veggies, well, I didn't have such good luck there. He kept insisting that he didn't like them so after three 'Big Boy' bites I let him have his ice cream.

Granted, he didn't eat all of his food, he did it most of it. And at least then he tried a little of everything and cleared most of his plate.

Good Luck.

2007-05-04 21:59:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u can't force her to eat but give her what she like to make sure she eats something but try to introduce her to something that is simular to what she likes. Most children likes plain hot dogs,apples w/peanut butter, fried chicken usually legs or wing dings. Try gerber finger foods also give her some vitaims( flintstone are good maybe the sour ones because my child don't like those chewable ones and she also picky food eater.

2007-05-04 17:10:31 · answer #9 · answered by Ms Hot Chocolate 2 · 0 0

It can take 8-12 presentations of a food before a child is willing to try it, so you just need to be persistent.

Another idea, my son will try any food that he helps to prepare, so get her involved in the kitchen.

2007-05-04 16:57:44 · answer #10 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 1 0

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