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I do not know his address but only know his mobile no & name. He has taken some money from me The mobile has become invalid i.e. permanently out of service I know his vehicle no and do not know any thing apart from this I contacted the airtel cc to give the address but in vain and also contacted the rto to give the address but in vain can you suggest

2007-04-29 19:06:29 · 6 answers · asked by ROOPA G 1 in Local Businesses India Bangalore

6 answers

Sorry Ms. Roopa,

To know that, both the mobile service provider and RTO did not, responding your grievances. As the mobile service itself become invalid, there is no point in Approaching " Airtel " again, as they need, an FIR filed a nearest Police station, and get instruction from them, to provide the details, and the address. Here again there is every possibility, that the person, might have given a wrong address.

As, you know his vehicle number, approach now the RTO where the vehicle is registered. First two digits are indicates the exact RTO, where it is registered. Now as per " Karnataka Transparency act " you have every rights to get the details, with in prescribed time limit, for a fee. The fees depending upon the number of pages the information contain. Fill the form, mention that you need the address of the owner of that particular vehicle ( even if he has sold it by now, all history of vehicle, will be with them), along with prescribed fee. ( in your case it should be only Rs 50 - 100 ). Collect a receipt given by them, where they indicate, when can you come and collect the information. I reiterate, as per the Act , they are not suppose to refuse your request, and it has to be provided, within shortest possible time, say 15 days - 30 days Maximum. Even now the ownership has changed, i contain the previous who sold it to him, i.e., person you are searching.

In my opinion and experience, it is very easy to find him through a common friend, or a known person. You must be knowing at least one or two of his Friends. You being a Lady, and have lost some money, certainly they come to your rescue.

I do not recommend, our traditional Indian lady to enter a police station. If the amount is small, then better to forget about it. But if it is really huge, in your opinion, and if you feel, you want that person to contact irrespective of reasons. you have no other option, other than mentioned above. Good luck.

2007-04-30 16:19:56 · answer #1 · answered by manjunath_empeetech 6 · 0 0


2016-04-26 00:04:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Try ppl u knw!i got sum1s house no once buy asking a guy who i didnt knw very well,to check out details thru a major gas company who have a database,also sum major companies or phone supplierz av a directory where u cn type d name n details cm up accordin2 da area, or try d police bribe em then theyl av contacts!BUT Y TRUST SUM1 U HARDLY KNW.hope info is helpful.

2007-05-02 08:41:54 · answer #3 · answered by SARAH 2 · 0 0

hey roopa..karan here..if u want to track the person down and all efforts have gone in vain then u have to go to the cops..if u know anybody who knows a cop then its good..otherwise u have to go to the cops and hope to get some kind of approval from them..only then will the rto or the cell phone company do something abt it..if u dont get the cops approval then u will find it really difficult..and when ur in the cops station go directly to the commissioner..if he aint there then u have to wait for him..dont even bother wasting ur time with the other cops..only the commissioner or assistant commissioner can help u out..hope this helps u out..anyway my id is kvs008@yahoo.co.in..leave me an offline and let me know if it helps ya..cya..

2007-04-29 19:20:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u can search on BSNL or MTNL Website with searchin by his surname. If u r staying in non metro city and if u know his address then this will 100% Works. I had founds 100s of customer who ran away and not paid of my bank.

Well i am working in collection field. if u want u can give that case to me also , i will collect the money, but will have my share , lol.

2007-05-03 13:31:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know that numbers of cell phones or landlines get recycled by the phone companies if they have been in arrears or cancelled.
You might have better luck with the house number or previous address instead.

2007-04-29 19:15:27 · answer #6 · answered by QuiteNewHere 7 · 0 0

See -- https://backgroundreports.im/phonelookup

2016-03-15 16:26:32 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0