I do not understand. You ask a scientific question and say you only want positive responses. What you want to do is currently impossible. There would have to be some kind of massive mutation in plants that could remove the necessity of up-taking the elements you mentioned. A plant cannot survive without these elements, plants cannot produce these elements so they have to uptake them, either from soil or some kind of plant food. I am sorry that I cannot give you a positive answer but It is just not possible.
2007-05-03 02:35:49
answer #1
answered by gerafalop 7
A plant takes the CO2 and produces O2 because the C is used by the plan to grow. But a plant is more than a single element, and besides the C, the plant need O, H (to produce oils, sugars, cellulose), N, S (for proteins), Mg (for chlorophyll), P (for DNA) and many more elements. The most of the plans take the N from nitrates. There are some plants that have special symbiotic bacterias to take the N from the air, but the elements as Mg, K, P etc have to be in the water.
2007-05-10 17:53:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Even an amateur scientist will tell you that even the simplest cellular functions require minerals for operation. The plant is not going to be able to just get everything it needs from air. If that were the case, we'd have plants growing in all kinds of places, rather than where they can get to soil.
But the fact that you think you can reverse global warming with plants, suggests you won't listen to this answer anyway.
2007-05-03 03:40:16
answer #3
answered by btpage0630 5
Most of the solid material in a plant is taken from the atmosphere. Through a process known as photosynthesis, plants use the energy in sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into simple sugars. These sugars are then used as building blocks and form the main structural component of the plant. Plants rely on soil primarily for support and water (in quantitative terms), but also obtain nitrogen, phosphorus and other crucial elemental nutrients. For the majority of plants to grow successfully they also require oxygen in the atmosphere (for respiration in the dark) and oxygen around their roots. However, a few specialized vascular plants, such as Mangroves, can grow with their roots in anoxic conditions.
The leaf is the primary site of photosynthesis in plants.
The leaf is the primary site of photosynthesis in plants.
Factors affecting growth
The genotype of a plant affects its growth, for example selected varieties of wheat grow rapidly, maturing within 110 days, whereas others, in the same environmental conditions, grow more slowly and mature within 155 days.[1]
Growth is also determined by environmental factors, such as temperature, available water, available light, and available nutrients in the soil. Any change in the availability of these external conditions will be reflected in the plants growth.
Biotic factors (living organisms) also affect plant growth.
Plants compete with other plants for space, water, light and nutrients. Plants can be so crowded that no single individual makes normal growth.[1]
Many plants rely on birds and insects to affect pollination.
Grazing animals may completely affect vegetation.
Soil fertility is influenced by the activity of bacteria and fungi.
Bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes and insects can parasitise plants.
Some plant roots require an association with fungi to maintain normal activity (mycorrhizal aasociation).[1]
Simple plants like algae may have short life spans as individuals, but their populations are commonly seasonal. Other plants may be organized according to their seasonal growth pattern:
* Annual: live and reproduce within one growing season.
* Biennial: live for two growing seasons; usually reproduce in second year.
* Perennial: live for many growing seasons; continue to reproduce once mature.
Among the vascular plants, perennials include both evergreens that keep their leaves the entire year, and deciduous plants which lose their leaves for some part. In temperate and boreal climates, they generally lose their leaves during the winter; many tropical plants lose their leaves during the dry season.
The growth rate of plants is extremely variable. Some mosses grow less than 0.001 mm/h, while most trees grow 0.025-0.250 mm/h. Some climbing species, such as kudzu, which do not need to produce thick supportive tissue, may grow up to 12.5 mm/h.
Plants protect themselves from frost and dehydration stress with antifreeze proteins, heat-shock proteins and sugars (sucrose is common). LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) protein expression is induced by stresses and protects other proteins from aggregation as a result of desiccation and freezing.
Internal distribution
Photographs showing xylem elements in the shoot of a fig tree (Ficus alba): crushed in hydrochloric acid, between slides and cover slips.
Photographs showing xylem elements in the shoot of a fig tree (Ficus alba): crushed in hydrochloric acid, between slides and cover slips.
Nutrients and water from the soil and the organic compound produces in leaves are distributed to specific areas in the plant through the xylem and phloem. The xylem draws water and nutrients up from the roots to the upper sections of the plant's body, and the phloem conducts other materials, such as the glucose produced during photosynthesis, which gives the plant energy to keep growing and seeding.
The xylem consists of tracheids, which are dead hard-walled cells arranged to form tiny tubes to function in water transport. A tracheid cell wall usually contains the polymer lignin. The phloem however consists of living cells called sieve-tube members. Between the sieve-tube members are sieve plates, which have pores to allow molecules to pass through. Sieve-tube members lack such organs as nuclei or ribosomes, but cells next to them, the companion cells, function to keep the sieve-tube members alive.
Movement of nutrients, water, sugars and waste is effected by transpiration, conduction and absorption.
The most abundant compound in most plants is water, serving a large role in the various processes taking place. Transpiration is the main process a plant can call upon to move compounds within its tissues. The basic minerals and nutrients a plant is composed of remain, generally, within the plant. Water, however, is constantly being lost from the plant through its metabolic and photosynthetic processes to the atmosphere.
Water is transpired from the plants leaves via stomata, carried there via leaf veins and vascular bundles within the plants cambium layer. The movement of water out of the leaf stomata creates, when the leaves are considered collectively, a transpiration pull. The pull is created through water surface tension within the plant cells. The draw of water upwards is assisted by the movement of water into the roots via osmosis. This process also assists the plant in absorbing nutrients from the soil as soluble salts, a process known as absorption.
Xylem cells move water and nutrient solutions upwards towards other plant organs from the roots and fine root hairs. Living roots cells actively absorb water in the absence of transpiration pull via active absorption creating root pressure. The mechanism of active root absorption is via osmosis. There are times when plants do not have transpiration pull, usually due to lack of light or other environmental elements. Water in the plant tissues may move to the roots to assist in passive absorption.
Xylem and phloem tissues are involved in the conduction processes within plants. The movement of foods throughout the plant takes place mainly in the phloem. Plant conduction (food movement) is from an area of high food content, place of manufacture (photosynthesis) or storage, to a place of food utilisation, or from a point of manufacture to storage tissues. Mineral salts are translocated in the xylem tissues.
2007-05-10 21:49:43
answer #5
answered by hao.0907 1