It depends. You have to check the return rates. Sometimes CD's offer better return rates then Bonds and you don't have to be vested for a long time. If your goal is to be a concervative investor then go with CD's, bonds, or Blue Chip mutual funds. For moderate investor mid cap, combination (stock/bond), or S&P 500 mutual funds are the way to go. For agressive investors who want to make real money, you may want to do some research on individual company stock buying. There is nothing better then finding a company early on that achieves huge growth over a short period of time (Microsoft, yahoo, amazon.. to name a few). Investing is a difficult process if you don't put together a plan for where you want to be financially in 1,2 10, 20 years. The understanding of high risk vs. high reward is key and making proper choices can make you or break you, so make a plan, talk to a profecional, research the market, and start gambling (i mean investing).
2007-05-03 07:06:57
answer #1
answered by Ilya S 3
there is no such thing as the best type of investment. What is best is determined by the individual that is buying the investment. What is best for me at 32 and with 4 kids is not what is best for my 21 year old single brother in law and it is not what is best for my 62 year old mom who is nearing retirement. As for Bonds and CD's both have there positive points, but neither are great "investments". A CD for example, after you pay taxes on the interest earned and factor in inflation, will barely break you even in the long run, and if you are in a high tax bracket may actually lose money in a real return sense. To sumarize, the best investment is the one that fits into your individual circumstances and helps you accomplish your goals with the best risk vs return.
2007-05-03 07:09:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It depends on why you are investing. If you are investing in the short-term and need the money within a year or two or less, seriously consider putting your money in a money market fund. You may not earn here what you would somewhere else but you will have your money when you need it.
If you invest in common stock, that is for the long-term. Then depending on your investment strategy, you will buy various stocks, foreign, domestic, large cap, small cap.
You should educate yourself on investing. Read as much as you can, listen to investment radio shows, as well as the investing programs on TV. Suzie Orman has an excellent TV show for beginning investors. She gives solid financial advice.
2007-05-03 08:51:30
answer #3
answered by Robert L 7
CD's are not good they are often called Certificate's of Depreciation. The best type of investment is real estate investing.
2007-05-03 14:19:24
answer #4
answered by Milania 2
savings bonds are for a longer time investment compared to cds which are relatively shorter time period
2007-05-03 06:53:57
answer #5
answered by jinx_0334 2
Managed Futures Accounts
all four of mine have an average annual return over 20%
2007-05-03 07:06:52
answer #6
answered by kendall8505 2
I do better with bonds Try the money market.
2007-05-03 06:57:06
answer #7
answered by Available F 3
the best type of investement is the one that pays you good bucks and lets you not work till you die
2007-05-03 06:54:13
answer #8
answered by junkie 2
2007-05-03 06:57:00
answer #9
answered by futurehero5200 5