You like the name Maxwell, huh? It's a nice name. Now, let's consider the middle names:
Maxwell Christian... It sounds nice, they sound good together. I'm sorry, but I've never really been a big fan of the name Christian. I mean, naming someone after a religion...? I mean, yeah, I know it's popular, and no one really thinks about that, but what if we were naming someone Hindu, Jew, or Buddhist...? I mean, come on. But, that's just my personal opinion and if you like Christian, then you should go for it! Like I said, that's just MY opinion, a lot of people like the name Christian, and it's not a name that would be made fun of in school or anything. Again , if YOU like Christian, go for it!
Maxwell Paul... Not the best. I just don't think they sound good together, like saying it, you know... Try saying it a lot of times, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Paul. ESPECIALLY with your last name being Peirce. Then again, if he was called Max, that'd be kind of cool. Like, Paul to the max or something. But, you can't rely on a nickname, and, well, I still don't like Maxwell Paul. It has a certain ring to it- not a good one. But remember, it's just an opinion.
Maxwell Donald... This one definately sounds better than Maxwell Paul, but Donald Duck comes to mind. That's just what I think, and I bet other people think that, too. That's just what I think, and I'm just thinking about the kid. I've always been fond of the name Donald, but people always think of Donald Duck. Sorry! And, remember. Just ONE opinion!
Maxwell Xavier... This is my favorite! I mean, first of all, the middle initial will be X! I mean, how cool is that? Pretty cool. And, you can't go wrong with that. It's old fashioned, but COOL! I mean, he could be all like, "Maxwell X. is my name," all mysterious and cool. Plus Xavier sounds good with Maxwell. This should definately be the kid's name.
So, there you have it! Alena's OWN opinions on YOUR names! Great, huh? Still having trouble deciding? How about:
Maxwell Jonathan
Maxwell Bernard
Maxwell Braden
Maxwell Anthony
Maxwell Joshua
Maxwell Jonah
Maxwell Nicholas
Maxwell Nathaniel
Maxwell Cooper
Maxwell Leo
Maxwell Lewis
Maxwell Harvey
Maxwell Harold
Maxwell Salvatore
Maxwell Ronald
Maxwell James
Maxwell Timothy
Maxwell Carlos
Maxwell Gavin
Maxwell Jacob
Maxwell Preston
Maxwell Steven
Maxwell Jerome
Do you like any of these? Well, hopefully! None of these float your boat...? Check out one of these baby names 'sites:
Well, heh, that's all I've got. I wish you the best of luck with your little baby!
And, um, remember, those were just MY opinions! You can LISTEN to my FABULOUS suggestions, but, remember, in the end, it's all about YOUR opinion, not mine. But, um, if you LIKE my suggestions, it wouldn't hurt to choose this as best answer!
This is Alena Sexton...
Signing off!
2007-05-03 13:23:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous