You could have just said, "Im not interested", then close the door.
2007-04-30 08:59:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think I can understand why you reacted like that. Obviously you were quite shocked at seeing them at your door. And reacted without thinking!
Your right it is very rude for them to continue to knock when you've quite obviously closed the door.
Retrospect is a wonderful thing and I'm sure if it was to ever happen again you'll be prepared to deal with it!
2007-04-30 21:33:06
answer #2
answered by pamela p 2
This questioner behaved strangely, and it would seem that the visitors at his door were well-founded in their human concern for this householder. A few words of explanation would have made this situation easier for everyone.
At times, a question such as this will elicit dozens and dozens of elaborate schemes to spare a householder an unwanted conversation with Jehovah's Witness door-to-door ministers.
All such schemes are a complete and utter waste of time!
Many of your neighbors have figured it out, and it's really quite simple:
1. Open the door
2. Smile (optional)
3. Ask "Jehovah's Witness?"
4. Receive affirmation
5. Say, "Thank you, but I'm not interested"
6. Gently close the door (slamming is rude, but your prerogative)
Please recognize that Jehovah's Witnesses are not primarily interested in converts, but in working to obey Jesus' command to preach (Matt 24:14; Matt 28:19,20).
Learn more:
2007-04-30 10:44:38
answer #3
answered by achtung_heiss 7
I do it all the time. They are freaking anoying especially when they come knocking in the morning. I used to be a JW but I left about 5 years ago and its been great...LOL. But if you feel awful about shutting the door on their faces then just politely say "no thank you" and close the door (sometimes it won't work so just make up a good excuse). Keep in mind...if you say no and be polite to them, they sometimes talk bad about you and how your mind is being control by satan and other stuff. so either way....don't feel any guilt when saying no to them in either way.
2007-04-30 09:06:48
answer #4
answered by Mr. Anonymous 1
Personally I think it probably would've been a bit nicer if you hadn't slammed the door but it was quite rude of them to keep knocking... I believe that every one has the right to their own beliefs but I hate it when people try to convince you to join theirs. It's a free world and we're intelligent enough to know when a belief appeals to us or not! no need for missionaries I think! so, on the whole, although I'm against being rude, I agree with you.
2007-04-30 09:04:28
answer #5
answered by treeskylondon 2
Oh, no! I would feel awful. I would've said, "I'm sorry, I can't talk right now." Then shut the door. Yes, you were a tad rude, but when they keep knocking they're being rude too. Tough situation.
2007-04-30 09:14:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with those who said that you should just say, "sorry, not interested, thank you" and close the door. I've never had any problem with any religious caller when I say that.
By the way, I once had Jehovah's Witnesses call on CHRISTMAS morning! Talk about optimistic!!
2007-04-30 09:37:26
answer #7
answered by chip2001 7
people of religion commonly do no longer issue approximately others of religion, even whilst that faith is stated as some thing else with differing ideals. That they are able to handle because it centres them greater on their very own faith. yet, those without faith are the people they concern as they can't administration them with their very own ideals or fears interior of their ideals. they are able to't do or say issues to an atheist which will remember to the atheist, they are able to't blame their god. Nor can they use their god to intimidate us into their way of thinking.
2016-12-28 05:21:40
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Smile, politely tell them you're not interested, and shut the door. That solves the problem without being rude. If they keep knocking, then at that point they're being rude and trespassing. At that point, you can inform them that they can escort themselves off or be escorted off.
That's how you can avoid it without being rude. Most likely they'd pressure you to allow them to speak (most missionaries would), but on your property, you're in control and can terminate the discussion at any time.
2007-04-30 09:03:26
answer #9
answered by Innokent 4
People who come knocking, be they Jehovah's Witnesses, politicos or people selling pegs, are intruding into your space. They expect to be rebuffed because they know they're imposing on you. Having been rebuffed, the unwelcome knocker who keeps on knocking, is bullying you and deserves a rude response. Jehovah's Witnesses keep on because it's 'for your own good' (and probably earns them brownie points with God).
One way to deal with the situation is to say firmly, "No thank you, I have my own strongly held beliefs and I don't discuss them." Another is to say, "Not today, thank you." and firmly close the door.
2007-04-30 09:06:56
answer #10
answered by pearldaisy 5
They were rude to knock again after you slammed the door. Don't sweat it, they are used to people not listening to what they have to say. At least you didn't come to the door in a sexy nightgown! LOL.
2007-04-30 09:00:08
answer #11
answered by BAnne 7