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16 answers

by the hour. if you work in the united states, you must be paid in money other than tips...now what some places do is..
-Say the pizza boy gets paid 3 dollars an hour
-But minimum wage is 5 dollars an hour
-If the pizza boy doesnt make enough tips to cover that 5 dollars minimum wage, papa johns has to pay him that extra 2 dollars.
-But if pizza boy makes a total of 20 dollars in tips, then papa johns will only have to pay him his 3 dollars.

2007-04-30 13:26:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a manager retiree and driver for 4 yrs. from Papa Johns, I can assure you that you are paid minimum wage plus tips. As an added bonus, you are also given milage and comission pay. The downside to this is the amount of miles you will put on your car. Unfortunately, P. J.'s doesn't pay for your gas or vehicle maintenance. You also have to have a good driving record and a vehicle that will pass your states inspection (if this is required in your state). Papa Johns also has it's own screening methods to assure safe vehicles. Even though the pay isn't much, I easily made over $50,000 in my first year!! Your pay is really based off you and the ppl you deliver to. If you give people a fast delivery, the better chance you have to get a big tip. (though their mood effects you tips too) (with even the worst of weeks, you will still have a small paycheck)

2007-04-30 17:42:28 · answer #2 · answered by acracker269 2 · 2 0

Yes but not as much. Exception is if the delivery charge is rather high, like more than say $5. The $2 does not go to the delivery guy directly, it goes to the store, which should turn around and use it as part of his salary. The tip itself will go to the delivery guy. z

2016-05-17 14:25:00 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

papa's john gets paid by the hr if you are adriver the same goes for taking orders off the phone and also the cooking.but the drivers are the one that makes the money because of the tips.

2007-04-30 13:18:04 · answer #4 · answered by rebelady28379 7 · 1 0

My cousin was a Pizza delivery boy most of his life, but he never quite grew out of it, because the fringe benefits and tips were that good.
I'd advise going to school at least to learn something else, or you may find yourself just like him- middle-aged, unemployed, with diabetes and high blood pressure.
Not a bad job if you like to drive around a lot. But driving around is what probably gave him all that.

2007-04-30 16:39:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

By the hour plus tips

2007-04-30 17:04:21 · answer #6 · answered by tc 2 · 0 0

they get paided by the hour plus tips

2007-04-30 14:18:46 · answer #7 · answered by dicks 2 · 0 0

hmm. I would have to say by the hour but you have to be promoted to drive the car. about a 50 cent raise

2007-04-30 14:09:12 · answer #8 · answered by mymy knows best =] 2 · 0 0

I think they actually get paid by the delivery, but it isn't very much.

2007-04-30 13:16:34 · answer #9 · answered by tazzlair 2 · 0 0

I am sure they get a little pay and tthe tips is part of what they will be making .

2007-04-30 13:48:55 · answer #10 · answered by nena_en_austin 5 · 0 0