Yes, but not Hillary.
2007-05-03 17:23:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This country is ready for a woman President. However, Clinton will not be the one. If Liz Dole lost and she is very popular in the majority of the states for a lot of people. I would vote a a woman. What this country needs in a woman President is Margaret Thatcher type woman. A true conservative and a strong woman that has a understanding of the way the international system works. Clinton thinks she does understand but her philosophical framework on international system and structure is one that will place this country in a weak and powerless against attacks. Her saying 'if we are attacked again' We were attacked once and the current President took the war to them not waiting for another attack. not suffering a defeatest mind set. Like Churchill prior to becoming Primeminster he was the lone voice for defense and preparing for war. the rest of world was into appeasment and history proves that does not work. Churchill was right and Bush is right now. those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
2007-05-03 17:36:58
answer #2
answered by patrickhs113 1
To be honest, our next President could be male,female, white, black, brown, young, old, or bald, it really doesn't matter to me.
I only want a couple of things from a President.
1. To reinstate the US Constitution and stand behind it instead of using it as toilet paper.
2. Follow the directives and intensions of our forefathers in interactions with other countries.
(Basically, stay out of their internal affairs)
3. Review CIA, FBI, and Congressional documents to see if any of these departments have commited crimes against the US Constitution or the American people. If they have, they need fall under the hammer of justice. If they have not, they need to be vindicated.
National Security is no excuse to protect traitors.
nuff said
2007-05-03 17:33:04
answer #3
answered by Paul D 3
Regardless of the issues I don`t think the conservative has evolved enough to accept a woman because they do not fit the father figure image as a protectionist which they rely on in the traditional sense, this is why the majority of conservatives vote and stand by a leader that knows best instead of a representative of the majority of the people`s will.
2007-05-03 17:28:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ah, the world's dullest question continues to hum along.
Yes, sure, why not. Whether Hillary Clinton is elected or not is beside the point - if she loses, it doesn't mean the country isn't ready for a "lady" president.
2007-05-03 17:24:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course-gender should not make a difference if that person is fully qualified (and she is) to become the President of the good old USA-besides she could do a better job. Women have proved over and over again they can handle ANY type of job--just look at our female soldiers.
2007-05-03 17:33:21
answer #6
answered by Joan J 6
I think we're long over due, still Hillary Clinton is ridiculously unqualified. If she gets in to office she'd be the first woman presient and possibly the last president period.
2007-05-03 19:07:26
answer #7
answered by Ozz B 3
America would very much prefere a qualified president.. If that qualified candidate happens to be female ,, yes! If you mean ; is America ready for another Clinton just because this one has breasts? HELLNO! And, Dr.Rice has already said she won't run.
2007-05-03 17:29:44
answer #8
answered by mr.phattphatt 5
Nope, but a nice Italian Lady, Rep. Nancy Pelosi = two heartbeats away from the presidency right now. ~(@ @)~
( V )
2007-05-03 17:31:02
answer #9
answered by LuvDylan 5
Of course !
Find one that can lead America in a way I can agree with and I'll vote for her.
It sure isn't Hillary !
2007-05-03 17:25:24
answer #10
answered by Philip H 7
Yes, but it seems like Hillary Clinton isn't all that popular with the American people now.
2007-05-03 17:24:58
answer #11
answered by Anonymous