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After that draft I thought that it is very underrated but, your team really only needs one and every other position it good to have more than one. So my debate is if they are overrated or underrated.

2007-04-30 17:45:19 · 12 answers · asked by unknown 3 in Sports Football (American)

12 answers

IT DEPENDS! The most Underrated position in the NFL is Offensive Line. They take the a beating every single play. If they can't protect you QB, they can't make the throw, and then they (the QB) is slapped as overrated because he is getting sacked or throwing a lot of interceptions.

EXAMPLE: David Carr and the Houston Texans. He had no line and broke the career sacked record already. Everybody says he is overrated now because he got picked first overall in the draft. He deserved to be, but he doesn't have the line. Now that he is in Carolina now(who have a line) if Jake goes down, we will see how "overrated" or "underrated" David Carr really is.

2007-04-30 19:03:12 · answer #1 · answered by Richey 2 · 1 0

QBs are overrated in general anymore. Back in the old days the QB would be the ones who called the plays. Now the plays are basically called by the Offensive Coordinator. In the old days you NEEDED a great QB that knew the plays and knew what to call as well. Now you still need an accurate QB but the intelligence ISN'T as big of an issue. You still need a QB now but I think you need WRs more then the QB. Yeah the QB needs to be accurate but if you got someone who can catch things thrown within a decent range and can run with them that is even better.
On the assumption that A.C. is talking about Manning as "the best QB in the league" then why did it take SO LONG? Come on the QB is SO UNDERRATED but he couldn't win until just now? Come on Big Ben did it in his second year in the league and as a starter. Sure he had a horrible game-blame the ball because Hasselback had a HORRIBLE game as well- but he still won.

2007-05-01 01:10:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The QB is underrated. Every play starts with the QB. The Quarterback is the eyes for the team. It sees whats good. For example, the best quarterback in the NFL just so happened to win the Super Bowl. Coincidence? Not at all. Horrible quarterbacks like Rex grossman and tony romo just cannot do anything-no matter how good the team is.

2007-04-30 19:35:53 · answer #3 · answered by Billy Dowson 1 · 0 0

I think now the quarterback is overrated, especially in the draft. If the quarterback keeps getting sacked, the teams look for another quarterback rather than work on the offensive line.

I'd rather have an awsome offensive line and a weak quarterback than a weak offensive line and an awesome quarterback. At least the team with the awesome offensive line can still run the ball. With a weak offensive line the awesome quarterback is going to be constantly sacked and the team wouldn't be able to run the ball.

2007-04-30 18:56:49 · answer #4 · answered by gregory_dittman 7 · 0 0

I would say they are overrated more often than underrated. As to the current draft, I think it showed QBs being valued the right amount. QBs were only taken by teams that really had a hole at the position to fill.

2007-04-30 17:49:56 · answer #5 · answered by Mac 2 · 0 0

I think it's rated just right - the most important player on the team. Sure, defense wins games and great RB's and WR's can change a game. But half of a team's plays (offense) start with the QB who usually has to make a decision at the line to run the play called or go to an audible. He's almost like a hockey goalie in importance to his team.

2007-05-01 08:24:45 · answer #6 · answered by Bob Mc 6 · 0 0

QB is the hardest position to play in football not only for the mental duress and criticism he takes from the crowd and media. A QB has to make reads of a defense while hes staring at 11 guys that either want to take his head off or take his pass back the other way to a touchdown. All I'm saying is it takes alot of confidence, great judgment, thick skin and high intelligence to be a successful field general.

2007-04-30 18:32:57 · answer #7 · answered by Gregg B 4 · 0 0

The answer to your question is neither. Quarterbacks are very highly regarded by NFL franchises and rightfully so. They are person who executes the offense the coaching staff has taken months to prepare. They have to be moth physically and mentally gifted as well as a solid team leader. Perhaps they are over scrutinized but not over rated. This is, bar-none, the most important position on a football team.

2007-04-30 17:50:43 · answer #8 · answered by undrthecvrsagent 2 · 1 0

I would say that they are both. This is the hardest position to draft because of the huge risk involved. There are never any sure things when you draft a QB.

2007-05-01 05:31:44 · answer #9 · answered by joe p 2 · 0 0

a lil bit of both bc you dont need a great qb to make it to super bowl and win it. baltimore did it with dlifer and the bucs did it with johnson and the bears got there with a less than steallar performance from grossman during the year. you just need somebody who can manage the game and not mess up. having a great qb helps out and makes it easier to make your gameplan around but it is not a lock for the team to make it to the super bowl. just bc of a great qb. and you have to have a great defense too to get there and win it.

2007-04-30 17:56:01 · answer #10 · answered by bigbo3488 2 · 0 0