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We don't have special privileges, we have privileges that you have and are ROUTINELY denied to us. Whites have white-only scholarship. The Whites Only Scholarship was founded by Jason Mattera, a Roger Williams University student and member of the school Republican Party. A similar scholarship was offered at BU, known as the Caucasian Achievement and Recognition Scholarship, although the CARS scholarship requires 25% Caucasian heritage.
Another question, some of you complain about minorities having "special privileges", What about your WHITE PRIVILEGES?
Whites can wish, arrange to be in the company of people of their race most of the time. Whites can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see their race widely represented. They can easily buy posters, postcards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys, and children's magazines featuring people of my race.
whites can go shopping alone most of the time, and assured that they will not be followed.

2007-05-04 06:47:06 · 25 answers · asked by aloha_bitches 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

25 answers

well, you can say" ******* "and we can't
and now it looks as if you can say "ho's" and we cant

2007-05-04 06:49:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 10

There are also several scholarships that are only given to minorities, there are certain channels that only have certain minorities on them, award shows,an entire month is dedicated to a specific minority, the reason there are posters,postcards,picture books,greeting cards, dolls, and toys readily available to whites is b/c somewhere a white person is creatin these things and putting them on the market. As for the toys and dolls there are a variety of races, and i don't know what race you are but this is America. And if this were any other country there would be not one white doll in any store, no scholarships,no "special priveleges" And not all white people think minorities have special priveleges, but they do get some .

2007-05-04 07:00:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Let it be known that while your opinion is obviously from a very naive standpoint, there is some truth to it.
Usually when someone is trying to make a point...scratch that...when they want a point to be taken seriously. They don't use childish stipulations like the fact that "whities" can wish or take a sh** like the rest of the world.
Now to your point that white people have just as many privileges as minorities. I don't know if you've been paying attention to the government census lately but..white people are the minority.
Granted white people are coddled and treated better then others but that will always happen....to everyone. Why is it that a "minority" who plans to buy a lot of merchandise is followed all over a posh store while the white people are robbing it blind? It's simple culture problems. No matter where you go one race is always going to be more "privileged" as you call it.
As for the scholarships...there aren't just for white and minorities. There are programs for Jewish people, blind people, even people with ingrown toenails( don't believe me? check it out). It's having all these programs that makes things fair and equal.

One more thing...if you were at work and your boss threatened to fire you..what would be your first defense?..... because you were a minority....

Wonder if a "white" person could try that.

2007-05-04 06:59:30 · answer #3 · answered by ~*~BelAnge~*~ 2 · 4 3

I know that minorities do not have special privileges. My two adopted children are minorities and they have never received special privileges because of their race.

People who think minorities have special privileges are probably jealous because they did not get a job because a minority was more qualified.

I got a taste of being a minority once when I was in Mexico and was followed by someone. It was scary.

I can understand what you are saying and I also sense that you have some anger about it. I hope one day things will be equal for everyone.

2007-05-04 07:31:45 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well its 2007 and there is something for everone now,its not about dolls and toys.I had black,mex.,asain,and white dolls in the early 90's.

They have scholarships for other races,its just a matter if you can succeed in having it.I am not saying racism isnt alive and well.As I know it is,and thats with every color of the skintone.If anything I feel sad for the native americans because the everyone took over their land.As I see it every other race has a country to go to and the natives have to square up on some little itty bitty piece of land.And aside from race,wealthy status takes in a whole new meaning.Those with money are respected and those without or products of welfare are put on the bottom of the food chain.And thats with all races.Sure people with think what they want regardless,but when you have money or been brought up with money it will surely change the way they speak to you.So yes its a battle in itself,for respect.

2007-05-04 07:00:14 · answer #5 · answered by Butterflied 3 · 0 3

Evidently you have no knowledge of Houston TX or Chicago . I can only speak of these 2 major cities, but would guess that they are all about the same.
Almost all of the news people, including the anchors ,on the 3 major network local news shows and Fox"s local news are Latino or Black.
In the Supermarket out of 8 freebie newspapers 1 is for the Blacks, 5 are for Latinos and 2 are white oriented.
As far as privilages go, yes we whites have access to the same amount, but we are not taught how to work the system as part of our bringing up. We are taught how to add to the system.
It is a good thing we learned well, for you guys anyway, because if we hadn't you would have no system to work.

2007-05-04 07:02:41 · answer #6 · answered by asmikeocsit 7 · 1 2

You are one confused fellow.Your list is not only imaginary,it has nothing to do with "privilege".My tv is inundated with an overrepresentation of negroes.Even the voiceover narratives are predominantly *******.Every poster I see has a hodgepodge of races represented so as not to offend or exclude.Where are the White quotas?Where are the White entitlement programs?Where are the career White welfare mothers?Where are the Whites-only newspapers and fraternities?I could go on for another 15 minutes along these lines.But then,as most Blacks do...they hit the "abuse" button.Why?Lack of intellect to debate an issue.

2007-05-04 07:24:58 · answer #7 · answered by kitz 5 · 1 2

Not to make a huge mess of things. The true minority in America is the white male ages 18-35. It is true. Anytime a white male says anything remotely against anyone it is considered racist. My next statement will be considered racist and it is not in my opinion and I don't want anyone to claim that it is, and I do not intend it to be as such. So please do not look at me as racist because I am far from racist by any means. Here is the statement that will probably make me appear to be racist in everyone's eyes because I am white.
Look at the statistics. I don't know the actually % but look at your local news papers, how many of the wanted pictures in your local papers are for whites? Look at gang related violence in America, how much of that is caused by whites? It seems to the general population that most crime is committed by so-called minority races. Watch the nightly news, whenever you see someone robbing a store on TV the caption always appears to be "A Hispanic Male, or An African American Male, then height and weight." "How many music artists sing about putting caps in people, and such, that are white, compared to other races? Wonder why other races are being followed? It isn't the white race that is keeping you down, it is the Media. The Liberal Media!Everyone believes what they see on TV and in the News.
Whitey can't do anything now days without getting a finger pointed at him. Even you pointed a finger, does that make you racist?

2007-05-04 07:12:59 · answer #8 · answered by Kythrol 3 · 2 3

Actually I get more rights and privileges than white people. I simply have to say, "Is it because I'm black?" People will throw whatever I want at me. I can cross the street without looking because no one wants to hit the black girl, that'd be racially motivated. I can get jobs because affirmitive action says so. I can get scholarships designed for "hispanics" because technically they can't discriminate me because I'm black. Welfare is more likely to support me because I'm black. I can walk around the store and get followed while my white friends steal for me. I get a whole month dedicated to my "heritage" (although I'm Jamaican, not African American the difference being my family originates to origianl aboriginal Jamaicans and not slaves brought there). No one wants to offend a black person and seem racist, but you can sit here and spew racist filth from your fingertips because you're "black" that's, for lack of a better word, bullsh*t. The world is full of racists, including me only difference is I have a thing against every race. Grow the hell up. Get over yourself. Everyone does not have to like each other.

2007-05-04 06:59:10 · answer #9 · answered by Jinxy B 2 · 6 1

well 1st of all we WORK for a living unlike some people in this world not being a racist in any type of way . if other miniorities dont like are way of doig things then go back to your country . There are hispanic scholarships , african scholarships and etc ...so why are you still complaining . Your little statement about miniorities being followed around thats funny my friends and are "white' and we get followed all the time 2 . Its all right for you people to call us white crackers,pigs,and whatever whatever but when we get to name calling you wanna say its racism right away .

very upset greek hunny

2007-05-04 06:59:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You brought it up so, try getting a white son who has great grades, well rounded never been in any trouble kind of kid who has already had his extensive writing awarded a college scholarship......I dare you to.....lack of money was not the issued even though I had two jobs, never a dime from any government agency and denied any help with his college on scholarships because he did not meet the racial diversification required at this time........go figure.....Affirmative action is past it's time, and the scholarships are need based for all except whites. You brought it up.......I still owe over 22,000 for loans,,,,,,real fair right/........

2007-05-04 06:53:55 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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