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Between the draft and the offseason moves, I gotta say I think the Pats gotta be the odds on favorite to win the AFC.

And Brady is going to be my fantasy QB, no doubt about that. He had pretty damn good numbers with no name receivers.

Now he's got Wes Welker, Donte Stallworth, and Randy Moss. They're going to have a crazy good passing attack. $100 says Moss puts up the old kinda Moss #'s.

(i'm not a Pats fan either. I'm a lifetime Bears' fan.)

2007-04-30 13:56:13 · 10 answers · asked by Josh 3 in Sports Football (American)

10 answers

Not a Pats fan either, but they look REALLY good right now....you forgot Adalius Thomas on D for them, thats real big for them, they are going to be nasty!

2007-04-30 14:07:22 · answer #1 · answered by SportsFan 3 · 1 0

The pats will be good - no doubt about that - but I don't think he's going to thrive in the Patriots offense. Everywhere he's been, he thinks he should get the ball all the time. Brady is a master at spreading the ball around, and Moss isn't going to be OK with 3-4 catches a game. Stallworth is the same way - he went to the Patriots thinking he'd be the #1 guy (at least until his hammy gives out again). Think he's happy with the Moss trade? And neither one of them is willing to block for the running game - something Belichick won't tolerate.

If Brady & Belichick can get them thinking "team" before "me" like they did with Corey Dillon, they might be ok. But I honestly doubt that it will happen. There's a reason they could get a talent like that for only a 4th round pick -- he's unreliable and selfish, and I'll believe he's committed to winning instead of his own stats only when I see it.

So I guess I'd take that bet, if only because Brady's not just going to heave it into his double coverage just because Moss wants him to. That offense won't let him catch more than 75 passes this year.

As for the AFC title, I'd think the Colts are still the favorites. Patriots, Ravens and Chargers should all be pretty close, though.

2007-04-30 21:41:21 · answer #2 · answered by North tennis guy 2 · 1 0

I am a Patriots' fan so the individual whose avatar is "Chicken" is just 'blowing smoke up someone's backside.' But if you really want to know, it is presumptuous to even entertain thoughts that the Patriots' ticket to the Super Bowl in 2008 ' has already been punched' simply by the trades and draft choices that were made over this weekend.

There are many intangibles that factor into a Super Bowl winning season. The 1973 Super Bowl Miami Dolphins with their undefeated season had so many intangibles fall their way, there is no way to actually pin - point any one factor that benefited them.

Having two very talented receivers and a monster defensive lineman drafted will help the Patriots achieve that goal. They should and still could sign a monster offensive lineman to protect Tom Brady 's blind side, but I think he was already blind - sided this past November by a lady interest, but I will leave that story for another day. The Patriots may only be favored at this stage as the one team with the best weapons and organization and proverbially having
' the shortest path ' to the Super Bowl.

2007-04-30 21:32:40 · answer #3 · answered by pennstate fan 2 · 1 0

Im a die hard Bears fan too.

I dont think the Patriots have landed themselves in the Super Bowl, but I do think theyre the team to beat in the AFC, and locked up home field advantage when they got Welker and Stallworth. Now that they have Moss, they basically have a spot in the AFC Championship game. I do think that the Chargers can dethrone them, because they have more talent and LT. The Colts DID win the Super Bowl, I dont know why everyones forgetting about that, and guess who they got through to do it? Yeah. I still think the Patriots are the favorite in the AFC though.

2007-04-30 21:35:36 · answer #4 · answered by cold 6 · 1 0

Hey yo mister Chicken, go fry yourself. Pats have probably going to have the best 1-2 combination this year or maybe even the record. Brady with sucky receivers made it to the AFC Championships. Can you imagine them with Randy Moss or Stallworth or maybe even Welker. They also have a new defense person from the Raven. Thomas something. So yeah Super Bowl 42 is Pats year

P.S. Pats fan wooooooooooooooooooo!

2007-04-30 21:03:50 · answer #5 · answered by J-Mex 3 · 2 1

Pats prolly have the best coach and smartest management in the league great picks and trades in draft and YES I would bet on them bein in the superbowl!

2007-04-30 21:24:06 · answer #6 · answered by concerned Illinois 2 · 2 0

i love the pats, they are my fave nfl team. and yes they are in real good position with tom brady and randy moss together, it should be a good season, i hope. :)

2007-04-30 21:41:24 · answer #7 · answered by allyson m 2 · 2 0

HELL NO!!! The Fakeriots and their bandwagon fans SUCK A BIG LONG POLE!!!


2007-05-01 00:45:07 · answer #8 · answered by Ro Daddy 56 4 · 1 1

They haven't, Pats and their fans suck.

2007-04-30 21:00:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4


2007-04-30 21:12:02 · answer #10 · answered by JOSS 2 · 2 0