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28 answers

They do it out of fanatism, which is far worse than spite.

2007-05-04 08:47:39 · answer #1 · answered by Chusquina 3 · 2 0

All these people saying its because of `teaching`, `religion`, or just because, are missing a vital point. If islamic religion has been around for centuries, why is it only in the last couple of decades that it has inspired terrorist acts?

With the end of the cold war, the liberal free market economic system became the only economic model left. Globalization ensued as this model was spread throughout the world, some countries eagerly trying to model western success, others pushed toward it by the WTO, IMF, etc.

The liberal model was entirely at odds with many societies in the middle east, ideals of individualism and secularism clashing with clientelism and religion. Inevitably some groups in some societies lost out as centers of power and influence shifted.
Yet its about more than that. Globalization under the western model greatly undermined traditional values and greatly disrupted the society. Indeed, globalization has been a very unequal process and many blame the West (US in particular) for imposing a particular set of values on the world in its own interests.

Many young muslims, reacting against the inequalities and social vacuum created by globalisation, have sought to return to their more traditional roots. Where national identity once existed, a transnational identity of repressed islam has arisen. Solidarity in the face of what they percieve as US oppression and undermining of their values.

Whether they have a case or not is irrelevant. A very small minority of these people take the extreme view that rallying opposition to the West is the key to forcing back globalization. The 9/11 attacks were intended as a rallying call to young disaffected muslims against percieved US imperialism. The US reaction in Iraq and Afghanistan was exactly what Bin Laden wanted, so now every vaguely islamic group believing itself to be oppressed or having a beef with the west are all united in a broad sense of common identity in opposition to the West.

2007-05-04 11:59:33 · answer #2 · answered by Fin 2 · 1 0

I saw interesting special on public TV here in the US.

It explained, in Osama Bin Laden's own words ( in a fatwa, or whatever you call it) why attack the West. His group tried to create an uprising in Egypt using terror , but failed. They had assumed there would be an uprising, but it didn't happen. They blamed the West for proping up 'non-Islamic' goverments like Egypt's. So the logic was insted of attacking the near enemy (Egypt or Saudia Arabia) you attack the far enemy (USA). The far enemy is weak willed an wicked and will draw away from supporting the near enemy. Once the far enemy is no longer involved they can then attack and defeat the near enemy. Thus establishing a multi state Islamic Califate.

Once this powerful Islamic Califate is established in the Muslim world, the rest of the world is next.

Apparently the US invasion of Afganistan and Iraq was exactly what he wanted. Though Afganistan didn't go as planned.

2007-05-04 19:12:34 · answer #3 · answered by Barry1002 2 · 0 0

All infidels must convert or die. The terrorist are trained in gross generalities and encouraged to believe non-believers will destroy Islam. The young and naive are groomed to deliver the harsh message. The arrangers are never man enough to do their own biding. The handlers have turned out to be the biggest wimps in their cause. Send the clerics and handlers to deliver bombs. I heard a story on some media video where the Sunni would send the Shite children out to clear mine fields.

2007-05-04 09:00:38 · answer #4 · answered by Pablo 6 · 1 1

People think it is just because of our political stances. THEY ARE WRONG.

Islamic fundamentalists want all of western society destroyed because we are infidels, secular to the teachings of Mohamad.

The Islamic fundamentalist leaders teach that we are devils on earth because we hold different beliefs and that our culture is that sin. They do not believe that people have the right to be self-governing. They do not believe that people should be able to dress, speak, work or act however they choose.

Becuase of this, they feel and teach the need for us to be destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. This is evident in the group Charters of Hamas, and Al-Queda and even some countries, which state goals 1) Destroy the Nation of Isreal and 2) Destroy Western Culture.

These people must be stopped because their goals are clear AND they have demonstrated their willingness and ability to carry them out, not just in the US, but in Europe and in their own regions as well.

2007-05-04 08:53:56 · answer #5 · answered by Voice of Liberty 5 · 3 0

Out of spite! what are you on lmao!
Terrorists do it because they hate Western Civilisation and our freedoms, They bomb us because they are raised in a fanatical environment surrounded by Religious nut cases who twist and place ideals in their heads based upon Religious doctrine which is as old as time itself! hate and hate alone is what drives these people to murder and massacre the innocent..there is no in-between...

2007-05-04 09:56:42 · answer #6 · answered by celtic_colieen 4 · 1 0

They want to disrupt the greatest economy in the world, thereby disrupting the world economy and making all the gold that Osama is holding worth more of a fortune than it already is - then maybe he can buy Saudi Arabia and rename is Ladin Arabia.

2007-05-04 08:49:14 · answer #7 · answered by Ben 5 · 1 0

They are pissed at America and European Democracies because we won't follow extreme Muslim law.

They hate us because after WW2 we gave Israel back it's homeland in compensation for not helping them sooner.

They hate us because we support Israel when the Islamic world wants to crush them (I believe America supplied tanks and aircraft to Israel during the 6 day war)

They hate us because they claim that Islamic law is the perfect law and it makes everything right, although most of their governments are falling apart, and democracy (for the most part) is working just fine.

They need a scape goat for all the things going wrong in their world, so they blame the culture that most of their people are unfamiliar with; ours.

2007-05-04 08:51:50 · answer #8 · answered by stevedude256 2 · 1 1

The ones who do the bombing are useful idiots. The people in control do it to gain power and prestige or to execute a war plan.

2007-05-04 08:54:13 · answer #9 · answered by bravozulu 7 · 1 0

You think correctly. The aim of terrorism is to effect political change - to win concessions, for instance.

An example of a concession won by the terrorists via 9/11 would be the removal of US military bases from Saudi Arabia.

2007-05-04 08:48:43 · answer #10 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 4 2

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