The liberal media exhibits a pathological hatred of Bush because they get their "talking points" and take their marching orders from billionaire George Soros and his far-left, America hating, propaganda organizations!
The minority of people in this country (the far left ultra liberals)hate Bush so much because they are resentful of him and his perceived life of privilege.
Remember George Herbert Walker Bush (George W. Bush's father)? They used to make fun of him also!
The Bush Family is a successful political dynasty, which, unlike the sanctimonious and alcoholic Kennedy Family, is not dysfunctional.
When Bill Clinton (The Great Stainmaker) was elected President, the media fell in love with him. They overlooked his corruption and incompetence, as well as his many incidents of the sexual assault of women.
Simply put, the Bush haters are jealous of George W. Bush!
2007-05-02 07:42:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Those that "hate" President Bush think that an unconditional surrender of the Nation of Iraq and its citizens to radical Islamic factions would be of no concern to us sitting here in the "Land Of The Free; Because of The Brave". These people would be totally taken by surprise afterward, when another major terror attack hit our soil.
If you consider how much we could loose by abandoning the Iraqi government and its citizens as compared to what we'd gain, given the worst case scenario for each option, most people would draw the same conclusion that our Commander and Chief did.
I do not necessarily agree with you that he is better than Clinton however. You're comparing apples and oranges. Had we been attacked shortly after Clinton became President, I'd hope that he would have had a military response and a plan to combat terrorism as well. President Clinton was an outstanding Peace Time President that done wonderful things for our economy and started a lot of efforts to improve our domestic affairs. Give the man credit where credit is due.
President Clinton once said that anyone who runs for President of The United States does so with the intent of making their country better, regardless of their political party.
2007-05-02 08:02:30
answer #2
answered by Jim 5
How can you say that Bush has been a better President than Clinton? Clinton left a balanced budget, but Bush has run the deficit into the trillions!
It baffles me how the Republicans can warn of "liberal overspending" now, but I suppose they don't actually listen to each other any more than they listen to the rest of us.
The current administration has been truly Bush league, and compares best with the Harding Administration. Look them up, and then tell us again how good these partisan, featherbedding ideologues have done. It will take a generation to undo the damage they have done, both to the internal processes of Congress and to our reputation throughout the world.
Further, as the last elections demonstrated, a majority are NOT happy. It isn't just the Democrats; both Houses of Congress changed hands because the moderates are sick of Republican partisan behaviour, and especially sick of George W. Bush and his cronies.
There are no excuses for the viscious attacks on Valerie Plame, for example. Nobody but a fool believes she was not outed as a way to punish her husband for speaking out. It fits the GOP pattern of behaviour. There have been too many such incidents for us to accept White House denials.
There are too many untalented cronies finding their way to the World Bank, the Cabinet and the Supreme Court. These are our most important offices, and mediocrity is not acceptable even in honest men.
The Republican response to losing control of Congress has been to ignore the warning. Get ready for a convincing demonstration of just how big the antiBush majority is. Get ready for Hillary Clinton, because how much stronger could we reject the politics of slander than by electing the biggest target the bad mouthers have?
That should get the message across!
2007-05-02 07:28:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What did he do wrong? What did he do RIGHT? You haven't made any attempt to actually provide a compelling case to defend him- all you've done is stated your opinion (we should be grateful, he's ALOT [sic] better than other presidents, etc). Here's a question for you, sport: how can major combat in Iraq be over if most of the deaths in that useless war (that has nothing to do with fighting terrorism) occurred SINCE that affirmation was made? Here's a source, just try and refute it:
2007-05-02 07:27:29
answer #4
answered by David 7
Are we in some sort of alternate universe now? The latest polls indicate that Bush’s approval rating is hovering in the 30+ percentage area. The vast majority of Americans disapprove of the way he is doing his job.
Bush is doing much worse than almost all other presidents. In addition, he has done nothing worthwhile for the American people. Unnecessary war, wild spending, tax cuts for the wealthy, growing debt, budget deficits, economic stagnation for most Americans, more people falling into poverty, favoritism towards certain big corporations, high gas prices, terrible foreign policy, loss of American prestige, etc. all add up to a job badly done.
2007-05-02 07:39:35
answer #5
answered by tribeca_belle 7
I have to agree with David I. Plus add some more. He has the incompetence of James Buchanan and corruption of Harding, Nixon, and Ben Harrison all rolled into one. He is as arrogant as Franklin Pierce (maybe because they are related), He is as greedy as McKinley, and those around Useless Grant. He lies worse than Nixon on Watergate and Reagan and daddy Bush on Iran/Contra.
As a presidential scholar and near expert I can assure you George W. Bush will go down in history as our worst president ever. It is sad, too because he had a great opportunity back in September of '01 to keep the momentum going and he blew it.
James Buchanan was considered the worst until Dubya and now Jimmy B would be thrilled to know he is now second worst. (Harding is 3rd worst).
2007-05-02 07:47:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
and you get carry of this counsel from the place? that's humorous how Liberals by no ability pass away any hyperlinks with information to returned up their comments. in line with probability that's reason they simply prefer to pay attention themselves communicate so they are going to be responsive to they are nevertheless clever sufficient to chat. you be responsive to the version between me and you? I see the bottle as being 0.5 finished on a similar time as you spot that comparable bottle as being 0.5 empty.
2016-10-14 09:01:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
David your dillusional. How much do you pay for gasoline now? How many foreclosures in your city now? What's the countries deficit at now? Wake up David, he will go down as the worst we have had by far. In 6 short years we have become the country hated by all others. try walking through your neighborhood tonight, and think to yourself that at any moment someone can be shooting at you from a window, or a car you walk by could be loaded with explosives ready for you to walk by. That is what our soldiers face every day in Iraq. Try it out and tell me what a great job he's done. Don't worry though his oil company buddies are cheering him every day.
2007-05-02 07:21:03
answer #8
answered by World Peace Now 3
only die hard republicans hate clinton i guess because things went so well under his administration, and the disapproval ratings for Bush are above 50%, so it is the MAJORITY
2007-05-02 07:19:53
answer #9
answered by brewers07 2
49% of the country is the minority - just barely.
America Hates a loser ! Always has and always will.
Iraq is a big fat loser of a war (the worst kind).
Why should we be grateful for a war that's a lost cause ?
Grateful for a war that was a big mistake ?
And your wrong about a couple of things.
1st. bush has Not tried his hardest - he takes way to many vacations.
2nd. he is Not a lot better than other presidents - he is one of the worst.
2007-05-02 07:16:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous