lost bet to sister and have to go salon for full body wax and other beauty treatment , i did not want to go to salon , so after much pleading and begging my sister has given to another option , option is that she will wax my legs, arms ,chest and underarms at home and i have to keep it waxed for whole summer(summer has just started ) also every Saturday she will give me facial , pedicure and manicure , and worst is that whenever i am at home i have to wear skirt, i just dont know which is worst
23 answers
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my sister is not mood to bargain , mom says its between sister and me she wont do anything about it
19:58:15 ·
update #1
honey, go to the salon, you would be surprised! there are other men in there also! and lots of females are turned on by men that dont have hair poking out of everything, some even think its sexy.
Believe me i dont want to go to the beach and when i look at a guy i am seeing under arm hair, chest hair, back hair, hairy skinny legs.
If the other beauty treatment is manicures, pedicures, facial, massages, what are you complaining about? have your nails buffed, its looks really healthy!
PS. does your sister want to pay for my full body wax and other beauty treatment???
2007-05-10 05:41:40
answer #1
answered by hottawarrior - win lose or draw 5
Go to the salon, tell them you lost a bet and get it overwith.Hair grows back but wearing a skirt will damage for life.
2007-05-10 05:55:50
answer #2
answered by ldg 5
The salon is a once shot deal, the rest of it lasts all summer. Get a clue man!
2007-05-02 19:11:44
answer #3
answered by Harmon 4
Dude just go to the salon. It's a one time thing. What's the big deal? If you take her other offer you'll be going through A LOT more.
2007-05-02 19:11:50
answer #4
answered by Logan and Ella's Mommy 7
i'd go to the salon. except if the all summer stipulation is for both options. but then i'd probably still go to the salon. at least you know they know what they doing!!
what on earth did you bet on??? you really must;ve that it was a sure thing
2007-05-02 19:15:19
answer #5
answered by itsjustmecc 4
Go to the salon! Dude, you don't want to wear a skirt whenever you're at home. Plus, I love guys who aren't very hairy.
2007-05-02 19:11:09
answer #6
answered by The Big Cheese 3
Go to the salon, don't make anymore bets with your sister because she's not nice to make you go through with all that.
2007-05-02 19:14:00
answer #7
answered by debdini 5
Id go to the salon if i were u less painful then allowing your sister to do it.
2007-05-02 19:25:42
answer #8
answered by wildpalomino 7
Dude, I would have chosen the salon and had it done one time by a professional...laughed at it and got it past me.
Bet you're legs will be purty!!!
2007-05-10 16:44:07
answer #9
answered by Tikled_Ivory 6
salon, you get it outta the way and makes for an interesting drinking story later on in life.
2007-05-02 19:11:41
answer #10
answered by spyspiv 2