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So me and my husband got a ferret and its been about a month and a half now and i am so annoyed by it. Please tell me why i should or should not get rid of it. Pros/cons to owning and caring for a ferrert are welcomed.

2007-05-02 17:05:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

to aerosmith and ferretluver....if you cant deal with general questions being asked then delete your account...its general questions on whatever general questions anyone may have...so deal with it or dont answer....obviously you guys must have a hard time being loved or had a hard childhood for taking things like this personally...its ok talk to your ferret about....awwww how sad

2007-05-02 17:30:06 · update #1

if you see a "?" mark anywhere guess what? it means "question" . whoa you learn something new everyday huh?? GO TALK TO YOUR FERRET ABOUT YOUR FRUSTATIONS AND GET LAID!!!!

2007-05-02 17:42:17 · update #2

12 answers

I think ferrets can be good pets if they are trained that way from the beginning. one of my friends had a ferret and it was an absolute sweetheart. if your husband is the one that wants to keep it then you should just make it clear that it is his responsibility and you won't take care of it. the biggest con about them is their smell lol but if you keep them somewhere seperate then your main living area you should be okay

2007-05-02 17:18:08 · answer #1 · answered by thriftstorechic 2 · 0 3

You probably should have looked into the pros and cons BEFORE acquiring the animal. This is why these poor animals end up in shelters, or my house.

I say if you are annoyed by the ferret that you probably will not be providing it the care it needs(I don't mean food, water, etc., but love and attention) If by being annoyed you are not able to allow this animal at least 5-6 hrs a day out of the cage then find it a home with someone who wants it. No one can tell you if you should keep it. That is a personal decision that only you can answer.

I know by experience that ferrets can be annoying. I have five and it seems that every minute they are out they are looking for trouble, knocking things over, climbing where they are not supposed to be, etc. It takes a very patient person to own a ferret. I spend a lot of time answer questions on here for people who are thinking about getting ferrets. I wish you would have posted a question about the pros and cons before you got the ferret, and I would have answered you like I have so many... they are a high maintenance pet that needs a lot of attention, they require a owner who can look past the cons and respect them for the pet that they are, messy, smelly, rambunctious, little devils that can get on your nerves as easily as they can pull at your heart strings.

All I can really say is look at your situation. If you do not want the ferret don't keep him, it is not the best situation for him or you. And please do not be critical of people who answer a bit harsh, we are simply lovers of the animal that hates to see them in a home that can not give them everything they need to fully thrive.

Good luck with your decision

2007-05-03 01:52:35 · answer #2 · answered by Prodigy556 7 · 3 0

Ferrets are fantastic pets for people who are willing to give them the correct time and attention! People who say they are horrible haven't been keeping them correctly or met ones that have been kept correctly, fact.
I have 6 of them all living as house pets and providing that they are kept clean they do not smell - do not take the conditions they're kept in at a crummy pet shop to be the way they normally are in a loving environment!
They should be out and interacted with for 4 or more hours each day - if you're not willing to give this amount of time and commitment then you shouldn't be owning them. They need lots of socialisation to get them to be loving pets, but once they're trained they are fantastic.
I'd recommend the book Ferrets For Dummies by Kim Schilling and having a look at some of the Ferret Association advice because there is so much to learn about them it couldn't possibly all be put in one answer section of this site.

2007-05-03 11:35:43 · answer #3 · answered by motzeye 3 · 2 0

i think ferrets smell like ***. at the pet store, they always have flies surround them and reak, while the other small rodent-like creatures smell only a little. they are kind of funny looking - i suppose that qualifies as a plus. some people love them, but i personally find them to be viscious little buggers. on the plus side, a ferret saved the day in "kindergarten cop" so they are at least useful ;)

i say let your husband decide if he wants to keep it (and care for it!). if he says he's sick of it too, then give it to someone who will look after it and appreciate it - afterall, it's better for you and the ferret. do some research and a get an adorable bunny :) they stink and bite less...

2007-05-03 01:16:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't mean to sound rude but people that purchase animals w/o first learning all about them are not being responsible. It is very stressful on an animal to keep getting bounced from one place to another. A pet is a lifetime commitment. My husband annoys the hell out of me but I still keep him. I have 5 ferrets & I wouldn't trade them for anything. If you do get rid of your fuzzy please don't get another animal. All animals can be annoying at times but dealing with it is part of the responsibility of being a pet owner.

Your ramblings in the additional details section show your intelligence. .

2007-05-03 00:24:12 · answer #5 · answered by Cheshire Princess 5 · 2 0

Ferrets are only good pets, great pets even, if you know how to raise them correctly. People just love to impulse buy these animals, and have no idea how to socialize them.

If you weren't sure you wanted the animal in the first place, you should have never gotten it. Asking people on yahoo answers to give you a reason you should keep your pet is ridiculous.

2007-05-03 00:21:13 · answer #6 · answered by Stephanie V 3 · 1 0

ferrets can be quite annoying i agree but also when i worked at the petstore we had ferrets that we trained and socialized before we sold them...they really turned out to be very sweet and lovable pets! i would ask a pet store owner what you can do to get it to behave more and see if there are even some training sessions that you can take it to locally...also if they are getting into things and are chewing i would suggest getting it a ferret ball to run around in when not in his cage...they are like huge hampster balls...they have the freedom to run around in them but they are in the ball so they cant get into garbage or eat your shoes...good luck! i think he will become a great part of your family

2007-05-03 01:19:46 · answer #7 · answered by Kendra N 2 · 0 0

I loved my ferrets Fe-Fe R.I.P. & Fobie they were so cute. but they do stink bad. I think its cute how they steal things and hide them under the bed they hid pizza crust I would give them under there and alot of other things. but when you let them out they go to the bathroom in corners.its better to have2 ferrets because they are fun to play with & fun to watch because they are funny. They also make a cute nonk nonk noise lol but sometimes they rattle the cage late at night its annoying thats why I played with mine in the day. FeFe used to climb in the bed and sleep under the covers I would wake up and she sleep by my legs. I didnt mention Fu-Fu I didnt like him after he killed my parakeet I got rid of him before I got fobie.

2007-05-03 01:12:21 · answer #8 · answered by Trell773 5 · 0 0

Ferrets NEED to be socialized with humans in the beginning. It's a must or they will be mean. How are the annoying tho...they do stink, steal, get INTO EVERYTHING!!!! They are so fun tho...I have 2....they are SOOOO fun to watch because they are go go go go go go go constantley they have a.d.d, but i say give it time you will come around once you start playing with them them and getting to know them

2007-05-03 00:09:59 · answer #9 · answered by myusernameisbetterthanyours 5 · 2 0

I think that if you are not enjoying your ferret, you should get rid of it. They are a lot of fun (if you like them) but they do have their eccentricities.

2007-05-03 00:19:32 · answer #10 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 0 2

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