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refusal of medical help! knocking on peoples doors trying to force there religion on you! im a christian and even had them knockin on my door xmas day a few years ago i was totally gobsmacked that they had the nerve! my nan was a jehovah's witness and refused a blood transfusion that could of saved her life!

2007-05-02 22:34:22 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

51 answers

I locked my gates and put a no trespass sign up, never had problems with them again. You may have to be rude and close the door quickly.
There methods are very questionable, I would consider them to be a cult.

2007-05-03 00:37:03 · answer #1 · answered by flieder77 4 · 2 3

Jehovah's Witnesses are living on another planet. They claim to be Christian [big C by the way] but never celebrate Christmas and behave in a strange manner, such as coming around with the begging bowl.

To become a Jehovah's Witness you must first become a complete masochist and enjoy mental torment. Because that is what life must be like for them.

Edit: Tuffy po above is confused. You're only supposed to view someone through the letter box of they're wearing a burkah or veil. Right? Fair doos.

2007-05-03 02:06:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1st. JWs DO NOT refusal medical help.
They believe in the complete bible, as such the scriptures says blood is not a medicine. And there
are other treatments instead of blood usage.

Act 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and [from] fornication, and [from] things strangled, and [from] blood.

2nd. Jesus told Christians to go door to door.
Matt 24:14 "And this good news of THE KINGDOM will be preached in all the inhabited earth, for a witness to all the nations and then the end Will come"

3rd. Christmas is a pagan celebration.

Should Christians purposely practice pagan celebrations of Roman and Greek Gods?

2007-05-06 08:11:56 · answer #3 · answered by keiichi 6 · 0 0

As for the medical aspect then I think they are making a valid choice to refuse transplants and transfusions. I give blood regularly and would gladly receive a transfusion if I was in an accident but I can see the Jehovah's Witness point of view too. I'm sure everyone has some aspect of current or future medicine or science they disagree with whether it is transplants, stem cell research, cloning, animal testing, experimenting on prisoners (like in the Nazi concentration camps), transplants of animal organs into humans, forced tissue donation from convicts... I think everyone draws the line somewhere at what is good and bad medical ethics and I respect the choice of Jehovah's Witnesses to draw their line in a defined place.

As for the knocking on the doors, that's okay but not on public holidays. It seems very disrespectful to intrude on other people's celebrations. Kind of like trying to sell things at a wedding. I have no problem on them dropping by to give me a Watchtower and a chat but on Christmas day I would be a bit annoyed at the intrusion.

2007-05-02 23:00:16 · answer #4 · answered by monkeymanelvis 7 · 6 2

The JH's that have come knocking on my door have been very pushy and don't go away easily. I simply explained that I was happy in my own religion and that if they respected mine, I would respect theirs. Then I shut the door...after handing back their pamphlets.

JH's have their own beliefs and one of them is to not accept blood or blood products, regardless of the result. From an ethical standpoint, they have the same right as everyone else to refuse medical care.

They are simply choosing to remain true to their God. Let them.

2007-05-03 10:25:33 · answer #5 · answered by emt_me911 7 · 0 0

The best way to learn what to do to stop JWs is to contact a synagogue and talk to the Rabbi.

Ask him how the ancient Jews got rid of the Christian Jews when they went from house to house telling their brethren that the beliefs, rituals, and holiday observances that they have followed for hundreds of years was no longer valid?

I’m sure they had ways to get rid of the Jews, who from their point of view, was a cult started by a Uneducated, Jewish Lower Class Carpenter, who was executed for cause by the governing authority. The only education he got was from his low class parents, Mary and Joseph. These followers were also uneducated Jewish lower class individuals, such as Peter, a failed fisherman, and Matthew, a hated tax collector.

Lacking any kind of education, let alone advance religious education, it was clear they were easily brainwashed into believing that the uneducated ex-carpenter was somehow the Messiah, which was clearly false as it was commonly known that when the Messiah came, he would destroy (Armageddon) the enemies of the true people of God, as foretold.

Saul of Tarsus, a highly educated individual in the religious arts, repeatedly proved they were a false religious sect and cult, creating their own scriptures (Bible) instead of relying on the Holy Torah, which had been used by the Jews for hundreds of years. Saul often stood by as the true believers of God stoned these so-called Christians for their door to door activities and spreading of false doctrine.

Now, I would not recommend stoning, but they may have had other methods that worked to stop the house to house work and the spreading of false doctrine . What worked for them against the Christian cult may work against the JWs. At least you will be in good company in doing so.

2007-05-03 10:55:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

oh they really annoy me. there are a few that i have coming round my area an now because i recognise them i hid and turn everything off to pretend i'm not in until they go away again. it is terrible that i have to do this but they seem so persisitent if they think that you atre in they will knock more than twice.
i am all for everyone having there own faith but i think each persons faith should be a private affair and not shoved dowwn other people throats.
it more the way they go about spreading their beliefs that annoy me rather than the beliefs themselves.
if they spread the word in a non invasive way then people tolerence of them may be alot higher.
as fro refusing medical intervention then there is not alot that can be done about that as they believe that gods work should not be interferred with and i suppose not alot can be done to change their views

2007-05-03 07:07:03 · answer #7 · answered by jennifer f 4 · 0 1

Hi, I think it's up to them if they want to be a Jehovah's Witness, BUT i think you are right they should not go from door to door preaching religion, that should be banned. My mum always makes me laugh when they are around she always tells them to go away and then follows them because i only live around the corner from her and say's to them "and don't knock on that door either she is not interested". We also had them on Christmas Day a couple of years ago, luckily they did not come to my home, because i would have blown my top at them. I also think they should have blood transfusions especially if it is going to save lives.

2007-05-03 03:45:35 · answer #8 · answered by kevina p 7 · 1 2

These are sentational issues, I have a more balanced view, they are harmless and the members benefit for belonging.
Believe it or not their approach to blood has actually helped the medical profession, they are developing less blood intensive techiniques thanks to the JW.
A good example of strange religous groups benifitting society would be the LDS church. They have the worlds best geneology site - because of their strange ideas. And it's free - millions benifit from using it every day!
Yes christmas day is a bit rich, they do not celebrate christmas! like other groups ie brethren etc

2007-05-03 00:28:44 · answer #9 · answered by j_emmans 6 · 1 1

Well if you knew your Nan well enough I am sure you know that we are not "trying to force there religion on you!". WE are simply offering to share our beliefs with others, which is something Jesus instructed ALL Christians to do.

As for knocking on your door on Christmas morning, unless you are Pagan and know the fact that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ, why would you be bothered by someone coming on a day that many claim is about him, to share a thought about the Bible?? Do Christmas Carolars bother you?

The ONLY medical techniques/technology we find problematic is Blood Transfusions. We are not alone in this, we are just one of the only, possibly The only, group who did it on a religious basis before it became more popular to pursue ideas other than Blood Transfusions. More and more people are refusing them, even to the point of some lying and saying they are Witnesses so they will not be preasured to take BTs.

I am sorry your "Nan" died.

2007-05-03 00:03:11 · answer #10 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 3 5

What about that huge group of people that followed Jim Jones to South America and at his final peak of insanity convinced his minions to drink cyanide laced punch? Not everyone is the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to religion.

2007-05-04 10:34:05 · answer #11 · answered by Hot Coco Puff 7 · 0 0

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