Basically the sound.
2007-04-30 05:29:58
answer #1
answered by Malfoy vs Potter 5
i luv rap music and thats all i listen too. and fo yall infomation some rap songs do hav a meaning to it like lil boosie- u dont know my struggle. and some other songs by lil boosie do be telling a story in it. and rap music do be true most of the time. they just talkin bout wat they know and what they been thu in life. and some ppl do relate to it. rappers just tryin to make it in life, they have music to focus on instead of bein out on the street stealin or sellin drugs. i give props to rappers.and if there was only one type of music then the would would be borin and dumb. errbody goin round listenin to the same stuff. that would suck.i luv rap muzic and forget all yall hatas talkin it down and hatin on it. like khia said "i be hata walkin an all deez ho*s" and i got my hata blockas on cuz hatas cant see this.
2007-05-03 23:59:57
answer #2
answered by i_rep_texas_ave 3
I admit there must be a market for it , but I don't like the sound or the lyrics and just feel it's an outlet for entertainers with no musical ability or talent .
2007-04-30 12:26:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
- Rap music has a tendency to sample or rip-off other music
- All the lyrics are about being a gangster, pimping, ho's, capping motherf**kers, etc...
- The beat sucks
It just sucks all the way around
2007-04-30 12:26:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I hate rap songs that don`t really have a point, or a story, or something that isn`t just repeating a few words over and over to annoy the fúck out of you. I like the beat, however.
a.k.a. cash money....
so dà mn annoying,
2007-04-30 12:20:21
answer #5
answered by tn5421 3
It's SUCKS! Rap "artist" have NO TALENT WHATSOEVER!
Their "lyrics" have NO meaning to them. They call girls B-words and hoes. Great, I really wanna listen to THAT stuff. Music? What music? A turn-table? To me that doesn't qualify has music. So, to some it up, to be a rapper, you don't need talent. All you need is grills and baggy clothes. It's stupid!
2007-04-30 13:56:56
answer #6
answered by ♥ 3
Not all rap is bad..I do however have a problem with..every other word being get your word across..need to expand on their vacbulary..
2007-04-30 12:26:31
answer #7
answered by Gargirl™® 6
It is about the lyrics,and as a mother of two young kids,my kids don't need to be hearing stuff about cop killers,calling disrespecting women etc......My kids are listening to oldies & motown just like me,and they love it!
2007-04-30 12:22:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's a trend that simply means nothing. They talk to a backbeat and think they are hot stuff. They are just plain sick. Get a life rappers.
2007-04-30 19:09:21
answer #9
answered by Joseph C 2
you know what- I LOVE HIP HOP I can't NOT move when a song comes on- I catch **** at work for it all the time- AND i do not care, it's better than that crap where the guys are screaming for no reason- so I just had to say that I love it...thanks!
2007-04-30 12:24:45
answer #10
answered by Sweetness 2