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Last year, I took my son to a psychologist and he got diagnosed of 'Autism'. My ex didn't know anything about it and neither the school psychologist nor the doctor has interviewed him about the child's condition. Can I ask my ex-husband for more money in court because of the child's condition? Can my ex-husband contest the diagnosis in court because he didn't talk to the doctor? Can my ex use this to change custody or ask for joint custody because I didn't tell him things about the child?

2007-05-04 04:47:59 · 27 answers · asked by uglym 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

27 answers

a deal is a deal......these are the things you think about BEFORE you make a deal.it is unclear to me what you want... is it just more money?....withouth giving him the oppertunity to be a parent?..no wonder he gave you custity.........OK......... you can ask for anything you want in court.... asking is just that, asking, however reality is for the most part as stated above.

If you are willing to be the full parent you agreed to be, just do it.. quit whining, and be that parent.... if you do not wish to be that parent, then invite him to be a parent with you, and give him that choice to be that, and the things that come with that.

Autism.......... Be caredul about putting your child in this box... I know autistic kids who are extreemly bright and fun.... sure get them help with acidemics such as reading ond other things, but dont buy into our cultures view or treatment of autism.. there is a ton of funding for autistic kids... in fact many diagnosis include autism just to have access to these funds.. if you would like help I am very willing to help, and know this subject well.

good luck

2007-05-04 05:13:26 · answer #1 · answered by Joel 3 · 0 0

This will not be selected as best answer: cold-hard-truth never is...but, here goes

A -
Why is getting your ex husband to give more money your core concern ? focus on the child..

If the child needs treatment, thats what health Insurance is for

When you decided to recieve "sole custody" that entails taking 100% full responsibility.

Regardless if the condition was known or unkown. When a woman is pregnant she never know if the child will be autistic, crippled, deaf, even blind but a woman has the right to choose whether or not to continue her pregnancy ...when she does she must accept whatever the condition of the child is - regardless if a father or father-figure ever gets involved at all.

More money wont change your life...and it wont help...Autistic children need affection-attention and lots of huggs and understanding - in other words they need all the things money cant buy.

Love the child, accept the responsibility and let the A_S_S_H**E who abandoned and gave up custody go on with his miserable life..missing all the wonderful moments and the chance to love a special boy.

I wish you well.

2007-05-04 04:59:48 · answer #2 · answered by billybadazz 3 · 0 0

Your asking more than one question here. This sounds selfish and rude of your husband. Can I ask my ex-husband for more money in court because of the child's condition? Perhaps yes. Now this is based on his salary. Can my ex-husband contest the diagnosis in court because he didn't talk to the doctor? Yes. Unless you have proof from the doctor. Have your doctor call him and have him get a doctor for his own approval. Can my ex use this to change custody or ask for joint custody because I didn't tell him things about the child? You mean to tell us that you already knew about your child's condition and kept this secret? I would get a lawyer.

2007-05-04 04:56:34 · answer #3 · answered by mikeydonatelli 6 · 1 0

I didnt read it all - its long! However i did skim it an basically got the story. About that email it would of shown that it was from his address so u can prove she was lying about that. She cant get you done for harrassment because the police have no record of you troubling her in the passed so they wouldnt do a thing. Is your ex husband really interested in seeing his son? its so wrong of her to react the way she does, she is so insecure an jealous of you. what happens when her baby comes along - will your ex really have time for your son? i think you should send him an email, you cant be doing with all the stuff you said an he needs to make a desision as to whether he actualyl wants to be a part of the childs life its either telling his gf straight that she cant stop him or he has no involvementyou have custody an you may think its nasty on your son but when hes older would he really want a father like that in his life?you cheated on you bullied you! he doesnt understand the pain you went through but when hes older it'l hit him an im sure he will have some sort of resentment towards him. or you can carry on an wait till her baby is born, have a mother to mother talk an ask her how would she feel if her baby couldnt hardly see his/her father because someone getting in the way xxxxx

2016-04-01 08:18:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd consult a lawyer.

Do you need more money to provide drugs or something for your son now that he's been diagnosed? Otherwise, I don't see why you'd ask for more money.......

You have sole custody, so really, autism shouldn't change anything. It's not a disease and it's not anything life-threatening like cancer. It just means your child learns differently than other kids and will get special education services in the public school system. it shouldn't affect your custody at all.

2007-05-04 04:54:38 · answer #5 · answered by BarbieGurl 3 · 2 0

You can always petition the court for a modification of child support. But, the amount is based on both of your incomes and how much visitation he has with the child. I don't think you can get more money just because of a medical condition. Both parents are obligated to support the child equally based on the above conditions. Check with an attorney to be sure before you go to court.

2007-05-04 04:53:56 · answer #6 · answered by Mike 4 · 1 0

first off, i'm not a lawyer, but... if i were you, i'd cover my bases by getting a second opinion. (good idea anyway, too be sure it is a correct diagnosis) as for him contesting, the judge would obviously go with a doctor's professional opinion on the matter before your ex's. if the child is incurring more expenses because of this issue, why not ask for more help. the other parent is no less responsible financially if the child is less than healthy- it's his kid, no matter what! as for joint custody, i can't imagine that a judge would find it in the best interest of a child with autism to go from one environment to another constantly. from what i understand, consistancy is extremely important for children with this problem. research as much as possible to build your case for this. good luck.

2007-05-04 04:57:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being that I have been n the exact situation here is my advice: Yes you always can try to get more support financially ie case in point/increased medical bills/co=-pays treatment and the like. You can request medical coverage from your ex also for the child.He can contest anything he wants to . You have proof. Your ex can do anything asking for change in custody etc.How ever that is solely up to the court system. Talk to your attorney for the best advice. Keep a paper trail always! You are not obligated to tell him anything if not ordered by the court.

2007-05-04 04:55:56 · answer #8 · answered by AngelwingsFL 2 · 0 1

Check your divorce decree.

It really depends on the wording as far as you getting into trouble for non-compliance if you didn't tell his father his condition. Mine states basically that if anything is going on with my daughter (serious) that I have 24 hours to notify her father. As far as medical records, he has a right to them but the decree states he can obtain copies directly from her Dr. Of course if he wanted any I had I would gladly give them to him.

Does the autism affect your family with extra medical expenses? I would think an increase in support would be covered already if he were responsible for 1/2 the medical expenses. It really depends on your decree.

One question for you, WHY would you not talk to the child's father about the diagnosis? It is his right to know. I would be really, really pissed and would consider pursuing custody if it were me. This would not put you in a positive light. I would tell him now, not seek more money, and a second opinion couldn't hurt.

2007-05-04 04:58:25 · answer #9 · answered by Simply_Renee 6 · 1 0

You can ask for the court to re-evaluate the cost of caring for the child and they would probably increase child support.

Your husband can ask the court to order you to have your son re-examined by another doctor if he feels you're lying about his condition.

He probably wont be able to change the custody decision since the child's condition wasn't a determining factor in the original decision, but, if he feels you aren't capable of caring for the child, he can file a motion for the court to re-evaluate the custody decision.

2007-05-04 04:54:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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