Give him a break, he is a billionaire Liberal. Rich Liberals should be able to do whatever they want and break any law they want since they are smarter than the rest of us and have good intentions (they should also take as much of our hard earned dollars that they think necessary to fund the programs that they think are important).
2007-05-01 00:32:08
answer #1
answered by Yo it's Me 7
global kinfolk contributors Coordinator Robyn Broughton says His Holiness fairly wanted to have interaction with team and scholars. because the capacity of St David is constrained to 500 human beings, it develop into keen to run a contest to go back to a decision which team and scholars can attend – asking what question they could ask the Dalai Lama. the competition closes on Friday 19 April, yet Mrs Broughton says there has been a impressive reaction already from team by the campus. “we've had entries from by the board,” she says. “perfect from PhD scholars to senior administration.” And the questions conceal a spectrum of topics too. “There are really some around the thanks to attain stability in a hectic existence, really some round His Holiness’s thoughts around the function of tertiary training for youthful ones, some around the thanks to stay sensible, someone has requested ‘in case you may want to be an animal, what might want to you be?’, yet another has requested ‘what's your customary early existence memory?’.” the perfect inquiries to be positioned to His Holiness will be chosen through the nationwide organiser of the Dalai Lama believe, yet Mrs Broughton believes there'll be blend of severe and extra gentle-hearted questions. Professor Mark Henaghan of regulation will facilitate the consultation and positioned the inquiries to him.
2016-12-05 04:02:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think being of a particular party enters into this - there are buttwipes all over the political spectrum. But as to the rest - yes, the guy is an idiot, a bad example, and a pompous ***. They should kick him out as a danger to society like any other criminal.
2007-05-01 00:32:44
answer #3
answered by mattzcoz 5
Anyone who takes sides with any political party is an +++++.
(Fill in the missing word). They screw up, and then write books about it, and make more money from the book sales than from their job.
This is a perfect example of making chicken salad from chicken ++++.
And the public feeds off this stuff!
2007-05-01 00:36:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When I get Home to Jersey I am going to Speed , Heck it is OK for the Gov!
2007-05-01 00:53:24
answer #5
answered by ThorGirl 4
He's a piker compared to Teddy Kennnedy's driving carnage.
Plus, he's probably buying MPH offsets from Al Gore.
2007-05-01 00:26:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A gain libs and politicians saying do as I say not as I do!! That why NJ the best kept Corrupt state in the union!! I live here I know
2007-05-01 00:22:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
He is the epitome of their hypocritical MO! It is beyond my understanding that they're seemingly blissfully unaware of this "in your face" aspect of their party.
PS please email me ..I've a question for you!
2007-05-01 01:39:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Did Clinton ever apologize for his screwups?
2007-05-01 00:27:57
answer #9
answered by duck 2
Yes. Something much more typical: Bush refusing to apologize for killing more Americans than Bin Laden did on 9/11.
Bwahahahaaaa - OWNED!!!!!
2007-05-01 00:25:03
answer #10
answered by Dr. Tyree Love 2