It has? Cool. But that doesn't change anything about God.
God spoke. Speech is vibration, which is what string theory is all about. He said Let there be Light, and BANG, the universe was created.
The Big Bang PROVES God was there first. Where do you think that first quantum fluctuation came from?
2007-05-02 10:39:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Gen.1:1.
Before Darwin and before the Big Bang, people who did not believe in God argued as follows:. There is no God and no creation and no beginning. Matter has always been here. You cannot have a creation if there is no beginning.
Then evolution came along and those who did not believe in God or a creation said --- Now we got you! There is no creation, everything has evolved. There is no empirical evidence of creation, God or a beginning: Case closed.
Then along comes the Big Bang. It proves nothing about God one way or another. What is does prove is that there was a beginning! One cannot completely ignore the argument that the Big Bang was an act of 'creation.' Further no physical laws apply prior to such an event.
The Big Bang theory,. proved or not, was not really a cause for celebration among atheists or among those who do not believe in evolution.
The Big Bang supports a beginning, where before a beginning was disputed..
2007-05-05 16:25:22
answer #2
answered by Tommy 6
The big bang has not been proved. What we know is that most of the galaxies are moving away from each other at a uniform rate which suggests that at one point they were all together. However it could be that the universe pulsates by expanding and contracting and we are in an expansion phase. Other evidence suggest that the big bang idea is the most likely and it is possible that the gravitational force in the universe will gradually slow it down and eventually make it contract back into a super black hole or singularity which I suppose is another form of pulsation. None of this proves that there is not god. In fact I think i makes it more likely that there is some being or force that set it all in motion. Call it god if you wish. However I do think it proves as a lot of other things do that there is no personal god as the christians and other religions believe who is taking an interest in anyone personally
2007-05-02 10:47:36
answer #3
answered by Maid Angela 7
I would have thought that proving the Big Bang Theory would have had the opposite effect - showing evidence of the existence of, if not 'God' in the biblical sense, certainly a 'higher power' of some sort.
The Big Bang states that the Universe came into being out of total nothingness. So, what initiated this and what managed to create something from nothing?
2007-05-02 12:22:50
answer #4
answered by john g 5
It is only a theory and has yet to be proved without any doubts to the theory itself.
But I think it will be proved in time.
As for the God bit that all comes down to belief,those who do believe will always hang onto thier beliefs,those that don`t believe in a God will not be affected by it.I once spoke to a UK clergyman about it and he told me that if God was proven not to exsist then he would be a fool to carry on with his beliefs.This does not go with everyone as you will always get some who would deny any proof either way.So Some would say that proof of the Big Bang proves nothing about the exsistance of a God.
Science is a fascinating thing,it proves everything ( in time ) except the God debate.
I personally believe there is no evidence of a god,Others will find evidence to try to disprove my beliefs,we are all entrenched in what we believe.
Until death or some other outside knowledge the argument will rage on.
2007-05-02 10:42:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says "God created the heavens and the earth." It does NOT say "God created the heavens and the earth by something other than the big bang. In fact, here's exactly how it happened, in detail!"
I think the universe being thrown into being by matter striking matter is entirely possible. By the way, since nobody was there to witness it, they can't ever really call it a fact. It can be the best answer we'll ever have, but that doesn't mean there isn't an other, better one.
2007-05-02 10:35:29
answer #6
answered by Anniekd 6
Ok My friend let big bang theory a proved one, but how does it make bible a lie. It says god created the world, this big bang theory might give a different idea about how the world was created but does it have anything to say about who created it ????
2007-05-02 10:37:31
answer #7
answered by Sivan 1
No, I think no matter what evidence you produced there will always be millions who will believe in God no matter what.
Also proving the big bang did or did not happen does not necessarily have a knock on effect on religion - God may have caused the big bang?
2007-05-02 10:33:41
answer #8
answered by ~ Arwen ~ 3
How do you know God didn't start the bang?
The point of God is that his existence is neither proved or disproved, your supposed to rely on faith.
Personally I think we should all be worshipping mother nature. Nature is real and we have done such a good job of f***ing it over that it's gonna get us back real soon.
If as much time was spent on preservation as praying I think the world would be a better place
2007-05-02 10:33:51
answer #9
answered by Mandy H 2
The creation stories of the Bible are just STORIES. They were never meant to be held as true. However, the Big Bang doesn't prove that there isn't a God or Gods one way or another.
2007-05-02 10:33:50
answer #10
answered by CarbonDated 7