No, not if there is plenty of other air to breath. Once knew a young lady who could do tunes and she would entertain us about two hours after an unusually large helping of her mom's home made baked beans. It was a good time when grandpa started keeping time. That family had what some called a talent for keeping others amused.
2007-04-29 18:45:54
answer #1
answered by MT C 6
The fart it is a wondrous thing that's made inside your belly,
It comes out of your bottom and is often very smelly.
Now, everybody does them, from beggars through to queens
And you can do some beauties when you've been eating beans!
So don't worry about those rumblings,
Be proud of all your trumps!
But remember, if you strain too hard
Your farts come out as lumps!
2007-04-29 16:45:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When do girls fart? That should be a question because I cant recall any girl Ive seen ever passing gas. Also im being serious I have seen grown woman release it but no girls in school do they release it and blame it on someone else. I shall investigate into this further on monday.
2007-04-29 16:41:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
lol...that's cute Meliss. I guess I should be answering your question but I logged on to answers to get to 360 to see your new blog. I wanted to say hi, how was your weekend?
I still turn on the shower to go poop and then get in the shower, lol..... I'm shy. ;) Or I wait for him to go to work. I guess that's to much info for the world to know. Just expressing my thoughts on how girls are somehow not supposed to fart or poop because men think it is like un-lady like or something? LOL.... ok I'm off to your site I will shut my mouth now, talk to you later girly. sweet dreams.
2007-04-29 16:56:19
answer #4
answered by imissrascal 3
For what?
What exactly are you cleaning your pipes for?
Let's just be honest her.
You like the sinister joy of expressing yourself this way.
2007-04-29 18:08:52
answer #5
answered by LORD Z 7
LMAO, you silly wench! girls should NOT fart where i can hear/smell it! used to work w/ a bunch of fine, pretty, young honies, in N.C., and they told me, when they had to fart, they would go walk around to a part of the room where no customers/co-workers were, and let 'em rip!
2007-04-29 19:07:18
answer #6
answered by Berkly M 4
No, but I have yet to witness a girl fart.
2007-04-29 16:30:37
answer #7
answered by Trick of the Tail 4
Haha yes it does bother me I mean I don't do that in public and I would hope they have the same curtesy. If I knew them it would be as bad wwe could laugh about it
2007-04-29 16:32:23
answer #8
answered by rayda1009 5
Not really. It only bothers me when (female or male) let a silent one go in my presense and it's a cow gagger! I mean, come on, a little warning would be nice.
2007-04-29 16:32:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
burp or fart why not the saying goes its better to burp and taste it than it is to fart and waste it . ripper skipper.
2007-04-29 17:52:49
answer #10
answered by william w 5