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Just how many scientist can the oil companies pay off?

2007-04-30 10:24:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Neddie did you even click on the link? Come on why not take a look at what you are blindly defending.

2007-04-30 10:39:07 · update #1

15 answers

Alot.They have been having record profits these last few quarters.

2007-04-30 10:28:46 · answer #1 · answered by Stephanie is awesome!! 7 · 1 4

What I saw when I clicked on the links for signatures was countless PhDs. PhDs are not indicative of anything. For all I know, all these professors are creationist professors at bible colleges. What I also saw at your link was a report saying the high CO2 levels will be good because there will be more plants.

Hopefully there will be more plants, since we don't know what's happening to our bees and we'll have many fewer plants without them.

This doesn't address rising water levels which are already driving people from their homes and are threatening 400 tigers in the bay of bengal with drowning, a rather quick extinction from global warming. The mass murder in Darfur is the result of global warming drying up the water supply of arab tribes who are now slaughtering the african tribes for their wells. The hurricanes are worse and more frequent and the tornadoes are as well. Our weather has gone insane, wearing shorts on christmas, coats on easter, and experiencing every season several times a week all through 'winter.'

The fish aren't running at the Outer Banks like the used to, because the water never gets cold enough to drive them out of the bay. Meanwhile, the water is getting less salty and changing the current.

What I also saw was that this report is from a group, the george marshall group, that takes funding from the extreme right wing Scaife and from Exxon. Not exactly unbiased.

Another thing I never see addressed by people such as yourself, who, I believe, are arguing against their own survival, is the horrific damage burning fossil fuels is doing to air quality and human health.

This link contains a document that says burning fossil fuels is a boon for all mankind and is making everyone more prosperous and healthy. THat's a sick joke, nothing more. Coal companies are ripping the tops of mountains and dumping the debris in streams all over appalachia. Did you know this? The air quality in Bejing is so bad that people don't go out somedays. Are you aware the cancers in america are much higher around refineries? Asthmas are skyrocketing.

I don't have asthma, but in the high summer, I can't go outside near the nation's capital without getting chest pains. The air quality is abysmal.

So, as you embrace the people who are doing this to you and to me, I just wonder what on earth motivates people to embrace their killers.

The consequences are so grave to this problem that it behooves you to give the benefit of the doubt to people who are very reputable and saying it is happening.

Have you even seen Al Gore's movie? This science isn't his, though he wrote a book Earth in The Balance a very long time ago. He's cared about this a long time.
So have many people. It's not about Gore, Ignore Al Gore. Think about our own pentagon saying England may go into a deep freeze in the next few years because of global warming's impact on the gulf stream. Think about NASA's alarm about global warming. Think about the Bush administration forcing silence upon the NASA scientists so severely that one actually complained that he felt like he was in Nazi Germany. Breathtaking language for a NASA scientist. Why? Why is he so upset?

Why aren't you?

You are, comrade, failing your fellow citizens, failing the whole world.

2007-04-30 14:36:29 · answer #2 · answered by cassandra 6 · 0 0

This statement from your site "There are no experimental data to support the hypothesis that increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause catastrophic changes in global temperatures or weather. To the contrary, during the 20 years with the highest carbon dioxide levels, atmospheric temperatures have decreased" is patently false.

There IS experimental data to support the hypothesis, and the second statement is an outright lie. The author cannot even twist the data to wring out his lie--he must simply state the negation of what the data indicate.

As for all these signers--how interesting. It astonishes me there could be this many highly educated, deceived souls. This matter bears much further looking into.

I know El Cajon, California (near La Jolla) is home to the Creation Research Institute, which collects the names of hundreds of scientists who deny evolution. Your list is far bigger and more impressive than their puny, dinky list.

2007-04-30 10:59:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So, according to the study, if global warming is not man-made, does that change the fact that the planet IS, in fact experiencing warming? Even if we are coming off of a "mini ice-age," polar ice caps are melting which will eventually lead to desalinization and rising sea levels. As well as the potential loss of thousands of species of plants and animals that cannot tolerate the hotter temperatures.

This does not even take into account the brown cloud that hangs over urban areas where child and adult ailments like asthma are ever-increasing. I see it ever day as I drive to work, a literal brown cloud over the city.

So, if we were to concede that global warming is a part of earth's cycle, does that change the fact that various forms of pollution are present in all aspects of life? And should it further exclude humans from being mindful of the pollutants they contribute, even if it could be unequivocally proved that humans have no hand in global warming?

Some people really miss the boat when it comes to protecting the planet.

2007-04-30 10:49:59 · answer #4 · answered by genmalia 3 · 0 1

The "man made" global warming theory has been proven wrong.

It is funny that "global warming" theorists just blindly follow what Gore says. Even many IPCC members disagree with the theory.

Here are Phds that disagree with the global warming theory:

It is now known that the sun is causing the global warming. All of the planets in the solar system have global warming, including Pluto(which is no longer called a planet).

NASA data shows temperatures have only increased by 0.65 of a degree in the last 100 years.

More facts here:
Now That The Global Warming Theory Has Been Proven Wrong, Will Future Generations Blindly Trust Scientists?

Pluto has global Warming.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/02/070228-mars-warming.html

Jupiter: New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change

2007-04-30 10:29:14 · answer #5 · answered by a bush family member 7 · 1 3

This says it all:

"To be sure, CO2 levels have increased substantially since the Industrial Revolution, and are expected to continue doing so. It is reasonable to believe that humans have been responsible for much of this increase. But the effect on the environment is likely to be benign. Greenhouse gases cause plant life, and the animal life that depends upon it, to thrive. What mankind is doing is liberating carbon from beneath the Earth's surface and putting it into the atmosphere, where it is available for conversion into living organisms."

2007-04-30 10:46:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eventually the fact that we had a bunch of people on research grants running around pushing a platform that they could sell books, movies and speaking engagements with, would be called.

If a person actually looks at all the info you will know, there is some warming, and you will know the scientists pushing man made global warming are pushing the data that only shows their agenda.

2007-04-30 10:35:17 · answer #7 · answered by sociald 7 · 3 1

That petition is 6 years old. Also, the 17,000 signatories includes about only 200 people actually involved in the field of climatology.

2007-04-30 10:51:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Because, REAL scientists will not spew the anti-capitalist, pro-socialist nonsense perpetrated by Mr. Ozone-head Algore, and the rest of the "we worship the creation instead of the Creator" morons.

God bless Big Oil!!!!! They create a product that has enhanced, and continues to enhance the lives of everyone.

2007-04-30 10:41:53 · answer #9 · answered by phil c 2 · 2 1

We will never get an honest answer on this and alot of issues. Simply because there will always be the self interest motive generated by our money culture.
If you want honest answers to issues, and if you genually want to enable your ability to deal with them. Then we first have to deal with the money issue.
Money. We have to get rid of it. No trade , no barter. We simply except that to live life as we do requires a little work. And for our efforts. We get to take what we please.

2007-04-30 10:48:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Meanwhile, the oil companies still only make $.9 to the gallon. Some profits. :/

Anyway, if you'll notice, we've got many more experts now testifying to the FACT that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.

2007-04-30 10:36:26 · answer #11 · answered by Firestorm 6 · 1 2

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