I started dating this girl who was just extremely hot!! I really like her!
She admited to me that she was a virgin and I was floored! I was raised with good morals, I dont want to have sex with her and be her first, cause Im not ready to get married... but I dont want anyone else to have her either..
Im 22 and shes 19 she was away at all girls boarding school and she said the idea of actually dating guys never crossed her mind, until she met me, she tells all her friends shes besotted with me, I love her too, we've been dating for almost 8 months.. and we just started getting sexual.. I knew when I first met her she wasnt a girl to mess around but it never crossed my mind she was a virgin!!
What should I do, like I said I cant bear to let her go... and I do want to have sex with her she tries to seduce me all the time she says shes ready, but I cant just do that to her like that. She tells me she loves me and trusts me enough to know shes ready!!
aggh what can I do?
12 answers
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No im not a virgin, but Ive never messed with one before and I know to sleep with her I dont have to marry her, but thats just how much I care about her to want to do the right thing for her..
07:07:33 ·
update #1
Does she say she expects to marry the first guy she sleeps with, or are you putting that pressure on yourself?
If you think she's the one, you could always go for an extended engagement. I know several people who have actually waited for marriage, and there isn't anything wrong with that.
If the bigger issue is that you just don't want to get married and she does, then you have to be strong enough to walk away. If you aren't ready to commit to her you need to let her find someone who will.
Good luck to both of you.
2007-04-30 07:11:56
answer #1
answered by Firespider 7
If you dont wnat to until ur married and u dont want to loose her but ur not ready for marriage...
tell her...
let her know u care and u love her but marriage just isnt right there yet -- after a while ull know if u want to marry her or not -- and then make that decision
nice to know some people still have morals
2007-04-30 14:06:47
answer #2
answered by Amanda 5
There is nothing more annoying than a person who defines "good morals" entirely in terms for sexual chastity.
Having sex with her is not "doing a bad thing to her." At least SHE doesn't see it that way. Get over yourself and your archaic thinking, or let her go find someone willing to treat her like an adult capable of making her own decisions.
2007-04-30 14:06:49
answer #3
answered by x 7
Don't let her pressure you if your not ready. Do what you think is right. Most people don't wait for marriage anymore. Alot of people, like me, wait for love. If you love her and think you are ready to handle all of the possible consequences that can come with sex then go for it.
2007-04-30 14:05:00
answer #4
answered by crazy_for_writing 4
This is love your talking about... I've been through a couple and there's no right or wrong. If she think she's ready and you think your ready then take a step forward. If you really love you then what are you worring about. (You can feel it, if your not ready for it.)
2007-04-30 14:08:02
answer #5
answered by Mai N 1
Let nature take it's course. Shall I take a stab in the park and guess you are a virgin to? For a 22 year old, you're asking some rather high school age questions.
2007-04-30 14:05:50
answer #6
answered by Dr. E. Bunny A.K.A. Andy. 7
You're both adults, you'll both have to make a mature decision regarding this, no one can tell you what to, so you'll have to decide what's best for the both of you.
2007-04-30 14:05:24
answer #7
answered by Diamond24 5
What makes you think you have to marry her just because you take her virginity? This isn't medieval times, dude, get over it and give her what she wants. Someone's gotta do it or she's going to be celibate for the rest of her life, why shouldn't it be with you?
2007-04-30 14:05:21
answer #8
answered by funnygrrl19 6
Wait a year. (to the year mark in your relationship) If you both still want to do it, make it special and just do it.
2007-04-30 14:03:43
answer #9
answered by Logan and Ella's Mommy 7
If she is ready and you want to do then do it. I like what this guy above me said. LoL!
2007-04-30 14:02:55
answer #10
answered by K~E~G 5