Ok, you asked for it:
Abercrombie, Neil, Hawaii, 1st Ackerman, Gary, New York, 5th
Aderholt, Robert, Alabama, 4th Akin, Todd, Missouri, 2nd
Alexander, Rodney, Louisiana, 5th Allen, Tom, Maine, 1st
Altmire, Jason, Pennsylvania, 4th Andrews, Robert E., New Jersey, 1st
Arcuri, Michael A., New York, 24th
^ return to top
Baca, Joe, California, 43rd Bachmann, Michele, Minnesota, 6th
Bachus, Spencer, Alabama, 6th Baird, Brian, Washington, 3rd
Baker, Richard, Louisiana, 6th Baldwin, Tammy, Wisconsin, 2nd
Barrett, J.Gresham, South Carolina, 3rd Barrow, John, Georgia, 12th
Bartlett, Roscoe, Maryland, 6th Barton, Joe, Texas, 6th
Bean, Melissa L., Illinois, 8th Becerra, Xavier, California, 31st
Berkley, Shelley, Nevada, 1st Berman, Howard, California, 28th
Berry, Marion, Arkansas, 1st Biggert, Judy, Illinois, 13th
Bilbray, Brian P., California, 50th Bilirakis, Gus M., Florida, 9th
Bishop, Rob, Utah, 1st Bishop Jr., Sanford D., Georgia, 2nd
Bishop, Timothy, New York, 1st Blackburn, Marsha, Tennessee, 7th
Blumenauer, Earl, Oregon, 3rd Blunt, Roy, Missouri, 7th
Boehner, John A., Ohio, 8th Bonner, Jo, Alabama, 1st
Bono, Mary, California, 45th Boozman, John, Arkansas, 3rd
Bordallo, Madeleine, Guam Boren, Dan, Oklahoma, 2nd
Boswell, Leonard, Iowa, 3rd Boucher, Rick, Virginia, 9th
Boustany Jr., Charles W., Louisiana, 7th Boyd, Allen, Florida, 2nd
Boyda, Nancy E., Kansas, 2nd Brady, Kevin, Texas, 8th
Brady, Robert, Pennsylvania, 1st Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, 1st
Brown, Corrine, Florida, 3rd Brown, Henry, South Carolina, 1st
Brown-Waite, Virginia, Florida, 5th Buchanan, Vern, Florida, 13th
Burgess, Michael, Texas, 26th Burton, Dan, Indiana, 5th
Butterfield, G.K., North Carolina, 1st Buyer, Steve, Indiana, 4th
^ return to top
Calvert, Ken, California, 44th Camp, Dave, Michigan, 4th
Campbell, John, California, 48th Cannon, Chris, Utah, 3rd
Cantor, Eric, Virginia, 7th Capito, Shelley Moore, West Virginia, 2nd
Capps, Lois, California, 23rd Capuano, Michael E., Massachusetts, 8th
Cardoza, Dennis, California, 18th Carnahan, Russ, Missouri, 3rd
Carney, Christopher P., Pennsylvania, 10th Carson, Julia, Indiana, 7th
Carter, John, Texas, 31st Castle, Michael N., Delaware, At Large
Castor, Kathy, Florida, 11th Chabot, Steve, Ohio, 1st
Chandler, Ben, Kentucky, 6th Christian-Christensen, Donna M., U.S. Virgin Islands
Clarke, Yvette D., New York, 11th Clay Jr., William "Lacy", Missouri, 1st
Cleaver, Emanuel, Missouri, 5th Clyburn, James E., South Carolina, 6th
Coble, Howard, North Carolina, 6th Cohen, Steve, Tennessee, 9th
Cole, Tom, Oklahoma, 4th Conaway, K. Michael, Texas, 11th
Conyers Jr., John, Michigan, 14th Cooper, Jim, Tennessee, 5th
Costa, Jim, California, 20th Costello, Jerry, Illinois, 12th
Courtney, Joe, Connecticut, 2nd Cramer, Robert E. "Bud", Alabama, 5th
Crenshaw, Ander, Florida, 4th Crowley, Joseph, New York, 7th
Cubin, Barbara, Wyoming, At Large Cuellar, Henry, Texas, 28th
Culberson, John, Texas, 7th Cummings, Elijah, Maryland, 7th
^ return to top
Davis, Artur, Alabama, 7th Davis, Danny K., Illinois, 7th
Davis, David, Tennessee, 1st Davis, Geoff, Kentucky, 4th
Davis, Jo Ann S., Virginia, 1st Davis, Lincoln, Tennessee, 4th
Davis, Susan, California, 53rd Davis, Tom, Virginia, 11th
Deal, Nathan, Georgia, 9th DeFazio, Peter, Oregon, 4th
DeGette, Diana, Colorado, 1st Delahunt, William, Massachusetts, 10th
DeLauro, Rosa L., Connecticut, 3rd Dent, Charles W., Pennsylvania, 15th
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Florida, 21st Diaz-Balart, Mario, Florida, 25th
*****, Norman D., Washington, 6th Dingell, John, Michigan, 15th
Doggett, Lloyd, Texas, 25th Donnelly, Joe, Indiana, 2nd
Doolittle, John, California, 4th Doyle, Mike, Pennsylvania, 14th
Drake, Thelma D., Virginia, 2nd Dreier, David, California, 26th
Duncan Jr., John J., Tennessee, 2nd
^ return to top
Edwards, Chet, Texas, 17th Ehlers, Vernon J., Michigan, 3rd
Ellison, Keith, Minnesota, 5th Ellsworth, Brad, Indiana, 8th
Emanuel, Rahm, Illinois, 5th Emerson, Jo Ann, Missouri, 8th
Engel, Eliot, New York, 17th English, Phil, Pennsylvania, 3rd
Eshoo, Anna G., California, 14th Etheridge, Bob, North Carolina, 2nd
Everett, Terry, Alabama, 2nd
^ return to top
Faleomavaega, Eni F. H., American Samoa Fallin, Mary, Oklahoma, 5th
Farr, Sam, California, 17th Fattah, Chaka, Pennsylvania, 2nd
Feeney, Tom, Florida, 24th Ferguson, Michael, New Jersey, 7th
Filner, Bob, California, 51st Flake, Jeff , Arizona, 6th
Forbes, J. Randy, Virginia, 4th Fortenberry, Jeff, Nebraska, 1st
Fortuno, Luis G., Puerto Rico Fossella, Vito, New York, 13th
Foxx, Virginia, North Carolina, 5th Frank, Barney, Massachusetts, 4th
Franks, Trent, Arizona, 2nd Frelinghuysen, Rodney, New Jersey, 11th
^ return to top
Gallegly, Elton, California, 24th Garrett, Scott, New Jersey, 5th
Gerlach, Jim, Pennsylvania, 6th Giffords, Gabrielle, Arizona, 8th
Gilchrest, Wayne, Maryland, 1st Gillibrand, Kirsten E., New York, 20th
Gillmor, Paul, Ohio, 5th Gingrey, Phil, Georgia, 11th
Gohmert, Louie, Texas, 1st Gonzalez, Charlie A., Texas, 20th
Goode Jr., Virgil H., Virginia, 5th Goodlatte, Bob, Virginia, 6th
Gordon, Bart, Tennessee, 6th Granger, Kay, Texas, 12th
Graves, Sam, Missouri, 6th Green, Al, Texas, 9th
Green, Gene, Texas, 29th Grijalva, Raul, Arizona, 7th
Gutierrez, Luis, Illinois, 4th
^ return to top
Hall, John J., New York, 19th Hall, Ralph M., Texas, 4th
Hare, Phil, Illinois, 17th Harman, Jane, California, 36th
Hastert, Denny, Illinois, 14th Hastings, Alcee L., Florida, 23rd
Hastings, Doc, Washington, 4th Hayes, Robin, North Carolina, 8th
Heller, Dean, Nevada, 2nd Hensarling, Jeb, Texas, 5th
Herger, Wally, California, 2nd Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, South Dakota, At Large
Higgins, Brian, New York, 27th Hill, Baron, Indiana, 9th
Hinchey, Maurice, New York, 22nd Hinojosa, Rubén, Texas, 15th
Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, 2nd Hobson, David, Ohio, 7th
Hodes, Paul W., New Hampshire, 2nd Hoekstra, Pete, Michigan, 2nd
Holden, Tim, Pennsylvania, 17th Holt, Rush, New Jersey, 12th
Honda, Mike, California, 15th Hooley, Darlene, Oregon, 5th
Hoyer, Steny H., Maryland, 5th Hulshof, Kenny, Missouri, 9th
Hunter, Duncan, California, 52nd
^ return to top
Inglis, Bob, South Carolina, 4th Inslee, Jay, Washington, 1st
Israel, Steve, New York, 2nd Issa, Darrell, California, 49th
^ return to top
Jackson Jr., Jesse L., Illinois, 2nd Jackson Lee, Sheila, Texas, 18th
Jefferson, William J., Louisiana, 2nd Jindal, Bobby, Louisiana, 1st
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Texas, 30th Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr., Georgia, 4th
Johnson, Sam, Texas, 3rd Johnson, Timothy V., Illinois, 15th
Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, Ohio, 11th Jones, Walter B., North Carolina, 3rd
Jordan, Jim, Ohio, 4th
^ return to top
Kagen, Steve, Wisconsin, 8th Kanjorski, Paul E., Pennsylvania, 11th
Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, 9th Keller, Ric, Florida, 8th
Kennedy, Patrick, Rhode Island, 1st Kildee, Dale, Michigan, 5th
Kilpatrick, Carolyn, Michigan, 13th Kind, Ron, Wisconsin, 3rd
King, Pete, New York, 3rd King, Steve, Iowa, 5th
Kingston, Jack, Georgia, 1st Kirk, Mark, Illinois, 10th
Klein, Ron , Florida, 22nd Kline, John, Minnesota, 2nd
Knollenberg, Joseph , Michigan, 9th Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, 10th
Kuhl Jr., John R. "Randy", New York, 29th
^ return to top
LaHood, Ray, Illinois, 18th Lamborn, Doug, Colorado, 5th
Lampson, Nick, Texas, 22nd Langevin, Jim, Rhode Island, 2nd
Lantos, Tom, California, 12th Larsen, Rick, Washington, 2nd
Larson, John B., Connecticut, 1st Latham, Tom, Iowa, 4th
LaTourette, Steven C., Ohio, 14th Lee, Barbara, California, 9th
Levin, Sander, Michigan, 12th Lewis, Jerry, California, 41st
Lewis, John, Georgia, 5th Lewis, Ron, Kentucky, 2nd
Linder, John, Georgia, 7th Lipinski, Daniel, Illinois, 3rd
LoBiondo, Frank, New Jersey, 2nd Loebsack, David, Iowa, 2nd
Lofgren, Zoe, California, 16th Lowey, Nita, New York, 18th
Lucas, Frank, Oklahoma, 3rd Lungren, Daniel E., California, 3rd
Lynch, Stephen F., Massachusetts, 9th
^ return to top
Mack, Connie, Florida, 14th Mahoney, Tim, Florida, 16th
Maloney, Carolyn, New York, 14th Manzullo, Donald, Illinois, 16th
Marchant, Kenny, Texas, 24th Markey, Ed, Massachusetts, 7th
Marshall, Jim, Georgia, 8th Matheson, Jim, Utah, 2nd
Matsui, Doris O., California, 5th McCarthy, Carolyn, New York, 4th
McCarthy, Kevin, California, 22nd McCaul, Michael T., Texas, 10th
McCollum, Betty, Minnesota, 4th McCotter, Thaddeus, Michigan, 11th
McCrery, Jim, Louisiana, 4th McDermott, Jim, Washington, 7th
McGovern, James, Massachusetts, 3rd McHenry, Patrick T., North Carolina, 10th
McHugh, John M., New York, 23rd McIntyre, Mike, North Carolina, 7th
McKeon, Buck, California, 25th McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, Washington, 5th
McNerney, Jerry, California, 11th McNulty, Michael R., New York, 21st
Meehan, Marty, Massachusetts, 5th Meek, Kendrick, Florida, 17th
Meeks, Gregory W., New York, 6th Melancon, Charlie, Louisiana, 3rd
Mica, John, Florida, 7th Michaud, Michael, Maine, 2nd
Millender-McDonald, Juanita, California, 37th -- Vacancy Miller, Brad, North Carolina, 13th
Miller, Candice, Michigan, 10th Miller, Gary, California, 42nd
Miller, George, California, 7th Miller, Jeff, Florida, 1st
Mitchell, Harry E., Arizona, 5th Mollohan, Alan B., West Virginia, 1st
Moore, Dennis, Kansas, 3rd Moore, Gwen, Wisconsin, 4th
Moran, Jerry, Kansas, 1st Moran, Jim, Virginia, 8th
Murphy, Christopher S., Connecticut, 5th Murphy, Patrick J., Pennsylvania, 8th
Murphy, Tim, Pennsylvania, 18th Murtha, John, Pennsylvania, 12th
Musgrave, Marilyn, Colorado, 4th Myrick, Sue, North Carolina, 9th
^ return to top
Nadler, Jerrold, New York, 8th Napolitano, Grace, California, 38th
Neal, Richard E., Massachusetts, 2nd Neugebauer, Randy, Texas, 19th
Norton, Eleanor Holmes, District of Columbia Norwood, Charlie, Georgia, 10th -- Vacancy
Nunes, Devin, California, 21st
^ return to top
Oberstar, James L., Minnesota, 8th Obey, David R., Wisconsin, 7th
Olver, John, Massachusetts, 1st Ortiz, Solomon P., Texas, 27th
^ return to top
Pallone Jr., Frank, New Jersey, 6th Pascrell Jr., Bill, New Jersey, 8th
Pastor, Ed , Arizona, 4th Paul, Ron, Texas, 14th
Payne, Donald M., New Jersey, 10th Pearce, Steve, New Mexico, 2nd
Pelosi, Nancy, California, 8th Pence, Mike, Indiana, 6th
Perlmutter, Ed, Colorado, 7th Peterson, Collin C., Minnesota, 7th
Peterson, John E., Pennsylvania, 5th Petri, Thomas, Wisconsin, 6th
Pickering, Charles W. "Chip", Mississippi, 3rd Pitts, Joseph R., Pennsylvania, 16th
Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th Poe, Ted, Texas, 2nd
Pomeroy, Earl, North Dakota, At Large Porter, Jon, Nevada, 3rd
Price, David, North Carolina, 4th Price, Tom, Georgia, 6th
Pryce, Deborah, Ohio, 15th Putnam, Adam, Florida, 12th
^ return to top
Radanovich, George P., California, 19th Rahall, Nick, West Virginia, 3rd
Ramstad, Jim, Minnesota, 3rd Rangel, Charles B., New York, 15th
Regula, Ralph, Ohio, 16th Rehberg, Dennis, Montana, At Large
Reichert, David G., Washington, 8th Renzi, Rick, Arizona, 1st
Reyes, Silvestre, Texas, 16th Reynolds, Thomas M., New York, 26th
Rodriguez, Ciro, Texas, 23rd Rogers, Harold, Kentucky, 5th
Rogers, Mike, Alabama, 3rd Rogers, Mike, Michigan, 8th
Rohrabacher, Dana, California, 46th Roskam, Peter J., Illinois, 6th
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Florida, 18th Ross, Mike, Arkansas, 4th
Rothman, Steven, New Jersey, 9th Roybal-Allard, Lucille, California, 34th
Royce, Ed, California, 40th Ruppersberger, Dutch, Maryland, 2nd
Rush, Bobby L., Illinois, 1st Ryan, Paul, Wisconsin, 1st
Ryan, Tim, Ohio, 17th
^ return to top
Salazar, John T., Colorado, 3rd Sali, Bill, Idaho, 1st
Sanchez, Linda, California, 39th Sarbanes, John P., Maryland, 3rd
Sanchez, Loretta, California, 47th Saxton, Jim, New Jersey, 3rd
Schakowsky, Jan, Illinois, 9th Schiff, Adam, California, 29th
Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, 2nd Schwartz, Allyson Y., Pennsylvania, 13th
Scott, David, Georgia, 13th Scott, Robert C. "Bobby", Virginia, 3rd
Sensenbrenner, F. James, Wisconsin, 5th Serrano, José E., New York, 16th
Sessions, Pete, Texas, 32nd Sestak, Joe, Pennsylvania, 7th
Shadegg, John, Arizona, 3rd Shays, Christopher, Connecticut, 4th
Shea-Porter, Carol, New Hampshire, 1st Sherman, Brad, California, 27th
Shimkus, John, Illinois, 19th Shuler, Heath, North Carolina, 11th
Shuster, Bill, Pennsylvania, 9th Simpson, Mike, Idaho, 2nd
Sires, Albio, New Jersey, 13th Skelton, Ike, Missouri, 4th
Slaughter, Louise, New York, 28th Smith, Adam, Washington, 9th
Smith, Adrian, Nebraska, 3rd Smith, Chris, New Jersey, 4th
Smith, Lamar, Texas, 21st Snyder, Vic, Arkansas, 2nd
Solis, Hilda, California, 32nd Souder, Mark E., Indiana, 3rd
Space, Zachary T., Ohio, 18th Spratt, John, South Carolina, 5th
Stark, Fortney Pete, California, 13th Stearns, Cliff, Florida, 6th
Stupak, Bart, Michigan, 1st Sullivan, John, Oklahoma, 1st
Sutton, Betty, Ohio, 13th
^ return to top
Tancredo, Tom, Colorado, 6th Tanner, John, Tennessee, 8th
Tauscher, Ellen, California, 10th Taylor, Gene, Mississippi, 4th
Terry, Lee, Nebraska, 2nd Thompson, Bennie G., Mississippi, 2nd
Thompson, Mike, California, 1st Thornberry, Mac, Texas, 13th
Tiahrt, Todd, Kansas, 4th Tiberi, Pat, Ohio, 12th
Tierney, John, Massachusetts, 6th Towns, Edolphus, New York, 10th
Turner, Michael, Ohio, 3rd
^ return to top
Udall, Mark, Colorado, 2nd Udall, Tom, New Mexico, 3rd
Upton, Fred, Michigan, 6th
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Van Hollen, Chris, Maryland, 8th Velázquez, Nydia M., New York, 12th
Visclosky, Peter, Indiana, 1st
^ return to top
Walberg, Timothy, Michigan, 7th Walden, Greg, Oregon, 2nd
Walsh, Jim, New York, 25th Walz, Timothy J., Minnesota, 1st
Wamp, Zach, Tennessee, 3rd Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, Florida, 20th
Waters, Maxine, California, 35th Watson, Diane E., California, 33rd
Watt, Mel, North Carolina, 12th Waxman, Henry, California, 30th
Weiner, Anthony D., New York, 9th Welch, Peter, Vermont, At Large
Weldon, Dave, Florida, 15th Weller, Jerry, Illinois, 11th
Westmoreland, Lynn A., Georgia, 3rd Wexler, Robert, Florida, 19th
Whitfield, Ed, Kentucky, 1st Wicker, Roger, Mississippi, 1st
Wilson, Charles A., Ohio, 6th Wilson, Heather, New Mexico, 1st
Wilson, Joe, South Carolina, 2nd Wolf, Frank, Virginia, 10th
Woolsey, Lynn, California, 6th Wu, David, Oregon, 1st
Wynn, Albert, Maryland, 4th
^ return to top
Yarmuth, John A., Kentucky, 3rd Young, C.W. Bill, Florida, 10th
Young, Don, Alaska, At Large
2007-04-30 16:42:19
answer #1
answered by Cinner 7
Do you just mean the Representatives, or ALL Congressmen?
You can find a list of your Reps at:
and all the Senators at:
2007-04-30 16:41:10
answer #2
answered by amg503 7
Well Cinner gets the points,she just did your history homework assignment for you. LOL
2007-04-30 16:53:11
answer #3
answered by beachdiva954 4
Look at http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home .There is a list there and a Zip Code locator.
2007-04-30 16:38:35
answer #4
answered by Den 4
Go to www.house.gov for the House &
www.senate.gov for the senate
2007-04-30 17:37:26
answer #5
answered by yupchagee 7
Do a google search.
2007-04-30 16:38:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Go to www.house.gov/writerep.
2007-04-30 16:38:38
answer #7
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
2007-04-30 16:39:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
January 05, 2007
Representative, State, District
Abercrombie, Neil, HI, 1st
Ackerman, Gary L., NY, 5th
Aderholt, Robert B., AL, 4th
Akin, W. Todd, MO, 2nd
Alexander, Rodney, LA, 5th
Allen, Thomas H., ME, 1st
Altmire, Jason, PA, 4th
Andrews, Robert E., NJ, 1st
Arcuri, Michael A., NY, 24th
Baca, Joe, CA, 43rd
Bachmann, Michele, MN, 6th
Bachus, Spencer, AL, 6th
Baird, Brian, WA, 3rd
Baker, Richard H., LA, 6th
Baldwin, Tammy, WI, 2nd
Barrett, J. Gresham, SC, 3rd
Barrow, John, GA, 12th
Bartlett, Roscoe G., MD, 6th
Barton, Joe, TX, 6th
Bean, Melissa L., IL, 8th
Becerra, Xavier, CA, 31st
Berkley, Shelley, NV, 1st
Berman, Howard L., CA, 28th
Berry, Marion, AR, 1st
Biggert, Judy, IL, 13th
Bilbray, Brian P., CA, 50th
Bilirakis, Gus M., FL, 9th
Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., GA, 2nd
Bishop, Timothy H., NY, 1st
Bishop, Rob, UT, 1st
Blackburn, Marsha, TN, 7th
Blumenauer, Earl, OR, 3rd
Blunt, Roy, MO, 7th
Boehner, John A., OH, 8th
Bonner, Jo, AL, 1st
Bono, Mary, CA, 45th
Boozman, John, AR, 3rd
Bordallo, Madeleine Z., GU, Delegate
Boren, Dan, OK, 2nd
Boswell, Leonard L., IA, 3rd
Boucher, Rick, VA, 9th
Boustany, Charles W., Jr., LA, 7th
Boyd, Allen, FL, 2nd
Boyda, Nancy E., KS, 2nd
Brady, Kevin, TX, 8th
Brady, Robert A., PA, 1st
Braley, Bruce L., IA, 1st
Brown, Corrine, FL, 3rd
Brown, Henry E., Jr., SC, 1st
Brown-Waite, Ginny, FL, 5th
Buchanan, Vern, FL, 13th
Burgess, Michael C., TX, 26th
Burton, Dan, IN, 5th
Butterfield, G. K., NC, 1st
Buyer, Steve, IN, 4th
Calvert, Ken, CA, 44th
Camp, Dave, MI, 4th
Campbell, John, CA, 48th
Cannon, Chris, UT, 3rd
Cantor, Eric, VA, 7th
Capito, Shelley Moore, WV, 2nd
Capps, Lois, CA, 23rd
Capuano, Michael E., MA, 8th
Cardoza, Dennis A., CA, 18th
Carnahan, Russ, MO, 3rd
Carney, Christopher P., PA, 10th
Carson, Julia, IN, 7th
Carter, John R., TX, 31st
Castle, Michael N., DE, At Large
Castor, Kathy, FL, 11th
Chabot, Steve, OH, 1st
Chandler, Ben, KY, 6th
Christensen, Donna M., VI, Delegate
Clarke, Yvette D., NY, 11th
Clay, Wm. Lacy, MO, 1st
Cleaver, Emanuel, MO, 5th
Clyburn, James E., SC, 6th
Coble, Howard, NC, 6th
Cohen, Steve, TN, 9th
Cole, Tom, OK, 4th
Conaway, K. Michael, TX, 11th
Conyers, John, Jr., MI, 14th
Cooper, Jim, TN, 5th
Costa, Jim, CA, 20th
Costello, Jerry F., IL, 12th
Courtney, Joe, CT, 2nd
Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr., AL, 5th
Crenshaw, Ander, FL, 4th
Crowley, Joseph, NY, 7th
Cubin, Barbara, WY, At Large
Cuellar, Henry, TX, 28th
Culberson, John Abney, TX, 7th
Cummings, Elijah E., MD, 7th
Davis, Danny K., IL, 7th
Davis, Geoff, KY, 4th
Davis, Susan A., CA, 53rd
Davis, Artur, AL, 7th
Davis, David, TN, 1st
Davis, Lincoln, TN, 4th
Davis, Jo Ann, VA, 1st
Davis, Tom, VA, 11th
Deal, Nathan, GA, 9th
DeFazio, Peter A., OR, 4th
DeGette, Diana, CO, 1st
Delahunt, William D., MA, 10th
DeLauro, Rosa L., CT, 3rd
Dent, Charles W., PA, 15th
Diaz-Balart, Mario, FL, 25th
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, FL, 21st
*****, Norman D., WA, 6th
Dingell, John D., MI, 15th
Doggett, Lloyd, TX, 25th
Donnelly, Joe, IN, 2nd
Doolittle, John T., CA, 4th
Doyle, Michael F., PA, 14th
Drake, Thelma D., VA, 2nd
Dreier, David, CA, 26th
Duncan, John J., Jr., TN, 2nd
Edwards, Chet, TX, 17th
Ehlers, Vernon J., MI, 3rd
Ellison, Keith, MN, 5th
Ellsworth, Brad, IN, 8th
Emanuel, Rahm, IL, 5th
Emerson, Jo Ann, MO, 8th
Engel, Eliot L., NY, 17th
English, Phil, PA, 3rd
Eshoo, Anna G., CA, 14th
Etheridge, Bob, NC, 2nd
Everett, Terry, AL, 2nd
Faleomavaega, Eni F. H., AS, Delegate
Fallin, Mary, OK, 5th
Farr, Sam, CA, 17th
Fattah, Chaka, PA, 2nd
Feeney, Tom, FL, 24th
Ferguson, Mike, NJ, 7th
Filner, Bob, CA, 51st
Flake, Jeff, AZ, 6th
Forbes, J. Randy, VA, 4th
Fortenberry, Jeff, NE, 1st
Fortuño, Luis G., PR, Resident Commissioner
Fossella, Vito, NY, 13th
Foxx, Virginia, NC, 5th
Frank, Barney, MA, 4th
Franks, Trent, AZ, 2nd
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., NJ, 11th
Gallegly, Elton, CA, 24th
Garrett, Scott, NJ, 5th
Gerlach, Jim, PA, 6th
Giffords, Gabrielle, AZ, 8th
Gilchrest, Wayne T., MD, 1st
Gillibrand, Kirsten E., NY, 20th
Gillmor, Paul E., OH, 5th
Gingrey, Phil, GA, 11th
Gohmert, Louie, TX, 1st
Gonzalez, Charles A., TX, 20th
Goode, Virgil H., Jr., VA, 5th
Goodlatte, Bob, VA, 6th
Gordon, Bart, TN, 6th
Granger, Kay, TX, 12th
Graves, Sam, MO, 6th
Green, Al, TX, 9th
Green, Gene, TX, 29th
Grijalva, Raúl M., AZ, 7th
Gutierrez, Luis V., IL, 4th
Hall, Ralph M., TX, 4th
Hall, John J., NY, 19th
Hare, Phil, IL, 17th
Harman, Jane, CA, 36th
Hastert, J. Dennis, IL, 14th
Hastings, Alcee L., FL, 23rd
Hastings, Doc, WA, 4th
Hayes, Robin, NC, 8th
Heller, Dean, NV, 2nd
Hensarling, Jeb, TX, 5th
Herger, Wally, CA, 2nd
Herseth, Stephanie, SD, At Large
Higgins, Brian, NY, 27th
Hill, Baron P., IN, 9th
Hinchey, Maurice D., NY, 22nd
Hinojosa, Rubén, TX, 15th
Hirono, Mazie K., HI, 2nd
Hobson, David L., OH, 7th
Hodes, Paul W., NH, 2nd
Hoekstra, Peter, MI, 2nd
Holden, Tim, PA, 17th
Holt, Rush D., NJ, 12th
Honda, Michael M., CA, 15th
Hooley, Darlene, OR, 5th
Hoyer, Steny H., MD, 5th
Hulshof, Kenny C., MO, 9th
Hunter, Duncan, CA, 52nd
Inglis, Bob, SC, 4th
Inslee, Jay, WA, 1st
Israel, Steve, NY, 2nd
Issa, Darrell E., CA, 49th
Jackson, Jesse L., Jr., IL, 2nd
Jackson-Lee, Sheila, TX, 18th
Jefferson, William J., LA, 2nd
Jindal, Bobby, LA, 1st
Johnson, Timothy V., IL, 15th
Johnson, Henry C. ``Hank'', Jr., GA, 4th
Johnson, Sam, TX, 3rd
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, TX, 30th
Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, OH, 11th
Jones, Walter B., NC, 3rd
Jordan, Jim, OH, 4th
Kagen, Steve, WI, 8th
Kanjorski, Paul E., PA, 11th
Kaptur, Marcy, OH, 9th
Keller, Ric, FL, 8th
Kennedy, Patrick J., RI, 1st
Kildee, Dale E., MI, 5th
Kilpatrick, Carolyn C., MI, 13th
Kind, Ron, WI, 3rd
King, Peter T., NY, 3rd
King, Steve, IA, 5th
Kingston, Jack, GA, 1st
Kirk, Mark Steven, IL, 10th
Klein, Ron, FL, 22nd
Kline, John, MN, 2nd
Knollenberg, Joe, MI, 9th
Kucinich, Dennis J., OH, 10th
Kuhl, John R. ``Randy'', Jr., NY, 29th
LaHood, Ray, IL, 18th
Lamborn, Doug, CO, 5th
Lampson, Nick, TX, 22nd
Langevin, James R., RI, 2nd
Lantos, Tom, CA, 12th
Larsen, Rick, WA, 2nd
Larson, John B., CT, 1st
Latham, Tom, IA, 4th
LaTourette, Steven C., OH, 14th
Lee, Barbara, CA, 9th
Levin, Sander M., MI, 12th
Lewis, Ron, KY, 2nd
Lewis, Jerry, CA, 41st
Lewis, John, GA, 5th
Linder, John, GA, 7th
Lipinski, Daniel, IL, 3rd
LoBiondo, Frank A., NJ, 2nd
Loebsack, David, IA, 2nd
Lofgren, Zoe, CA, 16th
Lowey, Nita M., NY, 18th
Lucas, Frank D., OK, 3rd
Lungren, Daniel E., CA, 3rd
Lynch, Stephen F., MA, 9th
McCarthy, Carolyn, NY, 4th
McCarthy, Kevin, CA, 22nd
McCaul, Michael T., TX, 10th
McCollum, Betty, MN, 4th
McCotter, Thaddeus G., MI, 11th
McCrery, Jim, LA, 4th
McDermott, Jim, WA, 7th
McGovern, James P., MA, 3rd
McHenry, Patrick T., NC, 10th
McHugh, John M., NY, 23rd
McIntyre, Mike, NC, 7th
McKeon, Howard P. ``Buck'', CA, 25th
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, WA, 5th
McNerney, Jerry, CA, 11th
McNulty, Michael R., NY, 21st
Mack, Connie, FL, 14th
Mahoney, Tim, FL, 16th
Maloney, Carolyn B., NY, 14th
Manzullo, Donald A., IL, 16th
Marchant, Kenny, TX, 24th
Markey, Edward J., MA, 7th
Marshall, Jim, GA, 8th
Matheson, Jim, UT, 2nd
Matsui, Doris O., CA, 5th
Meehan, Martin T., MA, 5th
Meek, Kendrick B., FL, 17th
Meeks, Gregory W., NY, 6th
Melancon, Charlie, LA, 3rd
Mica, John L., FL, 7th
Michaud, Michael H., ME, 2nd
Millender-McDonald, Juanita, CA, 37th
Miller, Gary G., CA, 42nd
Miller, George, CA, 7th
Miller, Jeff, FL, 1st
Miller, Candice S., MI, 10th
Miller, Brad, NC, 13th
Mitchell, Harry E., AZ, 5th
Mollohan, Alan B., WV, 1st
Moore, Gwen, WI, 4th
Moore, Dennis, KS, 3rd
Moran, Jerry, KS, 1st
Moran, James P., VA, 8th
Murphy, Tim, PA, 18th
Murphy, Patrick J., PA, 8th
Murphy, Christopher S., CT, 5th
Murtha, John P., PA, 12th
Musgrave, Marilyn N., CO, 4th
Myrick, Sue Wilkins, NC, 9th
Nadler, Jerrold, NY, 8th
Napolitano, Grace F., CA, 38th
Neal, Richard E., MA, 2nd
Neugebauer, Randy, TX, 19th
Norton, Eleanor Holmes, DC, Delegate
Office of the Tenth Congressional District of Georgia, GA, 10th
Nunes, Devin, CA, 21st
Oberstar, James L., MN, 8th
Obey, David R., WI, 7th
Olver, John W., MA, 1st
Ortiz, Solomon P., TX, 27th
Pallone, Frank, Jr., NJ, 6th
Pascrell, Bill, Jr., NJ, 8th
Pastor, Ed, AZ, 4th
Paul, Ron, TX, 14th
Payne, Donald M., NJ, 10th
Pearce, Stevan, NM, 2nd
Pelosi, Nancy, CA, 8th
Pence, Mike, IN, 6th
Perlmutter, Ed, CO, 7th
Peterson, Collin C., MN, 7th
Peterson, John E., PA, 5th
Petri, Thomas E., WI, 6th
Pickering, Charles W. ``Chip'', MS, 3rd
Pitts, Joseph R., PA, 16th
Platts, Todd Russell, PA, 19th
Poe, Ted, TX, 2nd
Pomeroy, Earl, ND, At Large
Porter, Jon C., NV, 3rd
Price, David E., NC, 4th
Price, Tom, GA, 6th
Pryce, Deborah, OH, 15th
Putnam, Adam H., FL, 12th
Radanovich, George, CA, 19th
Rahall, Nick J., II, WV, 3rd
Ramstad, Jim, MN, 3rd
Rangel, Charles B., NY, 15th
Regula, Ralph, OH, 16th
Rehberg, Dennis R., MT, At Large
Reichert, David G., WA, 8th
Renzi, Rick, AZ, 1st
Reyes, Silvestre, TX, 16th
Reynolds, Thomas M., NY, 26th
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, WA, 5th
Rodriguez, Ciro D., TX, 23rd
Rogers, Mike, AL, 3rd
Rogers, Mike, MI, 8th
Rogers, Harold, KY, 5th
Rohrabacher, Dana, CA, 46th
Roskam, Peter J., IL, 6th
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, FL, 18th
Ross, Mike, AR, 4th
Rothman, Steven R., NJ, 9th
Roybal-Allard, Lucille, CA, 34th
Royce, Edward R., CA, 40th
Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch, MD, 2nd
Rush, Bobby L., IL, 1st
Ryan, Tim, OH, 17th
Ryan, Paul, WI, 1st
Salazar, John T., CO, 3rd
Sali, Bill, ID, 1st
Sánchez, Linda T., CA, 39th
Sanchez, Loretta, CA, 47th
Sarbanes, John P., MD, 3rd
Saxton, Jim, NJ, 3rd
Schakowsky, Janice D., IL, 9th
Schiff, Adam B., CA, 29th
Schmidt, Jean, OH, 2nd
Schwartz, Allyson Y., PA, 13th
Scott, Robert C. ``Bobby'', VA, 3rd
Scott, David, GA, 13th
Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr., WI, 5th
Serrano, José E., NY, 16th
Sessions, Pete, TX, 32nd
Sestak, Joe, PA, 7th
Shadegg, John B., AZ, 3rd
Shays, Christopher, CT, 4th
Shea-Porter, Carol, NH, 1st
Sherman, Brad, CA, 27th
Shimkus, John, IL, 19th
Shuler, Heath, NC, 11th
Shuster, Bill, PA, 9th
Simpson, Michael K., ID, 2nd
Sires, Albio, NJ, 13th
Skelton, Ike, MO, 4th
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, NY, 28th
Smith, Lamar S., TX, 21st
Smith, Adam, WA, 9th
Smith, Adrian, NE, 3rd
Smith, Christopher H., NJ, 4th
Snyder, Vic, AR, 2nd
Solis, Hilda L., CA, 32nd
Souder, Mark E., IN, 3rd
Space, Zachary T., OH, 18th
Spratt, John M., Jr., SC, 5th
Stark, Fortney Pete, CA, 13th
Stearns, Cliff, FL, 6th
Stupak, Bart, MI, 1st
Sullivan, John, OK, 1st
Sutton, Betty, OH, 13th
Tancredo, Thomas G., CO, 6th
Tanner, John S., TN, 8th
Tauscher, Ellen O., CA, 10th
Taylor, Gene, MS, 4th
Terry, Lee, NE, 2nd
Thompson, Bennie G., MS, 2nd
Thompson, Mike, CA, 1st
Thornberry, Mac, TX, 13th
Tiahrt, Todd, KS, 4th
Tiberi, Patrick J., OH, 12th
Tierney, John F., MA, 6th
Towns, Edolphus, NY, 10th
Turner, Michael R., OH, 3rd
Udall, Tom, NM, 3rd
Udall, Mark, CO, 2nd
Upton, Fred, MI, 6th
Van Hollen, Chris, MD, 8th
Velázquez, Nydia M., NY, 12th
Visclosky, Peter J., IN, 1st
Walberg, Timothy, MI, 7th
Walden, Greg, OR, 2nd
Walsh, James T., NY, 25th
Walz, Timothy J., MN, 1st
Wamp, Zach, TN, 3rd
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, FL, 20th
Waters, Maxine, CA, 35th
Watson, Diane E., CA, 33rd
Watt, Melvin L., NC, 12th
Waxman, Henry A., CA, 30th
Weiner, Anthony D., NY, 9th
Welch, Peter, VT, At Large
Weldon, Dave, FL, 15th
Weller, Jerry, IL, 11th
Westmoreland, Lynn A., GA, 3rd
Wexler, Robert, FL, 19th
Whitfield, Ed, KY, 1st
Wicker, Roger F., MS, 1st
Wilson, Heather, NM, 1st
Wilson, Joe, SC, 2nd
Wilson, Charles A., OH, 6th
Wolf, Frank R., VA, 10th
Woolsey, Lynn C., CA, 6th
Wu, David, OR, 1st
Wynn, Albert Russell, MD, 4th
Yarmuth, John A., KY, 3rd
Young, Don, AK, At Large
Young, C. W. Bill, FL, 10th
2007-04-30 16:41:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous