It is rare for exclusively breast fed babies to get either diarrhea or constipation. Poop of breast fed babies is naturally very loose and watery and does indeed resemble diarrhea. It is also common for the frequency and consistency of a baby's poop to change. Nursing every hour for a 6 week old breast fed baby is not unusual, especially if he is getting ready to go through a growth spurt (quite common around this age). The best way to increase milk production is to nurse frequently, so if your baby's needs are getting ready to change, then his nursing habits will also change and expect his poop habits to change as well. Do not give a 6 week old either water or pedialyte, he does not need it. Breast milk is comprised of a lot of water and will give him all the fluids and nutrients he needs. Call your pediatrician for some reassurance, but I think your baby is fine and does not have diarrhea.
2007-05-03 05:51:13
answer #1
answered by sevenofus 7
Breastfed babies typically do have very soft and sometimes runny bowel movements. If it is not foul smelling, it's probably normal and not diareaha. NORMAL for a 6 week old to be nursing every hour as well.....there is a growth spurt right at 6 weeks.
2007-05-03 05:56:37
answer #2
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Do not give your baby pedialyte. Not unless your doctor has told you it was ok in the beginning. Pedialyte is something for older babies and children. I wouldn't give pedialyte until my baby had been drinking juices (which doesn't happen until 4-8months.) Because of the fact that your baby is breastfed, one of the downfalls of breastmilk is that sometimes it can cause Explosive BM's. And they can be really runny and sometimes we confuse it with diarrhea. Do give your baby plenty of water to keep him hydrated. Wait until the Dr.'s office opens and make an inquiry. There is never anything wrong with double checking and making sure. I am not putting down breastfeeding because I am a MAJOR advocate for breastfeeding, but sometimes these things just happen. I hope I have been helpful in answering your question and good luck!
2007-05-03 05:48:08
answer #3
answered by SilverRose80 2
First, calm down. Don't give the baby anything except breast milk. The baby will not be harmed if he has diarrhea for a few hours. Just relax and wait till the doc office opens. Maybe in the mean time, take his temperature because the doc office will ask if he has a fever. You're doing fine.
2007-05-03 05:48:01
answer #4
answered by happymommy 4
First, relax... even if it is diarrhea, it cannot hurt him for a couple hours. The risk is that he would become dehydrated, but if he is eating every hour then he is perfectly fine.
Don't give him water or pedialyte... breast milk is the best thing you could give him.
Does he have any other symptoms? I do recommend you call the Dr... for your own peace of mind - I am sure your son is perfectly normal.
2007-05-03 05:48:08
answer #5
answered by Michelle 3
nicely taking him off of the formula would be advantageous for a million day. formula is all of his supplementations and food that a toddler needs to stay to tell the tale and pedialyte includes a number of those. So he won't starve or shed extra pounds, he will basically be lacking out on a pair of supplementations and food for sooner or later. he would be advantageous. Sorry to right here he's not feeling nicely.
2016-10-14 11:00:37
answer #6
answered by adkisson 4
No, he does not have diarrea. Breast fed babies tend to have watery stools more often than formula fed babies due to the fact that breast milk has more nutriants in it. And breast fed babies eat more often than formula fed babies because it's easier for babies to digest. As a first time mom every woman freaks out from time to time,that's normal too. Don't worry so much your baby will be fine.
2007-05-03 05:47:58
answer #7
answered by beautiful_whisky_girl 2
first calm down, you could always get in your car and wait at their office until they reopen from lunch, pedilite is okay for the baby to have, just do not get a flavored one because he may refuse milk later!!!But you need to find the sorce of his problem so either way get him checked out
2007-05-03 05:41:19
answer #8
answered by lisamarie7901 5
fluid replacements! and what are you doing asking answers on the net... need to act right now. all those lost fluids and electrolytes must be replaced immediately. It might not be a diarrhea, to consider it as a diarrhea the poop must be at least three times or more a day. And it must be watery...
2007-05-03 05:42:41
answer #9
answered by birdhouse 2
Yes you can give him water, in a sterilized bottle and make sure that you use cooled boiled water, even if you get just a little down it will prevent him from becoming dehydrated.Get him to a doctor asap.
2007-05-03 05:44:33
answer #10
answered by magshatch 3