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Don't forget that America fought against England for our independence after their tyrannical rule. She should not bring up Jamestown and colonialism when it brings America such harsh memories of when we were enslaved by colonialism.

Also, why did she insult all the victims of Virginia tech by meeting with the Victims. It's very well known that if students were armed with concealed handguns, 32 innocent people would be alive today. The UK restricts the right to own handguns, so they have nothing constructive to add to this debate. Shame on the queen and her cronies!

2007-05-04 08:18:44 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Royalty

39 answers

I think she is in the USA at the invitation of the US government. If you are unhappy complain to them , don't complain here.


2007-05-04 08:22:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 14 1

Calm down, it is an official visit! The American Colonies did fight against PARLIMENTARY Rule in the 1770's not against The King, many of those fighting where Monarchists and would have gladly given up fighting if parliment had given the rights to the colonists (equivalent of Dominion status) but they where ready to keep the King as Head of State. It was not until the French got involved and saved the Colonies being overrun by the British Army and defeated the Royal Naval Squadron of the Indies and stopped the Reinforcement of Lord Cornwallis Forces. The celebrations of the Jamestown Colony, your founding permanent colony of the Anglo Colony of America, is the true start of the United States, don't forget if it was not for this you would have been speaking Spanish or French. Learn your History before criticizing others.
Second, the Queens Visit to the Virginia Tech was done in the time honoured tradition of Humanity to others that the English people have shown to many over the years and the sorrow we all feel in the UK that so many have to perish no matter what the circumstances for one persons actions. As She is the Head of our Nation, She is showing our grief to you by visiting. Perhaps if your Goverment actually took the correct action and banned firearms and regulated them properly, perhaps this would not happen so often in America.
Would you Moan if any other foreign head of state came over and showed the same compassion and greif to those who have lost loved ones? Or are you just a bigot to anyone English?

2007-05-04 08:45:57 · answer #2 · answered by Kevan M 6 · 6 0

Are you nuts? Sorry, of course you are to ask such a question.

Harsh memories? What harsh memories? What do you know about it. At Jamestown the people were English and were not enslaved. It is the country's history and there is nothing harsh about it.

And why shouldn't she meet the victim's families? It is common decency and a mark of condolences. I think you are a rabid something but I'm not sure what. And if the killer hadn't been able to buy 2 guns, 32 people would be alive today. You are so simplistic to think that there are simple answers.

What you do need is a lesson in history, common decency and logic. Maybe you will get those when you start school.

2007-05-04 08:25:42 · answer #3 · answered by Elizabeth Howard 6 · 10 0

The victims of Virginia Tech are tragically, 'Dead' and I can't believe that you think it insulting for our Queen to extend the sorrow of the UK to the families of the dead. Are you for real? I'm alarmed to learn that "It's very well known that if students were armed with concealed handguns, 32 innocent people would be alive today. " Your quote.. In fact, if the gun laws were the same as the UK no-one would be dead. You sicko!

2007-05-05 14:24:05 · answer #4 · answered by Jimbo 4 · 0 0

In case you haven't noticed, the UK became an ally of the US over 100 years ago, and worked with the US to defeat the Nazis. Jamestown is part of America's heritage; as was the transition away from royal power (which was not tyrannical) to democracy undertaken in the revolution (Britain underwent similar changes).

And if your comment on handguns is correct, how come the Brits have a lower murder rate?

Grow up and learn some history - it's more complex thanyou think.

2007-05-04 08:31:22 · answer #5 · answered by mr_fartson 7 · 7 0

"She should not bring up Jamestown and colonialism when it brings America such harsh memories."

If by America, you mean the U.S. then a piece of land cannot have memories.
If by America, you mean U.S. citizens, I doubt anyone can remember something that never happened to them.

"It's very well known that if students were armed with concealed handguns, 32 innocent people would be alive today"

Yes, the solution to someone bringing a gun to school would be, GIVE EVERYONE GUNS! That way, 32 students wouldn't die in one day, but just one student every day of the year.

2007-05-04 08:27:01 · answer #6 · answered by Tania La Güera 5 · 7 0

You are an idiot and it seems that any idiot in America can own a gun, can you not see that is the real problem? I am glad we have such heavy restrictions in UK to owning handguns cos that is why our gun related crimes are so much lower than US. I feel so sad as we all do about what happened in Virginia tech but when will America learn.

Oh and leave the Queen out of it!!

2007-05-04 08:28:39 · answer #7 · answered by madmynx 2 · 7 0

The birthday messages are only for Commonwealth realms citizens. One can write to any of the monarchies one likes, but out of those listed I do not think any would oblige except the Danish monarchy. The Queen is truly kind and her secretaries deliver personal responses rather than form letters like Elizabeth II's office at Buckingham Palace.

2016-05-20 06:37:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The UK restricts the right to own handguns, so they have nothing constructive to add to this debate.

Nothing constructive other than we have a tiny proportion of death from guns (murder, suicide and accident) compared with the USA. In 1999 the USA had 28,874. The UK had 210. I think figures like that speak for themselves.

As for your remarks against our Queen, they are beneath contempt, factually incorrect and reveal nothing but your own ignorance and prejudice.

2007-05-04 08:45:53 · answer #9 · answered by KB 5 · 6 0

I think you are the one who should be ashamed if you had listened carefully you would of heard her Majesty say on behalf of the British people she was offering her condolences so what is so wrong with that common decency i would of thought also at least we don't go round carrying hand guns etc all the time our gun laws are a lot stricter than yours and we are a lot more careful with guns and as for that stupid remark of yours about the war of independence I think you Will find that was against the Parliament not the royalty it is people like you that give all your countrymen a bad name and i think that the majority would be ashamed to be associated with you and so they should be i hope you never come over here with those stupid ideas of yours as you will not be welcome we don't want your sort over here at all

2007-05-05 03:14:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

1. "harsh memories" of enslavement? Buddy, you are way off base on this. I know I've never sat around with my family and moaned of my ancestor's suffering under the tyrannical rule of England. I think you are looking for things to whine about.
2. In what way was her meeting and offering her condolances "insulting" to the victims? Let me venture a guess here; you think that the "good ole days" when men carried six shooters on their hips should be brought back.
Pitiful. Really.

2007-05-04 08:23:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 13 0

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