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They want to be able to obtain Driver's Licenses, have access to higher education, free healthcare, etc.
They are here ILLEGALLY - they are breaking the law and they are marching today to DEMAND RIGHTS - how can they possibly think they deserve anything?

2007-05-01 03:16:11 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

Finally something we can agree on.

I will not vote for ANY candidate who believes amnesty is a good idea (Bush is on that list).

Laws are made to be enforced, not broken and forgiven. In breaking the law, you are, by definition, violating the rights of another. You deserve to have some of your rights removed as a consequence.

The Bill of Rights and the Constitution do not limit themselves to American citizens, however. They are for EVERYONE in this country. At one point, all of us, including the framers of those documents, were immigrants.

I have no animosity for immigrants who chose to act in accordance with the law. I have a problem with those who enter illegally and those who work illegally, as well as those who hire them.

I do not do business with any company that knowingly hires illegal aliens. A few of the big ones:
-Bank of America
-State Farm Insurance

Find ones in your town at my link and don't shop there.

Some stats:
*25 people in America are killed each day by illegal aliens

* 8% of those employed in the U.S are illegal aliens

* Illegal immigration costs CA taxpayers $10.5 Billion each year

* Illegal alien costs to federal budget:
Medicaid - $2.5 B
Uninsured treatment - $2.2 B
Food assistance - $1.9 B
Federal Prison - $1.6 B
Aid to schools - $1.4 B
Other - $800 M
Total - $10.4 B

* 33% of America's prison population are non-citizens

* 36-42% of illegal aliens are on welfare

* In Los Angeles:
95% of outstanding murder warrants are for illegal aliens
66% of outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens

* Nationwide, the cost to incarcerate illegal aliens is approx. $2 Billion annually

Louis G - I believe in both those things, also. Those who follow the law are always welcome. Those who do not are not.

2007-05-01 03:51:45 · answer #1 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 4 1

Because they ARE NOT treated like criminals, that's why. They don't care about our country or us, just how much money they can make illegally and ship home.
They also think Americans are so stupid we will tolerate their bulls--it.

And let's face it, so far, cops aren't working to stop this problem--on the local--border or state level. But, if you smoke a joint--watch out!!Jail--is where they want YOU.

2007-05-01 06:19:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

As much as I hate to say this... You can't blame them for trying, If you were in their position you might be doing the same thing.... You have to blame the politicians and city officials for allowing them to do this! Our government should have box trucks there ready to round em' up and haul them back home. Those people are going to try and get whatever they can by any means possible. They shouldn't be here illegally, but if everyone who can do something about it is turning their heads, then it's left up to the American people to rally together and protest against it. We should be right there with them, protesting OUR RIGHTS!!! And trying to get the only right they have enforced... and that is to be DEPORTED...

2007-05-01 03:42:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

YEAH, how can they demand human rights......how can a human who is trying to achieve a better life by working hard and getting a higher education, deserve anything ?
It is not their fault to want that , we all would do the same in their situation. So I think it is time ( same prob in Europe ) Companies stop hiring them.....Honestly I don't think they do , because it is much more effective to pay someone only 3 bucks an hour and let him work 15 hours a day instead of let an American work 8 hours and pay 10 bucks .... ;-)

2007-05-01 04:14:40 · answer #4 · answered by willow, the yodakitty from hell 7 · 2 4

Why are they here illegally. They need to have landed immigrant status or citizenship before they can ask for rights. Are these facts correct? or is it partisan politics again.

2007-05-01 13:13:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not sure. What I want to know is how do they keep getting jobs? Why not do what we did in the 50's? Don't just set them out at the border, take them all the way to the southern tip of Mexico and put them out. Then arrest the people hiring them. I bet a few televised images of their employers being frog marched off to jail would dry up their job market and quick.

2007-05-01 03:20:21 · answer #6 · answered by St. Tom Cruise 4 · 12 3

Despite being illegal, many of them are EMPLOYEES in the U.S...

If people would stop hiring them, things would change- but that will NEVER happen...

2007-05-01 07:59:56 · answer #7 · answered by Not so looney afterall 5 · 1 0

I was thinking that this morning - you enter the country illegally, breaking the law - you work illegally, breaking the law. And somehow the argument seems to be that the longer you have done this, the more you should be rewarded/

That's the message - you should be rewarded for breaking the law, and now you should be excused with no penalty or pay back.

And we wonder why our young people ignore the laws and we have such trouble in our country.

2007-05-01 03:20:20 · answer #8 · answered by Uncle John 6 · 11 4

They are catered to by politicians in order to buy election votes

2007-05-01 03:59:40 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 3 0

Its a difficult dilemma. Kick them out and who do you think will slide in to replace all the people picking your veggies? Doing all the behind the scenes work at your restaurants? and on and on... They know they have the power to bargain because no ''citizen'', or at least not many of them, will do the same work for the same pay. No way. You want people to go out and pick tomatoes for 3 cents a pound? Who in their right mind would do that? Thats 12 million people doing work that needs to be done, that doesn't pay well.
If that weren't the truth, they wouldn't be there protesting, or we'd be locking them up.

Hey Will C. Check your history book for who REALLY messed up those countries, and you'll find that the US was instrumental in installing those very governments. Even bringing back gorilla fighters to train on US soil at the School of the Americas. The government doesnt even deny this. Look it up. Please.

2007-05-01 03:28:27 · answer #10 · answered by Mr Pink 4 · 5 6

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