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He says that now that he is a Patriot, that fans have only seen a glimpse of what he's capable of. Do you think he'll go off in the NE offense? Maybe he'll get 2000 yards this year, or more!! He did a private workout for both Green Bay AND New England, as part of pre-draft trade talk, and he ran a 4.29 40 yard dash! That is Deion Sanders speed, folks! Randy is 30, but he can still run like a cheetah!!!

2007-04-29 19:24:34 · 13 answers · asked by snafu1 2 in Sports Football (American)

13 answers

Yeah, he will have a better year this year than he did in Oakland, but that is not saying much. Remember, Stallworth, and Welker are there now. Brady will want to spread the ball around like he always does. Also, NE loves the screen pass to the RB so that will give Maroney a couple of touches. I don't think Moss will have the type of season he had in Minnesota simply because it is not the type of offense. I give him 1-1 1/2 years of average numbers then he will go Terrell Owens on Brady and Belicheck and he will be off to another team.

BTW, why are all these fans claiming that NE will win the SB now that they have Moss and they signed all these other players. Hasn't anybody been watching the Redskins for the past 8 years? How about the Yankees? Money doesn't win titles, the team does.

2007-04-29 19:54:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Deion Sanders actually ran a 4.19 which is just insane. A little know fact about Deion he ran a 40 yard dask in 4.7 backwards.

I think Moss will be a good fit for two reasons. #1 Bill Belicheck and Scott Pioli think it's a good fit. Those guys time after time are right. Remember when they took a chance on Corey Dillion? He was like a boy scout on the pats. #2 the leadership the Patriots have. Months ago when talks of Moss coming to New England they interveiwed players like Rodney Harrison and Teddy Brewski. Harrison said something like "If Moss comes here he's gonna shut his mouth and play. He will not mess up this teams chemistry. It almost sounded like a threat, LOL.

As far as him having a good season. I think if he stays healthy he will do great. I also believe his presance on the field will do more for the rest of the offense. You have to double cover a WR as talented as Randy Moss or he will burn ya. That will Leave Stallworth or Caldwell one on one with a corner. That will also leave Wes Welker, Troy Brown, Ben Watson, or Jabar Gaffney one on one with either a nickle, saftey ,or linebacker. Not to mention on third downs teams will have to cover a guy like kevin Faulk catching passes from the back field with a linebacker. Moss will help this team more then his number show.

2007-04-30 07:28:18 · answer #2 · answered by Jim E 2 · 0 0

I think Tom Brady might be the happiest man in the world right now. To have Randy Moss, the best WR to ever play college football and one of the top 5 WRs in the history of the NFL, its like Christmas in April. Brady DID like to spread the ball around because he never had a true #1 WR to go to in clutch situations. This coming year Brady will attempt more bombs of about 50 yards or more than he has in his life. And Belichick is gonna take some shot down the field this year. Teams are use to the Pats running the ball, dumping little screen passes and some short stuff to the WRs. But when you got a 6'4 guy that runs in the 4.3 range, you cant help but send him deep a few times a game. The Pats are saying all the right things in public, but they have to be fired up in the locker room. Some predictions for Moss this year:about 105 catches, 1550 yards, and 15 TDs.

2007-04-30 03:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by FDub 4 · 0 0

Randy Moss still has some gas in the tank especially when he's going to a team with a real good shot at winning and one of the most accurate QBs to ever play the game and this one season alone tom brady and randy moss might put up some of the best numbers the nfl has ever seen.

2007-04-30 03:47:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"he ran a 4.29 40 yard dash"

ACTUALLY, there is no confirmation that he really did this, it was mentioned, but it is as of yet just a rumor, and if you have seen him play in the past 2 seasons you would know that's highly unlikely... Even when he was finishing up in Minnesota he wasn't running that fast, and you do't get faster WITH age...

I think he will do better than in Oakland, but i mean, who wouldn't? pick any WR that wasn't drafted plug him into that slot and watch him become a decent producer... Tom Brady and the New Engladn Offense (And Defense) is a great cushion for ANYONE to step into...

I expect he will probably produce near his stats from Minnesota, but i don't think it will be possible to credit it directly to him...

"the Yankees"

Actually the Yankees did buy themselves a championship =p

2007-04-30 03:10:56 · answer #5 · answered by Eric S 2 · 0 0

Randy wanted to go the the Raiders at first didn't do a thing there. Just like Keyshawn said Moss isn't worth a pack of bubble gum!

2007-04-30 02:59:25 · answer #6 · answered by popejayp 2 · 0 0

There is only one thing left to do and that is to go ahead and put the rings on the Patriots fingers. This will be a season of record-shattering stats for the Pats offense.

2007-04-30 03:05:28 · answer #7 · answered by Swillican 1 · 0 0

Moss still has skills in my opinion... he must be well rested since he didn't do jack kr@p in Oaktown. He has a poor attitude and I gotta agree with your first reply "that's a sore loser in my book"
However, you're right, he is very fast still and being in NE will probably get him on the right track (he better!)... his team mates and coach won't put up with his ***** made attitude!
I think he'll do good for them. Although, they didn't really need him (IMHO), they were already loaded and will be tougher to beat this year!

2007-04-30 03:42:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I sure hope he does and if not just the respect he will receive from opposing defences will open up holes for who ever is 2nd, 3rd, 4th ..... receiver. Anything over 700 yards and 5 TDs is better than last year from the best receiver on NE roster.

2007-04-30 08:09:12 · answer #9 · answered by thedane2373 1 · 0 0

I think all of Patriots Nation is holding its collective breath right now, hoping he behaves, plays well, etc. The guy has top level skills but the Pats need to keep his head on straight.

2007-04-30 10:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by Jim G 7 · 0 0

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