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8 answers

pieces of banana, peeled apple, avacado

mashed up sweet potatoes or carrots

cereal made from freshly-ground whole grains

I start these at around 8 months.

2007-05-04 06:04:50 · answer #1 · answered by mennyd 4 · 1 0

My doc told me to at the 9 month visit. Of course, this was after my girl had been on baby food long enough to have tried just about all of the stage 1s to check for allergies and then move on to the heavier textured foods. Really, the only rules are these:

---Go through as many types of foods as possible individually to make sure there are no allergies (ie. peas, then a few days later, carrots; not peas and carrots mixed together) For everyone's sanity; always introduce new stuff early in the day, so if there's a reaction, you're dealing with it at 2pm not 2am!

---Make sure the texture is something the baby can handle without choking. There is not really a set age for this, it's just a matter of the baby being used to chewing (with or without teeth) so they don't choke. This is learned...there's not a magic age of wisdom. Increase "lumpiness" gradually.

---Be aware of ingredients. babies don't need all the extra salt and butter. If they have only had bland foods they don't know it "needs" more salt. Don't be afraid to introduce flavors (spices and such) but just be aware of baby's reactions. Just like adults...some can take it/like it, some can't/don't.

2007-05-04 06:14:02 · answer #2 · answered by ladybug 4 · 1 0

around 6-8 months, depending on your baby. If your child can sit up 100% on his own and grasp things with his hand, then it's time to start finger food if you choose. Lots of people say no finger food before 8 months, but they never have given me a reason why. Our daughter had the pincer grasp down at 6 months and she could sit up on her own. She also had 8 teeth, so I think 6 months was fine for her.
Soft, cut up bananas are good. Gerber makes those fruit and veggie puffs which are good. Cheerios are a favorite. Zweibeck toast is good too and it's also good for teething.

2007-05-04 06:06:08 · answer #3 · answered by happymommy 4 · 1 0

My little girl is 8 months old and has been eating table food since she was about 6 1/2 months old. She has 7 teeth but prior to that she still ate table food just fine. Start with things like canned veggies (green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes...) they are soft and you can give baby small pieces of them. Fruits like peaches, cantaloupe, honeydew, pears and such are also easy to cut into little pieces for baby to mash easily. Slices of plain toast are always a favorite, and once baby masters things like that you can move on to small bites of pasta and shredded chicken and such. It's so much fun when they start eating table foods...but watch out they'll want EVERYTHING you eat LOL!

2007-05-04 06:31:45 · answer #4 · answered by totspotathome 5 · 1 0

When your baby starts showing interest in what you eating is a good time to start introducing them to table food, start with mash potatoes, peas, that sort of thing and when you can see that they can start picking things up with their fingers start giving them diced fruit and veg tables, puff cereal, crackers, and anything else that would like to try just make sure it's in small pieces. My daughter was eating table food at 8 months, she never liked jar food and I just tried different things to see what she would like. Just use your better judgment and stay clear of things that are difficult to chew. Good luck, hope this helped.

2007-05-04 06:41:06 · answer #5 · answered by Lil's Mommy 5 · 1 0

i started my daughter at about 9 months on table foods. her doctor said she was ready, so we started to experiment a little by giving her some of our food first, just a little.

she already had the grasper fingers down. so we gave her peas, tiny pieces of meatballs, noodles, sweet potatoes (not white because she got really constipated) prunes cut up really small are a favorite of hers. she just started to eat strawberries and bananas at 13 months, but it was because she hated fruit for the first year.

my daughter also eats eggo's from the toaster, cut up. her grandpa gave her a pancake the other day! buttered toast, and when i can, i usually get food that is made with whole grains.

gerber graduates has a great line of snacks. they just came out with cheesy puffs in assorted flavors. fruit bits, fruit and veggie star puffs, raviolis and meat sticks (but i always cut them up), crackers, and cookies. the baked snacks dissolve really well, so i dont worry about her choking. but i always keep an eye on her when she eats, especially new foods, i'm always freaked out that she'll have an allergic reaction to something. i hope i gave you some good ideas, good luck.

2007-05-04 06:14:41 · answer #6 · answered by Madi's Mum 3 · 1 0

For me, it was easy to tell when my daughter was ready, because she would try to grab food off my plate. The first easy finger foods as mac and cheese, those Gerber diced fruits like apples, pears, peaches, American cheese, rice, beans - anything that is "solid" but not hard. They also love those little puffs things that you can get in the baby food aisle, like banana puffs, veggie puffs, etc. Cheerios are also a favorite.

2007-05-04 06:05:24 · answer #7 · answered by purplebinky 4 · 1 1

about 5 1/2 6 months.

mashed potatoes
mashed bananas
soft stuff like that

2007-05-04 06:22:09 · answer #8 · answered by msmarieww 3 · 0 2

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