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I am so scared that i may have BPD, below are the discription of me, please tell me honestly, i am willing to get treatment if i have BPD
I am normally a very friendly person, i try to be cheerful and see the positve in most things in life. If people treat me with respect i will recipricate, but if people try to control me or belittle me, i will get angry and argue with them, sometime i say things which i may regret later, I am quite honst about my opinions. e.g. i had an argument with my boss (he came to my cube and started the argument), i told him that he is acting arrogant and i feel unappreciated, i feel bad about the argument but i was really angry. I can forgive people very quickly (if they have asked for forgiveness and mend the relationship), however I have a hard time to forgive people who never apologize or mend any wrong doing, I tend to hold a little grudge and not talking to them, is that BPD? I can apologize to people if i made a mistake. So do i have BDP

2007-05-04 14:00:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

the main worry i have is that i can be quite angry quickly if someone disrespect me or not telling the truth, also if people wronged me and never apologizes, i can harbour resentment. E.g. i am not talking to my brother because he 'accidently' told my mum i had an abortion, which i told him not to tell my mom, he refuse to apologize even i told him i will forgive him if he does so. I have stopped talking to him. So do i have BPD?

2007-05-04 14:00:41 · update #1

14 answers

You'd have to have 5+ of the following:

1) Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
2) a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
3) identity disturbance/unstable self-image
4) impulsivity in two areas of life that are potentially self-damaging
5) recurrent suicidal behavior/gestures/threats/ self-mutilation
6) affective instability due to marked reactivity of mood
7) chronic feelings of emptiness
8) inappropriate intense anger of difficulty controlling it
9) transient stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms

You don't sound Borderline at all.

2007-05-04 14:08:51 · answer #1 · answered by Buying is Voting 7 · 0 0

Are you studying psychology? Because when you read psychology texts, and about illnesses, and study it; you can feel as if you have this or that illness. it's a well-known phenomenon. it happens to medical students a lot.

probably you don't have BPD. it's rare. and it's difficult for a psychiatrist to diagnose even.

these are all things that are normal that you are describing.
the behaviour has to be extreme to be considered 'abnormal'.
plus to diagnose an illness there are guidelines, as in you must have experienced a symptom for a certain amount of time. only a psychiatrist can assess that.

i'd say you are normal. again BDP is so rare. it's very unlikely.
i'd think practically everyone here can relate to what you are saying. work pressures can easily make a person angry. most people, if they are honest hold grudges at times. or don't talk to someone if they are feeling angry or upset. it could be you are a little stressed perhaps.

talk to your doctor about your feelings. i would think they could help clear this up for you, and give advice.

2007-05-04 14:29:02 · answer #2 · answered by 3 4 · 0 0

IMO....people who have those disorders generally have an emotional turn around for seemingly no reason at all. You however seem to have more of an issue of anger, especially over certain things, like control. Possible it's something from childhood that affected you and any hint of it still sets you off. Could even be related to a trust issue? I think your main thing may be just anger and the lack of ability to control the extent of it. It's entirely normal to get angry over some of those situations, but it's important to train ones self as to the more appropriate and adult response. I.E. biting your tongue and discussing the matter later with your boss when the mood is calmer.

Really though, if you feel you have an aspect of your personality that you need to deal with, and are willing to seek help anyhow, there is no harm is talking with a therapist a few times just to see what they think.

2007-05-04 14:26:07 · answer #3 · answered by Indigo 7 · 0 0

I don't think so, people with borderline personalities don't care if their actions are right are wrong.

They would have an argument with someone but they would not do any self examination and consider whether or not anything they did hurt someones feelings.

Wide mood swings are part of many psychological conditions. But they should be diagnosed by a professional.

I don't see anything in your post that is abnormal, everyone pops their cork at the wrong time or over-reactes during some times of their life.

Some people feel guilty when they stand up for themselves. Standing up for yourself is normal and I wouldn't draw any conclusions just yet.

2007-05-04 15:23:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have dealt with BPD for many years - my ex-husband and my oldest daughter both have it. With only the brief description you've given of your "symptoms", I would say you do NOT have BPD. If you can (ever) forgive quickly, and you can (ever) apologize when you've made a mistake....your problem is not BPD. The person you describe does not sound like someone with a personality disorder of any kind. You sound pretty normal to me.

2007-05-04 14:10:39 · answer #5 · answered by Tammy A 2 · 0 0

I feel you descride some symtoms of bipolar disorder, do you have an abnormal sleeping pattern or episodes whrere you are extreamly happy or extreamly sad? if so you may be suffering from bipolar disorder. you sound like me with the mood swings, incase you dont know what bipolar disorder is it is a chemical imbalance in the brain effecting moods in manic phases you are extreamly happy and tend not to sleep for a week or two at a time and in manic depressive you are extreamly sad and depressed you may not answer the phone, ignore people at your front door or just not leave your house for a week or two at a time. so consider getting evaluated for bipolar disorder. i too am bipolar and did not get diagonsed til i was 20, it effected my life in a negative way til i was properly medicated, also bipolar disorder characterized by violent streakes weather it be verbal or physical. so go to a doctor and be evaluated for your own sanity.

2007-05-04 15:31:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No you are just angry, then you get angry that you are angry. Try to keep a log of what makes you angry usually its fear that a event will happen and the fight or flight mechanism kicks in. Or hurt feelings or being ignored. Try to take deep breaths as we usually breath shallow and quick when anger rises. Look at ways to keep calm, if you lose your temper it hands the power to someone else. Make your point assertively but calmly.

2007-05-04 22:56:48 · answer #7 · answered by tempest 4 · 0 0

You sound quite normal to me, but let me tell you, your reactions are known by people your in contact with especially at work. Because its known men and women will do and say little nasties just to watch you go go go.
Silly people Yeh? Well now you know. Those who set you off knowinly do have BPD because they need to see your responce set off by such a big big ego. Oh look what I did.
Love yoursef honey..

2007-05-05 00:57:43 · answer #8 · answered by jupiteress 7 · 0 0

Nope - you just speak your mind
You have opinions and thoughts about things so it's natural to want to express them. Why keep things bottled up? Just try not to get so wound up about things. Relax a little & stop worrying.
Seems to me that you might have a slight inferiority complex. Don't worry so much what other people think about you. Take it easy & don't hold grudges, let them go, life is too short.

2007-05-04 14:04:28 · answer #9 · answered by pink.jazzz 3 · 0 0

Don't worry, doesn't sound like BPD. You sound like a young lady who doesn't let people step all over you and you know what you want. Doesn't sound like anything is wrong with u.
Who put such an idea in your head.

2007-05-04 14:14:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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