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Every other question on here is about how great the pats are gunna be next year and with randy moss there going to be unstoppable. All these band wagon jumper New England fans are starting to get annoying and are coming from everywhere like cockroaches. I cant wait to see how bad Moss screws the pats next year and how bad they do as a team. Think about it Pat fans they signed a cry baby reciever who destroys teams two recievers who are never going to be starters Wes Welker and Kelly Washington, a reciever who gets hurt all the time Donte Stallworth and a linebacker who is old and past his prime. With all these pathetic moves you New England fans actually think you have a chance. Please wake up and smell the coffee there are so many other legitamite teams in the AFC that can beat the Patriots its not even funny. like I said earlier I CAN'T WAIT to see the patriots struggle to win this year. Forget the superbowl you guys should be more worried about winning your own division.

2007-04-30 14:41:23 · 23 answers · asked by scottnyj776 2 in Sports Football (American)

23 answers

nice waste of 5 pts....

2007-04-30 14:44:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

YES!! Randy Moss will do nothing but turn into a cancer in N.E.'s locker room. You are right, these Pats fans are coming out of nowhere and they are really annoying. 6 or 7 years ago, you had to look really hard to find one of the idiots and now THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!! But it's ok, I have a feeling that once Tom Lady and the rest of their lil boy toy Fakeriots start losing, those Pats fans will scatter back to the dark places like the lil cockroaches that they are!

2007-04-30 16:03:15 · answer #2 · answered by Ro Daddy 56 4 · 1 0

Was this a question, or a rant? The Pats are solid, and will do just fine, thanks. There are probably 2-3 teams in the AFC that could even contend with the Patriots. As for the AFC East, I hope you paid attention to the moves done by the Jets, Dolphins, etc... Complete crap.

2007-04-30 14:47:20 · answer #3 · answered by tommys_carwr 2 · 1 1

We at fantasy football wizard would like to take this time to invite you to cash in on this great offer.The first 25 fantasy mangers who contact us will get the entire 2007-2008 season FREE,Thats right FREE.We will do what no other fantasy sites have ever done, We will work with each team one on one from training camp to the Super Bowl. So what are you waitng for be one of the lucky ones. Just click on the link below to check us out,Let us help you dominate your league next year.


2007-04-30 15:56:25 · answer #4 · answered by theeewizard 1 · 0 0

top five crybabies

5.ryan leaf-he blamed others for his bust and it was all his fault where in the world was that ball going

4-pacman jones-just accept the fact you are done for the season stop trying to appeal thers a new sheriff in town

3peyton manning-he could literally throw to a defense on pourpose and blame his recivers look at his expressions evreyfailed down

2-randy moss-the patriots now have 12 recivers no offensive line moss will be traded in a year

1 terell owens-get your coach to quit tell players they are faking injuries i bet that hamstring is fine loser

2007-04-30 15:08:37 · answer #5 · answered by the dynamic 5 · 0 0

I do think the Pats are going all the way, but I'm not a fan. All these people bagging on Pats fans and Pats fans bragging for how good their team is need to stop acting like kindergarten school girls and know that you are making yourself look foolish and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.

2007-04-30 15:05:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The one that makes out on having Moss and Brady on the field will be...Stallworth,..1 on 1 Match ups with him,..and who ever is in at HB at the time,..on draw plays!

2007-04-30 15:01:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Seriously wake up fans you should never predict a season and super bowl winners before the season! think of injurys people!
It's true the pats are human too they do break bones like every other player in the NFL

2007-04-30 14:45:22 · answer #8 · answered by irulebabey 2 · 1 0

stupid pats. i really hope they don't win the AFC or the Super Bowl. Randy Moss is a punk. I hope he has a bad season.

2007-04-30 15:01:52 · answer #9 · answered by Chuck Briggs 4 · 1 0

Randy Moss isn't going to be that valuable.. Especially since he's 30 and more injury-prone. They can hope all they want though, they wont be much better (if any better) than last year.

2007-04-30 15:23:19 · answer #10 · answered by blondeskimo 1 · 0 0

i am. did they even need Randy Moss though when they had Wes Walker, Chad Jackson anbd DOnte Stallworth. To me it is stupid that the patriots got him

2007-04-30 14:46:00 · answer #11 · answered by S 3 · 1 0