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19 answers

No, I don't. If you are willing to live with someone then why not make the commitment for real? Most people who live together first end up divorced. No relationship is a picnic. But living with someone outside of marriage just isn't smart or in your best interest. A lot of people will disagree with me, I'm sure.

2007-05-01 02:35:38 · answer #1 · answered by Stefka 5 · 0 2

YES! For people who said no think about this :
Most people who don't live together before they get married are most likely religious and most religions don't allow divorce and that is why divorce is less likely, so if your unhappy with your situation theres no way out anyway. Which I think is bullshti because I rather be happy than in an unhappy marriage.
Living together before marriage lets you understand eachothers faults and work on them and know whether or not you would want to be married to that person, how can that not be a plus?

2007-05-01 10:15:16 · answer #2 · answered by Vada83 4 · 2 0

Yes! I think that everyone should do this! When we marry someone with all the legal entanglements, etc., and THEN find out that they are lazy slobs, don't pick up any of their 'droppings', etc...it would feel like, WHAT A MISTAKE! But, if you have lived with them for a year or two, there are no surprises! You get used to their idiosyncrasies and know what you can or cannot live with!

Marriage is a serious step and we should all approach it that way. There would be fewer divorces!

It wouldn't hurt to study up on relationship, taking a Meirs/Briggs personality test (this helps soooo much!) to get to know 'who' this person is you may marry. Just educating yourself during this times on the seriousness of a possible life-long partnership would be important.

Our society does not take two extremely important areas, in life, seriously enough. These areas are...marriage, and the raising of children. This causes so much suffering in our world!

I do think that a year or two is plenty of time to find out...is this the one I want to spend the rest of my life with?

2007-05-01 09:44:16 · answer #3 · answered by Eve 4 · 1 0

This is totally a decision based on religion, morality, and personal beliefs. All of the statistics are just numbers of chance. The numbers are not showing the chance for failure due to personal compatibility issues.

If it is what the two of you want then do it. You are the only two people (aside from any deity or court) that have say in your relationship.

Keep in mind it is cheaper to break a lease than to hire a divorce attorney. *smiles*

May your union be blessed no matter the path you choose.

2007-05-01 10:01:30 · answer #4 · answered by angelskisses75 3 · 1 0

Yes, I think its a great idea...That way u know what ur getting yourself into...Think about it...If ur a neat freak and like things done a certain it may not be the way the other person may do it...Do u leave the top off the toothpaste? Do u leave your dirty clothes on the floor? Males, do u piss all over the toliet seat? Females, do u leave the toliet seat down? Theres alot to find out when u live together...

2007-05-01 09:50:22 · answer #5 · answered by Froggie Girl 2 · 1 0

Yes that way you know what you're letting yourself in for. Marriage can put a lot of pressure on people especially if they haven't lived together before the wedding. You may find that it strengthens the relationship more so or it shows the weaker points that need dealing with before you commit to each other anymore.

2007-05-01 09:35:38 · answer #6 · answered by i_ate_sponge_bob 6 · 1 0

yes yes yes, definitely live together before marriage. Many people disagree with this, and i'm sure a lot of answers will be along the lines of 'why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" blah blah blah!!
My fiance (then boyfriend) moved in together after 1 yr of dating, and are now engaged (we lived together 7mo before engagement). We know each other inside and out, we know what we need to work on, and what we do well as a team, that we can make smart financial decisions together, that we both have little quirks, but that we love each other completely and this foundation gives us no doubt our marriage will be forever.
I think it is extrememly important to live together first, HOWEVER...make sure you and your bf are on the same page. If you are getting into this thinking of a future committment/marriage, then talk with him first to make sure he's on the same page. Of course things change, but you want to make sure he's not wanting to live with a women just for the perks, but that he wants to live with YOU and share his life with you.

Good luck!

2007-05-01 09:40:49 · answer #7 · answered by Katie 3 · 1 0

I totally agree to those that said NO. Though, you can get to know the person better, research has shown that the divorce rate will be higher! Those that worked out are luckier or they are just newly-wed. I would really advise you to not risk a relationship that may work out!

Also, think of consequences of divorce although you may need to change yourself if you don't:
-Gossip & Embarrassment (Some people are really that mean. You may think that it wouldn't bother you now, but that may not be the case afterwards.)

2007-05-01 09:39:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes. You get to see what it is like to live with person. Come home to them. See them naked every day. See what there habits are. Where do they leave there dirty socks and underwear. To the pee on the seat. Leave crumbs all over the place. Wipe boogers on the wall behind the couch. Fart when they think you cant hear or smell them. Do not trust any one who tells you it is wrong cause of morality. That crap is from the older generation and you can not trust them. they left our society as it is for us to inherent. So does what works for you.

2007-05-01 10:13:03 · answer #9 · answered by Shootsscores 3 · 0 0

I did with my husband,that way you know how to deal with any problems being in the same roof as far as bills or people coming over, getting ready for work in the morning.You will find out if yall can really stand to be with each other 24/7,see if you can deal the everyday things he does at home.

2007-05-01 10:35:40 · answer #10 · answered by aejr2005 2 · 1 0

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