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If no one had ever protested the Vietname war, we could still be over there. Many more soldiers would have died and their futures obliterated. I think it's better to protest a war that's wrong than to sit idly by and watch people die for no good reason. And guess what? MY HUSBAND IS IN THE MILITARY. So you can't say I don't support the troops!

2007-05-02 16:50:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Ditto. As a military wife I agree, that just because I hate what the administration is doing, it in no way correlates to my love and support of my extended military family.

**For those of you that use silly and incorrect analogies such as "I love teachers but hate education" or " I love nurses but hate hospitals" these don't quite fit the bill. The equal analogy would be "I hate the military but love our troops" which is not what she, nor I am advocating. This particular war and this particular administration bears the brunt of our ire. I supported the Bosnia war effort, our motives were clean precise and there was no pre-emptive strike. In this circumstance there is just too much corroborating evidence to suggest that this war was launched out of self-serving ideals (Bush's) and greed, and the fact that we are now fighting a civil war that is not our own, with no end in sight.

2007-05-02 17:02:37 · answer #1 · answered by Katie 4 · 2 0

Your husband is in the military. That has nothing to do with your views on the military. Unless, of course, you believe that a wife is subordinate to her husband and can only share his views, and is not permitted to disagree with him.

Your argument worked in Vietnam, because there was a draft, and there were soldiers in Vietnam who hadn't chosen to be there. These days, every single one of us chose at one point to be in this.

So, we've established that war is our chosen profession. I'm willing to bet you've never said the phrase, "I support teachers, but not education," or, "I support orthodontists, but I hate straight teeth."

Now, the congressional democrats all claim to support the troops, as well. They also claim to oppose the war. I believe that the latter is false (and for some, the former, but I won't get in to all that). Almost all of them got up and said, "I oppose this war, so let's gve it some more money," (with actions, not words). There are many things I don't support, but I don't turn around and give them money. I don't support drugs, do I don't buy them. I don't support terrorism, so I don't fund it.

I hope it's only a matter of time before those who elected the "anti-war' democrats realize that their congressmen sold them down the river for a vote. I hope it takes less than a year and a half, anyway.

2007-05-02 17:04:07 · answer #2 · answered by DOOM 7 · 0 0

I can understand having a good healthy debate when the nation is considering going to war, but once the American people spoke, the congress voted, and the president sent the troops into battle, the time for debate IS OVER!

Anytime we do the ridiculous things democrats and the media have done calling our troops nazis, terrorists, telling them they cant win, publishing our secrets in fighting the war on terror in plain view of the enemy, constantly debating abandoning their mission thus making all the sacrifices they have made for nothing. Its stupid unamerican things like that that send our troops the message that they are nothing more than the democrats personal politcal pawns and unappreciated, as well as send our enemies hope that we will be unwilling to fight terror in the future.

And perhaps we may have eventually triumphed in Vietnam outlasting them and the slaughter of millions wouldnt have ensued right afterwards?

2007-05-02 17:24:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you're husband is serving, you have the right to say what you wish. By and large, nobody is happy with the war, or should I say, the police action. Politicians are doing absolutely everything they can to make this another Viet Nam.
We win wars. We loose police actions. Winning a police action is like yelling "Goal" in a chess match. What is it to win a police action? We should declare war or get out. Though it is now coming out how the Tet offensive totally decimated enemy forces to the point where it might have taken fifteen years for them to rebuild their fighting force, it is also coming out that they would have quit fighting earlier if it were not for the Americans at home attacking the troops. It made them stronger in the bushes and broke the spirit of the would be criminals who were serving our country.

2007-05-02 17:07:03 · answer #4 · answered by paul s 5 · 0 0

It's a control mechanism, a tactical move to prevent anyone from disagreeing with them. It is a deliberate, scheming attempt to suppress dissent.

"Supporting the troops" does not equate sending them to a hellhole to have their balls shot off for nothing. But the phrase has emotional impact on the uneducated, it gets votes, so it WILL be used by many conservatives who think the war is good.

There is no other reason for using the "support" tactic. None.

I'm a proud American. Calling another American traitorous or disloyal for disagreeing with you is manipulative, cheap, and truly unforgivable.

I pray that your husband comes home safe.

2007-05-02 19:11:11 · answer #5 · answered by KALEL 4 · 0 0

Its just a fallacious and illogical argument they use in order to shut us up about the war. Its been going since Vietnam and has no validity. The fact is, bringing the troops home out of a no win war zone is the greatest support we can show them. And if you ask them, most would agree! The greatest support we can show is to bring them back to their families, not to keep risking their lives for a lost cause. Hopefully the Dems in Congress will realize this before they cave to Bush and give him a blank check to continue the war.

2007-05-02 16:56:08 · answer #6 · answered by abdiver12 5 · 1 1

I would like to begin by saying I thank your husband for his service. to answer your question, it's your right to not support the war. We all want our troops home. but they have been called to do a job and they are doing it well. none of us want this, but while we have boots on the ground over there, we should have our hearts and minds behind them. so object to the war, that's great. but give the boys a hand, they are doing great and will be home when it's time.

2007-05-02 17:00:47 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 2 0

you're able to desire to ask your self this- Do i've got faith a conflict in Iraq became into mandatory for the protection and protection of my way of existence? if no then Do i've got faith that American troops could desire to by using in spite of ability are available come homestead wisely? you need to be careful at forming your solutions-through fact helping the movements of troops if truth be told helps conflict-they don't bake cookies now do they? Thats what they are for, combating wars. even with the undeniable fact that, an sensible individual realizes that maximum individuals interior the militia do not appreciate the area they are in. additionally, they have little or no administration approximately the way it has come to this ingredient-and the militia does not could desire to permit you pass away. they are in a cath 22 in the event that they don't help the conflict. they are not allowed to declare something or do something approximately it. considering i became into in that place, i be responsive to how they sense and that i nevertheless do not think of it became into perfect. I knew that removing Sadaam with tension could usher with regard to the infighting. traditionally muslims are guided by using there faith-which isn't that condusive to democracy interior the way we practice it. My information is the combating between not Shi'a and Sunni-yet between the Shi'a clerics themselves. there became into going to be a place reversal and the Sunni's could be those punished for Sadaam's reign. curiously that those human beings can not forgive and ignore. P.S. i don't have faith I could desire to assist somebody I care approximately in the event that they pass to reformatory for severe crimes. i'm not speaking approximately petty larceny-i'm speaking rape, homicide etc i could by no ability condone. That individual and that i could have a biblical reckoning not a thats ok, i be responsive to you probably did not advise it.

2016-10-14 10:09:55 · answer #8 · answered by morabito 3 · 0 0

Your not supporting the troops if you support funding cuts... Also if you go to these anti-war rallies and hold signs that denounce them. I have never heard a conservative say just because you don't support the war, that you don't support the troops...

2007-05-02 17:01:24 · answer #9 · answered by ryan m 1 · 1 0

The Neocon Republicans prefer the public to be meek and submissive when their Emperor speaks and makes a decision.
They tend to think America is governed by a Monarchy, contrary to what the Founding Fathers wanted.

So if you are NOT with Emperor Bush, you are against the Empire.

2007-05-02 16:54:54 · answer #10 · answered by Magma H 6 · 0 1

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