courtesy of Alex Jones website
Italian TV Network Covers WTC 7 Evidence
9/11 blogger
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Seven is exploding
On April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but was deliberately taken down with the use of explosives.
The piece was part of a larger presentation we provided to the network as an update on the ongoing research on 9/11. In particular, we included a clip we had all seen many times before, but possibly never listened to with the full attention it deserved..."
It was an Alex Jones piece, presenting detailed and shocking evidence that you would never see on the mainstream media (which is owned by major multi-national corporations having massive defense contract interests) that opened my eyes to the true nature of what had transpired on 9/11. Here is a segment of that film, which includes an expose dealing specifically with the 47 story WTC7 building which also collapsed straight down at freefall speed that day, and which, as you say, was not hit by any airplane:
Martial Law Part 2 - by Alex Jones
2007-05-03 05:31:16
answer #1
answered by dontknow772002 3
I read in an article in Times about 3 years ago, that the owner had it brought down, because it was supposedly a hazard, due to structural weakening. As far as I can remember, it was the same guy, who bought the lease on the Twin Towers from the Port Authority 2 month before 9/11 and then cashing in billions on the insurance after 9/11.
At first, I was intrigued and followed up all the fact finding about 9/11. But soon I gave up, because it got so murky and wishy washy, it was against my sense of logic.
I think, that the government did a very poor job investigating the entire 9/11 incident and still owes it to the people to give us answers to many questions. Until then, I don't know what to believe. As an engineer, I have a hard time to understand the collapse of the buildings by a couple of alu foil planes, even if they where loaded with fuel.
What I most miss, is a lessons learned list, which you can only develop, based on pure facts, which are not available.
For instance the to thin insulation of the girders causing the steel to weaken and collapse in the upper stories, doesn't explain the collapse of the entire building in seconds.
Same like MM suicide, which brought out her affair with the Kennedy brothers, Kennedy's shooting by a former FBI man, Hoovers being a closet queen as head of FBI, trying to purge Gay's, Union leaders disappearing and many other government cover ups, it will eventually come out in 40 years or so, or maybe not.
(There was an article 6 years ago in a European news paper, about the regular disappearance of journalists, who tracked governmental cover up stories. It mentioned as example the lead in for the first gulf war and was suppose to be a series, but I never saw a follow up, wonder why)
2007-05-03 02:04:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
OK, WTC 7 was hit by debris from the collapse of the two 100 story towers. That part is undeniable, there is photo evidence that one side of the building was severely damaged. The two towers did not fall in their footprints, there was a slight lateral component to the collapse. The collapse of the twin towers were also a huge seismic event, weakening the structures of many buildings close by, several of which have since had to be taken down because of severe instability and danger of collapse.
The damage to WTC 7 also caused a spill from the large fuel oil tanks located on top of the building for the heating and air conditioning system. The oil ignited, resulting in a fire that further weakened the already damaged structure of the building. If you actually want to look at the film of the collapse, it does actually start on the most severely damaged corner of the building, followed close-on in a domino effect by the collapse of the entire building.
I know you wonks would love some far-reaching conspiracy that involves Jews, the Bush family, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, the Illuminati, the Pope, Alf, and Mork, but it just ain't there. The only conspiracies involved in this are the one by a bunch of Muslims who perpetrated the whole thing, and the one by your collective bunch of paranoids who work feverishly to keep these ridiculous theories afloat.
2007-05-03 01:33:35
answer #3
answered by thegubmint 7
The building contained a large amount of diesel fuel for a back up power generating system because there was a 911 call center as well as the city's emergency management office which needed to stay operational even if there was a blackout for an extended period of time: I know I worked on it. There was considerable damage to 7 WTC when tower A came down, the tanks were ruptured and the diesel fuel ran down through the building and caught fire ( probably from sparks from damaged wiring ) add that to previous damage and you saw the result. But of course all the people, Rosie O'Donnell
being the most visible who make all the conspiracy theories
but who actually have absolutely not a clue what actually!!! was involved but just know what was on TV and make all kinds of statements about how it happened and then a bunch of others who are equally clueless actually listen to them and
we still have people almost 6 years later saying we did it.
Absolutely unbelievable!!
2007-05-03 02:00:01
answer #4
answered by booboo 7
Wasn't Building 7 the facility for several federal government agencies, and weren't there massive files and documents in that building which the government didn't want to become public?
Wasn't George W. Bush's younger brother in charge of security for the complex of buildings surrounding the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center complex?
Didn't the government rush to use all the scrap metal from the destruction and build a new U.S. battleship with it instead of keeping all that damaged material securely stored so that further investigations could be conducted?
-RKO- 05/03/07
2007-05-03 02:07:49
answer #5
answered by -RKO- 7
I'm going to offer this original theory, which I do not think has yet been publicly advanced, which I I believe will be found robust if put to investigation:
I suggest that someone locked Rosie O'Donnell inside Building 7, and then started running around the outside holding up a pack of cigarettes. In a short time, Rosie had demolished the walls and the structure collapsed.
2007-05-03 03:20:42
answer #6
answered by Anne Marie 6
controlled demolition.Apparently the decision to " Pull it"(refering to a controlled demolition)was given just 20mins before it came down,raising the question "was it pre charged with explosives before 911"
Many questions unanswered,
No steel framed building has ever collapsed through fire anywhere in the world,I am sure the quality of the build was made to withstand such an event
in answer to "fancy that`s" answer I seem to remember that President Bush was left in a school watching a play or something and looked genuinly shocked,he was not hustled away to a bunker even though the US was under attack,rather he was left in the open .Does this suggest that he was not a target and someone knew that. And that he was totally innocent of any wrongdoing,just a pawn in someone elses war.Watching it from the UK it all seemed rather staged.Bush innocent ? Yes in my opinion.The CIA or some other covert dept? No
2007-05-03 01:21:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am not claiming to know how it collapsed, but I don't for a second seriously believe it collapsed 'due to fire damage'. Particularly as this has never happened to a burning building before or since. The chances of that are almost zero, particularly as other buildings (apart from WTC 1 & 2) caught fire that day and didn't collapse.
Strange to say the least is the fact that the entire WTC7 collapse garnered hardly any, if at all any media coverage on that day as well as being not even being MENTIONED in the official 9/11 Commission Report. Excuse me? The first time in history a building collapses from fire damage alone and this isn't even worthy of a mention?
Also equally suspicious is the fact that 'Lucky Larry' Silverstein bought all three buildings and immediately took out a multi-million dollar insurance cover that for the first time specifically indemnified acts of terrorism, just months before the attacks. He made billions as a result. Coincidence?!
And in response to 'fancy that's answer, I seem to remember Bush sitting completely still for ages, this is after supposedly being told 'the country is under attack'. How did he know he wasn't a target? If they thought there was any threat to his safety the Secret Service would have whisked him out of there immediately.
2007-05-03 01:18:18
answer #8
answered by Buck Flair 4
Building 7 was NEVER hit by an aircraft! Read the question properly folks!!
There is no reasonable explanation for this 'collapse' at present. The most I would say is that the speed and direction of the 'collapse' is more in keeping with a controlled demolition than any other explanation currently available.
2007-05-03 01:20:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
7 did not collapse from heat of other buildings, or from hazardous materials. It was pulled down with the others for the insurance money. Someone in bin Laden's group was a civil engineer and even he did not expect any of the buildings to collapse. I suspect it was a combination of bad design, cheap materials, and toxic material from the planes themselves. It had a steel brace so how does heat melt steel?
2016-05-19 05:58:31
answer #10
answered by ? 3