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Or, join in with me? Let's hear it from both sides.

2007-05-04 04:31:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

This country is rapidly losing her freedoms, and it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act or suspension of Fourth Amendment rights, although there are clearly issues which prove a little scary right now. No, the main freedoms we are losing, we are actually standing behind, bans on anything and everything that is deemed unsafe, unclean, or politically incorrect for example. Where do you draw the line on these issues, the slippery slope has never felt quite so slippery to me lately.

I have no problem with my country suspending the "rights" of people who are here illegally or who are here to solely inflict damage upon my country, they should only receive the right to a fair trial, period, especially illegal citizens, why should they have a right to anything, save to exist elsewhere?

And I have lived in Europe and some third world countries, I have seen the "other side" and know what it is to be free, but remember, freedom taken for granted should be taken from those who abuse freedom for the sake of abuse.

2007-05-04 08:01:39 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfgang92 4 · 3 0

Do not ever forget where your freedoms come from... The Consititution. Be wary of those who will twist and shatter it and take that from you. And power is derived from the people NOT politicians. Take care to keep your freedoms which other people have sacraficed their lives to give you. Let your voting reflect your beliefs and vales as an American.

ALWAYS take pride in your country no matter what disagreements you might have. In all of human history NO othersociety has offered you the freedoms and luxuries that we enjoy as Americans.

Also, remeber that only two people have ever offered to give up their life for you. 1) Jesus Christ and 2) The American Soldier.

2007-05-04 04:38:47 · answer #2 · answered by Voice of Liberty 5 · 4 1

I love this country and will do all I can to keep the freedoms that remain. I will vote and get the lost freedoms returned. We have our problems but I can't imagine living any place else.

2007-05-04 04:43:48 · answer #3 · answered by gone 7 · 2 0

I'm afraid that,but I hope my impression is wrong,this question shows deep doubts inside of you.Sometimes the need to proclaim things very loud,even waste questions on it on yahoo hides a deep fear and a lot of doubts.
I could be wrong but this display of patriotism gives me the impression Americans are worried.
Hope I'm wrong and agree the USA is still a pretty great country.

2007-05-04 04:39:52 · answer #4 · answered by justgoodfolk 7 · 0 1

many countries have freedom of speech and such. Hate crimes are even extra distinct interior u . s . a . than in different international places, alongside with Germany. we are a distinctly good u . s . a ., yet i'd not say we are the superb. many countries are equivalent to us in rights, and they have a lot extra effective guidance and health structures.

2016-11-25 01:51:30 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I agree completely, but I think that with things like the Patriot act, we are going down a road that we don't want to go. A road that leads straight toward Fascism. We need to be caredul of how much freedom we hae and what the cost of it is.

2007-05-04 04:35:53 · answer #6 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 2 2

I agree. We could certainly do some things better, Corruption with interest groups and politicians etc... but the freedom we are allowed is great.

2007-05-04 04:36:07 · answer #7 · answered by Nick 2 · 4 0

I beg to differ.

The USA is NOT a great country. The American Way of Life is built on rapidly depleting finite resources, and is therefore unsustainable, and will most likely collapse, if not gradually enter long-term decline.

Don't believe me? Where do you think our cars, houses, computers, DVDs, toys, phones, hamburgers, food, & the zillion other consumer products that we enjoy come from.... out of thin air??? They come from the Earth, and from FINITE resources. Additionally, various forms of pollution occur throughout the mining, manufacturing, shipping, consumption, and waste processes. The US is one of the worst offenders of air, water, and land pollution on the planet.... and ultimately, a heavy price will be paid for all this pillaging & destruction.

Just look at oil, which is the oxygen & lifeblood of modern industrialized Western civilization, and the backbone of the American economy (and military). Oil is not just used for transport, but also for plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and 100,000+ other products. Once this finite resource starts to dry up, our American Way of Life is in BIG TROUBLE. Imagine no more cars, trucks, or planes running - especially in a big country like the US, whose economy is heavily dependent on transport. The average piece of American food needs to travel 1,500 miles in order to get to your mouth... so what happens if you live in a big city? Payback will be brutal.

If you're thinking alternative energy, keep dreaming. It only accounts for 1% of all current energy use. (Forget ethanol, there is not enough land to produce all that corn/sugar cane to make a dent in US oil needs.) We started researching too late - this is a major problem with capitalism, we're not encouraged to invest ahead until present costs rise too high - so that by the time we're forced to switch, the substitutes haven't yet been fully developed. Capitalism forces companies to focus on short-term profits & short-term vision & the corporate good.... as opposed to the common good & long-term vision.

Actually, oil doesn't need to run out in order to wreak havoc on the US economy & the American Way of Life. It just needs to become permanently expensive, and we'll all be up sh*t creek. (It's called Peak Oil, just Google) Everything will become more expensive, people will buy/consume less, corporate profits will shrink, people will start to lose their jobs, inflation will go up, and a major, long-term depression will occur. All because our economy, wealth, & way of life is oil-dependent. I'm not making this up. The US GAO (Government Accounting Office) released a report in 02/07 addressing this Peak Oil issue, and basically said the Government needs to do something about it to "mitigate the consequences", which are "inevitable". Since they are a relatively neutral, conservative department, they said that Peak Oil consequences would happen anywhere from between now (which I and many others believe) and 2030 (which is hysterically what the oil companies believe). Google it. Don't believe me??? Follow the money trail - or in this case, the climbing oil prices.

This is not to mention resource depletion in natural gas, copper, platinum, gold, and other metals & resources (if you look at year-to-year graphs for those prices, you'll see that they're all going up as well). Global demand keeps going up while supply keeps shrinking - and we're setting a model example for the rest of the world, since we are the world's biggest consumer of all natural resources.

What you currently consider "freedom", our "great country", the "American Way" & the "American Dream".....all are at least partially based on our exploitive, unsustainable, destructive relationship with the environment & the Earth. The economy & the environment are intertwined - the former is heavily dependent on the latter. So we're headed for disaster in both areas. It's just Karma. What we do to the Earth, the Earth will do to us. We're bringing this on ourselves. The signs are already showing, not just in high oil prices, but in soil degradation, dwindling fish stocks, decreasing water resources, etc etc. All man-made.

Sure, "life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness", "freedom, tolerance, & democracy", are all wonderful ideals, but when we start to define these things in terms of consumerism, profit, and the "American Way of Life", then we have strayed afar from their true spirit, and there will be consequences for our destructive way of life in our "great country".

2007-05-04 06:09:04 · answer #8 · answered by sky2evan 3 · 0 1

Cause I've seen some other parts of the world, I agree.
But it could be better. We could have labels that show where the ingredients are from.

2007-05-04 04:48:11 · answer #9 · answered by Wonka 5 · 1 0

I wonder how many war supporters and bible thumpers here have even left their home town or state borders? America is a great place to live but it is in steep decline. I'm making plans already to move overseas.

2007-05-04 04:46:34 · answer #10 · answered by Magpie 2 · 0 2

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