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almost every HOUR i see this comment by a christian : "did men com from monkeys?"and the one that goes hand in hand of course "if we came from monkeys,why are there still monkeys?"
evolution doesn't say that we came from MONKEYS!!! what on earth!

my question is,why don't you even read evolution and see? the obvious conclusion that can be come to is that you're rejecting the idea even without knowing WHAT it is! and worse,you try to argue about it and it's very difficult to answer some of your Qs (i actually answered a Q titled"who then created the monkeys" today)

tell me,if i knew NOTHING about the Bible,and made some SERIOUS blunders,what would you think? and yes,there ARE some atheists who criticise the Bible without reading it and that's inexcusable as WELL.

it's impossible to have a rational discussion when you so obviously know nothing about the subject.if you want to state that you don't agree with evolution,why not read up on it instead of making statements like this?

2007-05-04 12:43:10 · 20 answers · asked by nicky 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy


evolution does say we came from monkeys honey. it says that we evolved from them."

why don't you research on neutral websites for some UNbiased information? these are giving you a "version" of evolution that looks NOTHING like the real thing!!

2007-05-04 12:52:26 · update #1

"The crucial question is..who created the monkeys? "

i'm sorry but are you joking or are you really this ignorant about what evolution is all about?

2007-05-04 12:57:40 · update #2

20 answers

"You people"? The way you say it makes me wonder: what do you know about us Christians that lets you criticize us like that? And some of us have done our research, thank you very much. We criticize evolution because it has not been proven, as Yasam up there says it has, and there is absolutely no solid evidence for it. If you think there is, show me. Only when you produce good, solid, unshakeable evidence for the theory (I stress the word "theory") can you say that it's a good one. And to your question: "we people" don't think we came from monkeys; we just wonder why you people think we do. Seriously, do you really believe that crap?! The theory rests partially on the "descent with variation" thing (that's some variation!), and if you look in just about any biology book out there, it'll have some sort of reference to us having come from monkeys (but they mostly use the word "primates"). Ha! Never happened! If your precious little theory is so true, how did it all start? Big Bang, you'll probably say, but how did that start? Where did all that matter and energy dome from? And how could something that originally was nothing suddenly become everything? Back to the "descent" thing: it's bogus. Evolutionists contradict the theory left and right! They say the whale once walked on land and was related to the cow; and for proof, they use the "leg stumps" the whale has near the end of its body, saying that they are useless remnants of the legs it once had; those same "leg stumps" have been proven to aid the whale in reproduction (don't ask me how, I'm not a whale expert). And the whole fossil proof thing: I know they can tell what gender the animal was, but how do they know if a female ever reproduced?

Now, to quote some sources:
** "The relative age of fossils is determined from their position in sedimentary rock." (found @ http://bioweb.cs.earlham.edu/text/evolution/index.html)
** "Fact 5. The presence of fossils in sedimentary rocks provide a record of past life on Earth and provide a method for determining the age of these rocks" (found @ http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~rhmiller/sedimentaryrocks/SedimentaryRocks.htm)

If that isn't contradiction, tell me what is!

I make "statements like this" because I know what I'm talking about. I've done my research, and I still reject the ridiculous notion of evolution, and I always will. They way you said some of those things makes me think that you yourself probably have not done your own research. You never even gave any argument for that stupid theory! Oh, and before you criticize Christians like that: why don't you study some Christians for awhile, "read up on it instead of making statements like this"? Take some of your own advice!!!

Before I lose control: God loves you. He loves everybody. When people say He doesn't answer, they are mistaken. He does answer, just not always in the way we expect Him to. Read the Bible. It is His Word, and will help you see the Truth; it is God Himself (John 1:1 : "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.").
The Truth can set you free (I know from personal experience).

And another thing. Don't even try saying that this question is directed at just those who like to criticize evolution. You know it's directed at Christians. I'll even quote some of your details for you: "almost every HOUR i see this comment by a christian : 'did men com from monkeys?' " Did you even see your own question? "by a Christian"... You're criticizing quite a large groupe of people here! And we don't like it. How would you like it if I criticized YOU when I don't know anything about you? I'm guessing you wouldn't. And God doesn't like it when you criticize His people for no reason. You're criticizing Him as well. Not good!
And this goes for every person to whom this applies: stop saying crap about us, and we'll stop saying things about you! Have you ever thought about the fact that by posting your anti-Christian questions, you're just fueling the fire even more? The Golden Rule (yes, it comes from the Bible): "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Pretty good advice, don't you think? ;)

2007-05-04 14:26:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Because people don't have the attention span to fully understand the theory of evolution. People don't understand what a "shared ancestor" is. People instead like to follow the picture that shows the fish turning into a crawling thing that turns into a mammal that turns into an ape that turns into a man. The picture is basic, easy to understand, and easy to laugh at if you don't want to believe evolution. Really understanding the theory of evolution takes time, focus, and critical thinking.

2007-05-04 12:54:20 · answer #2 · answered by whervel 3 · 2 0

Anyone who says "we" (whoever that is) came from "monkeys" is stupid and not paying attention. NO educated individual ever said humans evolved from MONKEYS. You are confusing the genus monkey and Ape.

Upright Walking Humans with Brains and Opposable Thumbs did evolve from an ape-like creature from millions of years ago. This has been proven scientifically. And, it is not mutually exclusive of, nor opposite from the "creation" theory, if you think about it.

Because as we all know from science and medicine breakthroughs of the past decades, no human being was made perfect. They may have been created perfectly, but not perfect. If we were all created as perfect human beings there would be no sickness, no deformity, no inability to conceive, etc. So we know that the human form from the 5th century say, to the 21st century has evolved from short, hairy and virtually illiterate to taller, less hirsute and more intelligent beings. So it should follow that over the 1 or 2 million year period before that the human form must have changed very radically.

Something to consider. The proof is overwhelming. But the two theories are not mutually exclusive.

2007-05-04 13:13:00 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 2 3

It's much easier to slap a label on it and close your mind. They've been told by other people who haven't read Darwin's book either, that Evolution is the work of the Devil. Just by that alone, they are afraid to read it.

2007-05-04 12:49:04 · answer #4 · answered by Dancing Bee 6 · 5 0

What do you mean they never read it? What do you think they were taught in public school? They ONLY taught Darwinism and Evolution for many, many, years. Chances are for the average person not to have read ANYTHING about it would mean they never went to school.

I think it is only impossible to have a rational discussion if both people want to change the other person's mind. Any discussion held for the purpose of saying you are wrong and I am right is going to go NOWHERE.

I disagree with evolution. I have read up on it both in school and as an adult and find it flawed. Not to mention, that a life created from nothing, for no reason whatsoever, is just sad and pointless.

2007-05-04 13:03:36 · answer #5 · answered by Me 4 · 1 5

Isolation breeds distinctions. Its just like how there are different apes. Gorillas, Chimps, Humans.

2007-05-04 12:46:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well why not monkeys? Does it really matter that much? However I think DNA comparisons put us right on the same early evolutionary branch as monkeys.

2007-05-05 00:31:21 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 2

Oddly enough, the people who have trouble coming to terms that we share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys have no trouble believing they were animated from a patch of dirt!

2007-05-04 13:23:05 · answer #8 · answered by hammond_eggor 2 · 3 3

Evolution is an interesting Darwin´s theory. He was a scientist and proved most of his theories right.
Nevertheless, I don´t think we came from apes.
You´ll understand sooner or later that at the end it´s a matter of faith. Faith is daring our souls to go beyond what our eyes can see. After all, we are humans, we´re lucky. Look around you, see the world that has been given to us. Are you really worried for not knowing for certain where we came from?

2007-05-04 13:04:39 · answer #9 · answered by Yasam 3 · 1 5


2016-05-20 22:36:43 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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