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Fellow Americans, I am a US Soldier currently serving in the Middle East. Please write your Republican Congressmen, tell them to bring us home! This war has become a lost cause. I am proud to serve my country. Read the news reports about the Bill the our President just vetoed, nearly all of them mention pressuring the Iraqi government to give us some of the oil. This war has been turned into some economic power struggle. I have no problem defending our nation. But this is not the defense of our nation. This is my second tour of duty here. I am tired, exhausted and want to come home to my family. I know many of you will scream and yell about this, if you really want us to stay out here, come here yourself. If this lost cause is defending freedom and our way of life. You do it, I am sorry to diappoint you, but I don't want to anymore.
I posted some answers to other questions regarding the situation in Iraq please read those as well before posting something about letting Iraq fall.

2007-05-04 09:31:48 · 17 answers · asked by Keger E 3 in News & Events Current Events

I am who I say I am...This is me: www.myspace.com/keger26
Believe me I really wish that i wasn't. How can you be sure that us men in uniform are not feeling this way? How do you think it was for me to call my fiance and tell her i was just extended for 3 months. I won't be going home until December now.... Most of my unit feels the same and several of us, as a collective, thought we would post this Question. Think to yourself... How bad would it have to be for me to actually go as far as to post this question and then to countinue and write you this email. I am a Combat Medic, this tour i am in Kuwait, my last tour in Iraq i saw things, do you have any idea what a bomb does to a person? We are in the middle of a Religious war that has been going on for god knows how long. Whether we leave tomorrow, or 50 years from now, it is inevitable... Iraq will fall into civil war.

2007-05-04 10:49:32 · update #1

The United States is trying to turn this religious war between the Sunnis and the Shiites into a political battle for democracy while trying to satisfy our own economic agenda. We, the soldiers, are stuck in the middle. As far as democracy... The Iraqis have been oppressed for so long. A certain security comes with being told what you can and can't do. The very idea of "freedom" as we know it is frightening to them.... If I am a Traitor or an idiot for seeing there is no way to win and not wanting to see my friends die for a lost cause, remember I defend your right to call me that, thank you for using it.

2007-05-04 10:50:45 · update #2

Look at it this way... By removing their oppessor and tell them they are free, we opened up the door to this religious conflict. No matter how hard we try, we cannot turn it into a political issue. That is why we are being slaughtered in the middle of it. Most attacks in Iraq are between religious groups! We took the lid off the pot. It is time to jump back and let it boil over. this is one fire we will not be able to cool off!

2007-05-04 11:29:05 · update #3

...baby7k, has said some of the foulest things I have ever heard in my life to me. I will not post it here. I am going to post it in a blog on my myspace page if you are interested. http://myspace.com/keger26

2007-05-04 21:31:51 · update #4

please read the comments on my blog post as well ...thanks

2007-05-05 09:29:39 · update #5

17 answers

For those of you who doubt the legitimacy of this person's claims of whether they are actually in the military or a part of moveon.org, I personally know (and am proud to be of relation to) him. Yes, he is in fact a member of our nation's Armed Forces. Whether or not you choose to side with his opinions is irrelevant, it is one person trying to tell his first hand knowlege of why he is so disenchanted with our current situation that our nation has put upon itself. I highly doubt that he had any decision making input into the tactics or decisions made for our military. He is encouraging you, if you perhaps feel the same or are also concerned about the political motivations, to speak to your local politicians, not him.

Just because someone wants to go home and move on past a time in their life, why are we willing to go out of our way to call them a traitor and wish death upon them (you know who you are that is doing this)? What if he was a fireman or police officer that was expressing his disgust with the living conditions of people in his city or the justice system. Would we tell him to "buck up" and "just deal with it"? It's not like he can just say, "I quit" when he's had enough and go home that evening and become a WalMart greeter the next day. Its pretty bold that think that you might have more second hand knowledge and speculating insight from thousands of miles away than someone that actually does it.

I have no doubt that all of the people that have voluntarily joined the military don't do it with the expectation that they will become bitter and hate certain times of their lives in a few years. That is just psychologically sadistic. Why can't we just feel some empathy for them, whether we believe in what they are fighting for or not? How sad to have a job, be it a fireman, policeman, CPA, sales clerk at Macy's, auto mechanic, bank teller, or a combat medic during a war to HATE your job. I understand that everyone has their job in the world. It is what makes it work, but I am thankful that I not only have the option to choose what I do, but that I am also able to choose what I don't want to do. But yes, "someone" has to. I personally would not have the strength to perform certain jobs, but there are those who do have it. We need to nurture those who can for when they can no longer, that burden will fall on others. When we have burnt them all out and turned on them, will you be the one to take up the slack?

I will not try to impress upon anyone here my own personal political views, but I will try to impress upon people that read this post to get back to common courtesy. No matter what we have seen on CNN or Fox News, it has just been images on a screen that we can change if we choose. We are not the ones living in those images on a daily basis and have to live with the close reality of the sights and smells of death and war. Why is it considered unacceptable to feel sorry and show a little bit of appreciation and gratitude for those who have seen these things so that we don't have to?

I don't care to get any responses about other people's political views. I don't care who you support, just as much as you don't care who I do. I care that this is someone that is saying "I don't like the direction that my life is headed because of where I am at now. Please, help me change it for the better". He is asking for your support of him, not Bush, not to choose sides between the Sunnis or Shiates, or to put out hundreds of flags on your front lawn. Just to have some empathy for someone who has carried the burden of experiencing war and to help him move past it and get on with his life.

Even if you don't support whatever it is that we are fighting for or the people that are doing the fighting, you as Americans need to support other Americans. If you are unable to just express some amount of gratitude to people by saying thanks or giving a smile or nod, please just save your political comments for your politicians, not those who are stuck in the middle.

2007-05-05 15:11:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

You poor man, I cannot imagine what you have been through. I live in Europe and we too sent troops amongst them a family member who is now in Afghanistan.

As for wanting it anymore. only the most babaric could blame you for how you feel and only THE most stupid wld still believe that Bush is in Iraq to defend the USA. When the war started there was news coverage that showed how much money Bush en Cheney make personally out of this war and that is why you are there. He and his cronies are earning millions from the blood of the men and women that are serving. You are justified to feel as you do. The war must go on, there are profits to be made. Iraq, the middle east and I suspect the entire planet have no wish to have a bush style democracy- it costs the lives of so many innocent people. He is on holidays nearly all the time and you are in a hell hole. My hope for you is that with the political climate changing rapidly back in the States, you will either become a pawn in this sick game or you will be brought home.

By the way I have read some of the posted answers and wld like to add this - there are always people who will refuse your request with stupid and heartless answers - so I leave you with these words "Forgive them God, for they know not what they do", or in this case "what they say".

Take care and I hope you get back to your family very soon

2007-05-04 10:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Semper Fi!! Wait a minute that was to my brother in law going to Iraq for his second this summer. I'm sorry dude but you can thank a lot of other people over here who just don't want to help make your tour shorter. They want to make sure that our armed forces are the laughing stock of the world, all over again. We made some head way but they want to return us to post-Vietnam. What they are intending is another helicopter coming in to rescue Americans and let the rest of the country go to H*^^! My bro inlaw will be over there while his fourth child is born here. Sorry you feel the way you do, but I will keep you in my prayers.
I guess there are a lot of people who think we are here for oil. Man have you all been sucked into the propaganda of the media. If we were there for the oil, we would have stayed around the oil fields, the pipeline and the distribution areas. Think for yourselves, please. We ARE NOT THERE FOR THE OIL!!! Maybe or not we are there for the reasons we are told, but WE ARE NOT THERE FOR THE OIL!!!! Our troops are not there in the oil producing areas, they are in cities and in the deserts trying to locate those blasted rats that come in and kill, mostly, innocent people.

2007-05-04 10:20:39 · answer #3 · answered by Mark S 6 · 1 0

I hope God hears our prayers and brings you home safe!

I hope your Fiance and yourself have a beautiful wedding and the future life you've both dreamed of!

I don't know how many of my fellow Americans have written their Republican representatives, but I know why I haven't. I hate spending time on someone who does not care. If they cared they would have acknowledged that 70+% of their fellow Americans do not want our kin to continue to fight for peace in a country that doesn't want us there. They would have supported the bill presented to the prez, and when he stubbornly stuck to his disaster, they would have voted to overturn the veto...

But maybe I'm not giving them enough credit. Maybe they would have a return to reason, if presented with enough calls and letters insisting upon them waking up to the truth?
Because you asked, I will.

Off to check out your space... be well, be safe and good luck

2007-05-05 13:25:40 · answer #4 · answered by sagebella 5 · 5 0

Good on you for taking a stand!! It's about time people started to listen to the ones who know!
But unfortunately for you.....I think the governments are more concerned about the money and power that comes with the oil, than bringing home the pawns.....
I feel for your fiance.

2007-05-08 20:15:26 · answer #5 · answered by AussieRocker27 2 · 2 0

I'm not American (I'm Brazilian), so I can't help you with this, but I wanted to thank you for speaking up against this war, and wish you and all the US Soldiers all the best. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take good care, be safe, and be well!

2007-05-08 15:34:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

A lot but 0bama will not bring them home because that would raise the unemployment rate.

2016-04-01 08:39:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went to Iraq twice already. And guess what? I'm done with my obligation. Thats all I have to say. Like they say in the Army "Just suck it up and drive on..." . Glad I didn't get extended like you did though, but they did stop loss me.

2007-05-04 14:45:47 · answer #8 · answered by Zuy_N 5 · 1 1

My friend, I've been there done that and have the scars to prove it. When I got home they spit on my and called me a baby killer. Now my grandson has been over there for three tours. I thought as my father did and my uncles. They fought the war to end wars, then I did, now he is. Whats to happen to your sons and grandsons?

2007-05-04 09:37:46 · answer #9 · answered by cowboydoc 7 · 7 1

I 100% agree with you. I'm only 13 and I still thinks it's horrible that there are still soldiers overseas and Bush just keeps sending more. Hopefully you'll come home soon.

2007-05-04 09:37:00 · answer #10 · answered by taylor 3 · 6 1

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