ooh. ouch. i dontknow how to answer this. ummm...even tho alot of people say its wrong...people still do it! so if they can do it...u can do it.
i dont think its right tho...but what i think shouldnt stop u
2007-04-29 20:38:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Continue to love each other as cousins, and great friends, but STOP any romantic notions now, before you, your cousin, and your families get hurt. It may not cause any defects in any future children (just in case the romance lasts) but, on the off chance that you might breed a disabled child, while it's still in your power to prevent this, please do.!
2007-04-30 03:37:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Um, how have you not met your cousin until now?
You could get married in Utah:
"Cousin Marriage: Yes, with limitations. First cousins who are 65 years of age or older can marry without consent. First cousins who are 55 years of age or older will need to provide to the district court that they are incapable of reproduction before receiving consent to marry. "
2007-04-30 03:35:19
answer #3
answered by cuddles 4
No one said you have to get married. Just go for it!
2007-04-30 15:03:47
answer #4
answered by riodejaneirofun 6
hmmm..... alot of questions I'm just not sure about tonight....
anyway.... if she's your 1st or 2nd cousin, strike the thought from your mind....
If she's your 3rd cousin....do some serious considering.
If she's your 4th cousin.... I guess its ok, but I still think its wierd.
2007-04-30 03:35:30
answer #5
answered by Heather 3
Forget about it. Move on. I am assuming you are young (possibly teens?) which makes me think (and probably correctly) that it's just hormones. Don't do anything stupid due to those.
2007-04-30 03:36:33
answer #6
answered by Logan and Ella's Mommy 7
2- 3 days together and you know you are PERFECT for each other, hmmm...not too many branches on your family tree already it seems
2007-04-30 03:39:30
answer #7
answered by Ta Dah! 6
First of all, just imagine, you wouldnt want your ex to always show up at family gatherings.
2007-04-30 03:47:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
its actually legal in some statesâ¥but its not a good idea on so many levels...
2007-04-30 03:34:47
answer #9
answered by just peachy 6
if your from new zealand it's all good
love all the way
i am in love with my mum
2007-04-30 03:36:24
answer #10
answered by STEV0 4