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immigration problem? And why isn't the NIS doing their job?

2007-05-02 01:50:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Sorry INS...I have dyslexic fingers.

2007-05-02 01:59:05 · update #1

7 answers

Another reason why Thompson should run. He wants to close the borders.

2007-05-02 01:54:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Do U mean INS? well they have no controls over the borders!

That 's the job of border patrol.

I am perplexed that why U folks are so concern about as U

call Illegal Aliens? Please let us know. I may be able to give

U some info.

Best Regards.

Thank U for the thumb down! I wonder what I said that U didn't like, my Friend. U C I am very familiar with this issue.
Been there done that. So why not ask me UR concerns?
Is this a bad idea? Or Dem! REP! LIB! GRE! HZB! and HMS! don't like it? Boy I have fun with U guys. I mean this abbreviations.

Still Best Regards!

Dear Marl T : Did U carefully consider the consequence of what U R asking 4? Please give us some Ideas.

2007-05-02 01:54:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

I've seen INS buses carting people around -- and I hope they weren't willing passengers. As for candidates, I have not seen anyone weighing in on this issue, but if it's true that Thompson wants to close the borders, I'll seriously consider giving him my vote (and I'm a registered Democrat).

2007-05-02 01:57:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Duncan Hunter

Strong on illegals.

Action Alert

No to a guest worker program No to Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Please come and sign our petition supporting the House Immigration Immigration plan

No to Amnesty ! No to a Guest Worker Program for Illegals!
This is a petition in support of the House Bill and House Leadership on Immigration reform. No comprehensive solution now exists addressing both American workplace protection and a resolution to the illegal immigration problem. NAWER calls for a new approach: That Border security is workplace security and Immigration reform is labor reform. Sign our petition.

Please sign now---->


2007-05-02 02:02:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Fred Thompson and I've heard Tom Tacerdeo (although I have yet to check out his record on the matter.) Best place I've found for that is:


Check out your candidates! BTW, take the 2008 Candidate Quiz. I matched 3 candidates very closely and was suprised by two of those!

Adding here are the 'grades' of current members on their immigration stance:


2007-05-02 03:40:30 · answer #5 · answered by Cherie 6 · 0 0

Tom Tacerdeo and Fred Thompson will do a round up. Hillary and Barrack Obama hate America and want to let them all in and let them vote.

2007-05-02 01:57:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The democrats want the illegals for their votes and the republicans want them for their cheap labor. Where do Americans benefit from this?

2007-05-02 01:56:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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