i really really like this guy. i have known him for a while. i met him through my fiance who is now my ex.
we have kissed eachother and i have stayed over his place in his bed but nothing has really happened, despite him wanting more!
we only meet by chance. we are not dating.
he always compliments me.
when ever im over his place, he always wants me to give him a BJ. i always refuse as i think this is very personal and we are not even dating!
also, the next morning he is quite "funny" with me. he always wants me to leave his place quite early and says it because his parents are coming over. im getting quite suspicious about this reason. surely a guy of 29 wouldnt have his parents come over all the time????
there is no sign of a girlfriend living at his place and he states that he is single.
Whats going on with this guy???
he knows i ended my past 6 year relationship a year ago. he always asks about me and my ex.
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Special Little Girl xxx
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