I think that's great you don't own much.
I get sick of all the STUFF I have lying around. I wish I could just give it all away and be an ascetic.
Might have something to do with the fact that I recently had a class studying the Buddha....
2007-05-03 06:03:02
answer #1
answered by StellaBtheWriter 5
As you age you don't get too many new things and you kinda lose the desire for the newest, biggest, etc. Mostly cause time goes so fast you don't realize that you're using and 8 year old computer. Or you get better glasses instead of a large screen TV. I guess stuff just means a little less when you age.
I really never worried about material stuff. I've always had what I needed and then some. Maybe I didn't always have what I wanted. When you die, someone is stuck selling all the stuff or getting rid of it anyhow.
Ain't a thing wrong with being frugal either. You'll be glad you were eventually. Possessions don't make a person anyhow.
If you own a good heart and soul, you own more than most people and you'll be rewarded more for it when it counts. You'll do just fine I believe.
How can you go wrong with the music you like. ( we must be related according to your music choices)
2007-05-03 23:22:52
answer #2
answered by Ret. Sgt. 7
You are going to get so many of the same answers. All of which will be empty, including mine. Attachment to possessions is apart of the american way of of life. You have two options: Go somewhere elese and live with people who have nothing and then you yourself will have nothing or do just that here and me deemed homeless and get the shaft by society. We are in some weird times my friend and possesions are most likely the doings of those dark nasty forces. They blind us from reality. They keep us indoors and away from real situations. I suggest travel for the soul searcher like your self. I also suggest aiming for travel to places other than cities. The reality to life awaits off the beaten path. You really have to look to find. So to answer your question. Simply dont worry. It's hard because there is a void in your life. You have to draw strength from some external source(i.e. a mountain, a god, a friend) and ultimately make it your own and then teach it to others. Possesions are a grand source of evil. Build yourself from the inside out. If you find success from within there is not much else you will need. Good luck on your journey:)
2007-05-03 06:16:42
answer #3
answered by daniel m 2
I would like a computer for home..it would make answering so much easier, but I already live without a cell phone, I don't have cable or a satellite dish (I use an antenna..my TV is free), I don't own a blackberry, or even an ipod. I don't need that much technology up my behind. I think it just makes you feel more pressured to be connected to everything constantly. I don't care what people think...I'm taking time to enjoy my life, and that means to me not being stuck to a piece of plastic all the time.
2007-05-03 06:06:59
answer #4
answered by Blue Oyster Kel 7
Have a few kids. It's what I did, and now they're the two most important things in my life. :) Who the f*ck cares if John across the road just got a new 60" plasma TV and a blue ray player...?
There's more to life than having material possessions. :)
2007-05-03 07:11:51
answer #5
answered by brevejunkie 7
There is something to be said for living simply...
My family has no cell phone
dial up service to a very old computer
I do not even own a dishwasher
the games for my kids system aren't even made any more
My family is happy because it comes from a place a lot deeper within than just your wallet.....
2007-05-03 06:17:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The fact is that credit has been overused and although people have toys (maybe as in the saying "he who has the most toys wins") those people are in trouble monetarily. You're something because you manager your money. You do something a lot of people can't (apparently) do. You might want to mention that fact to get your next promotion, that you know how to budget.
2007-05-03 06:03:54
answer #7
answered by sophieb 7
What you own has nothing to do with your worth as a person. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not the type of person I care to associate with. Don't worry, you're not alone, I don't even have a cell phone.
2007-05-03 06:09:34
answer #8
answered by Vampira 4
Think of it this way. Those who own a lot of material possessions are in fact owned in turn by the advertising media, who create artificial demand for unnecessary "stuff." If you respect yourself, and don't worry about what the brainwashed masses think of you, you own your own soul (a vastly superior possession).
2007-05-03 06:05:08
answer #9
answered by RE 7
Very Easy, get your body in the best shape ever! They won't care about their toys once they see you. Plus, it'll take the focus from crap, to something that actually matters, and will help you in the future. (Going into help benefits takes up too much time)
2007-05-03 06:03:34
answer #10
answered by Scotty J 3